# Filename and path to which to append the written text # See this link for a list of specifiers you can use in the string: # https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/index.html # Default: "%Y