#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import argparse import math import os import os.path import re import subprocess import sys # Runs the benchmarks. # # It runs several benchmarks across several languages. For each # benchmark/language pair, it runs a number of trials. Each trial is one run of # a single benchmark script. It spawns a process and runs the script. The # script itself is expected to output some result which this script validates # to ensure the benchmark is running correctly. Then the benchmark prints an # elapsed time. The benchmark is expected to do the timing itself and only time # the interesting code under test. # # This script then runs several trials and takes the best score. (It does # multiple trials to account for random variance in running time coming from # OS, CPU rate-limiting, etc.) It takes the best time on the assumption that # that represents the language's ideal performance and any variance coming from # the OS will just slow it down. # # After running a series of trials the benchmark runner will compare all of the # language's performance for a given benchmark. It compares by running time # and score, which is just the inverse running time. # # For Wren benchmarks, it can also compare against a "baseline". That's a # recorded result of a previous run of the Wren benchmarks. This is useful -- # critical, actually -- for seeing how Wren performance changes. Generating a # set of baselines before a change to the VM and then comparing those to the # performance after a change is how we track improvements and regressions. # # To generate a baseline file, run this script with "--generate-baseline". WREN_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) WREN_BIN = os.path.join(WREN_DIR, 'bin') BENCHMARK_DIR = os.path.join(WREN_DIR, 'test', 'benchmark') # How many times to run a given benchmark. NUM_TRIALS = 10 BENCHMARKS = [] def BENCHMARK(name, pattern): regex = re.compile(pattern + "\n" + r"elapsed: (\d+\.\d+)", re.MULTILINE) BENCHMARKS.append([name, regex, None]) BENCHMARK("api_call", "true") BENCHMARK("api_foreign_method", "100000000") BENCHMARK("binary_trees", """stretch tree of depth 13 check: -1 8192 trees of depth 4 check: -8192 2048 trees of depth 6 check: -2048 512 trees of depth 8 check: -512 128 trees of depth 10 check: -128 32 trees of depth 12 check: -32 long lived tree of depth 12 check: -1""") BENCHMARK("binary_trees_gc", """stretch tree of depth 13 check: -1 8192 trees of depth 4 check: -8192 2048 trees of depth 6 check: -2048 512 trees of depth 8 check: -512 128 trees of depth 10 check: -128 32 trees of depth 12 check: -32 long lived tree of depth 12 check: -1""") BENCHMARK("delta_blue", "14065400") BENCHMARK("fib", r"""317811 317811 317811 317811 317811""") BENCHMARK("fibers", r"""4999950000""") BENCHMARK("for", r"""499999500000""") BENCHMARK("method_call", r"""true false""") BENCHMARK("map_numeric", r"""500000500000""") BENCHMARK("map_string", r"""12799920000""") BENCHMARK("string_equals", r"""3000000""") LANGUAGES = [ ("wren", [os.path.join(WREN_BIN, 'wren')], ".wren"), ("dart", ["fletch", "run"], ".dart"), ("lua", ["lua"], ".lua"), ("luajit (-joff)", ["luajit", "-joff"], ".lua"), ("python", ["python"], ".py"), ("python3", ["python3"], ".py"), ("ruby", ["ruby"], ".rb") ] results = {} if sys.platform == 'win32': GREEN = NORMAL = RED = YELLOW = '' else: GREEN = '\033[32m' NORMAL = '\033[0m' RED = '\033[31m' YELLOW = '\033[33m' def green(text): return GREEN + text + NORMAL def red(text): return RED + text + NORMAL def yellow(text): return YELLOW + text + NORMAL def get_score(time): """ Converts time into a "score". This is the inverse of the time with an arbitrary scale applied to get the number in a nice range. The goal here is to have benchmark results where faster = bigger number. """ return 1000.0 / time def standard_deviation(times): """ Calculates the standard deviation of a list of numbers. """ mean = sum(times) / len(times) # Sum the squares of the differences from the mean. result = 0 for time in times: result += (time - mean) ** 2 return math.sqrt(result / len(times)) def run_trial(benchmark, language): """Runs one benchmark one time for one language.""" executable_args = language[1] # Hackish. If the benchmark name starts with "api_", it's testing the Wren # C API, so run the test_api executable which has those test methods instead # of the normal Wren build. if benchmark[0].startswith("api_"): executable_args = [ os.path.join(WREN_DIR, "build", "release", "test", "wren") ] args = [] args.extend(executable_args) args.append(os.path.join(BENCHMARK_DIR, benchmark[0] + language[2])) try: out = subprocess.check_output(args, universal_newlines=True) except OSError: print('Interpreter was not found') return None match = benchmark[1].match(out) if match: return float(match.group(1)) else: print("Incorrect output:") print(out) return None def run_benchmark_language(benchmark, language, benchmark_result): """ Runs one benchmark for a number of trials for one language. Adds the result to benchmark_result, which is a map of language names to results. """ name = "{0} - {1}".format(benchmark[0], language[0]) print("{0:30s}".format(name), end=' ') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join( BENCHMARK_DIR, benchmark[0] + language[2])): print("No implementation for this language") return times = [] for i in range(0, NUM_TRIALS): sys.stdout.flush() time = run_trial(benchmark, language) if not time: return times.append(time) sys.stdout.write(".") best = min(times) score = get_score(best) comparison = "" if language[0] == "wren": if benchmark[2] != None: ratio = 100 * score / benchmark[2] comparison = "{:6.2f}% relative to baseline".format(ratio) if ratio > 105: comparison = green(comparison) if ratio < 95: comparison = red(comparison) else: comparison = "no baseline" else: # Hack: assumes wren gets run first. wren_score = benchmark_result["wren"]["score"] ratio = 100.0 * wren_score / score comparison = "{:6.2f}%".format(ratio) if ratio > 105: comparison = green(comparison) if ratio < 95: comparison = red(comparison) print(" {:4.2f}s {:4.4f} {:s}".format( best, standard_deviation(times), comparison)) benchmark_result[language[0]] = { "desc": name, "times": times, "score": score } return score def run_benchmark(benchmark, languages, graph): """Runs one benchmark for the given languages (or all of them).""" benchmark_result = {} results[benchmark[0]] = benchmark_result num_languages = 0 for language in LANGUAGES: if not languages or language[0] in languages: num_languages += 1 run_benchmark_language(benchmark, language, benchmark_result) if num_languages > 1 and graph: graph_results(benchmark_result) def graph_results(benchmark_result): print() INCREMENT = { '-': 'o', 'o': 'O', 'O': '0', '0': '0' } # Scale everything by the highest score. highest = 0 for language, result in benchmark_result.items(): score = get_score(min(result["times"])) if score > highest: highest = score print("{0:30s}0 {1:66.0f}".format("", highest)) for language, result in benchmark_result.items(): line = ["-"] * 68 for time in result["times"]: index = int(get_score(time) / highest * 67) line[index] = INCREMENT[line[index]] print("{0:30s}{1}".format(result["desc"], "".join(line))) print() def read_baseline(): baseline_file = os.path.join(BENCHMARK_DIR, "baseline.txt") if os.path.exists(baseline_file): with open(baseline_file) as f: for line in f.readlines(): name, best = line.split(",") for benchmark in BENCHMARKS: if benchmark[0] == name: benchmark[2] = float(best) def generate_baseline(): print("generating baseline") baseline_text = "" for benchmark in BENCHMARKS: best = run_benchmark_language(benchmark, LANGUAGES[0], {}) baseline_text += ("{},{}\n".format(benchmark[0], best)) # Write them to a file. baseline_file = os.path.join(BENCHMARK_DIR, "baseline.txt") with open(baseline_file, 'w') as out: out.write(baseline_text) def print_html(): '''Print the results as an HTML chart.''' def print_benchmark(benchmark, name): print('


'.format(name)) print('') # Scale everything by the highest time. highest = 0 for language, result in results[benchmark].items(): time = min(result["times"]) if time > highest: highest = time languages = sorted(results[benchmark].keys(), key=lambda lang: results[benchmark][lang]["score"], reverse=True) for language in languages: result = results[benchmark][language] time = float(min(result["times"])) ratio = int(100 * time / highest) css_class = "chart-bar" if language == "wren": css_class += " wren" print(' ') print(' '.format( language, css_class, ratio, time)) print(' ') print('
') print_benchmark("method_call", "Method Call") print_benchmark("delta_blue", "DeltaBlue") print_benchmark("binary_trees", "Binary Trees") print_benchmark("fib", "Recursive Fibonacci") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run the benchmarks") parser.add_argument("benchmark", nargs='?', default="all", help="The benchmark to run") parser.add_argument("--generate-baseline", action="store_true", help="Generate a baseline file") parser.add_argument("--graph", action="store_true", help="Display graph results.") parser.add_argument("-l", "--language", action="append", help="Which language(s) to run benchmarks for") parser.add_argument("--output-html", action="store_true", help="Output the results chart as HTML") args = parser.parse_args() if args.generate_baseline: generate_baseline() return read_baseline() # Run the benchmarks. for benchmark in BENCHMARKS: if benchmark[0] == args.benchmark or args.benchmark == "all": run_benchmark(benchmark, args.language, args.graph) if args.output_html: print_html() main()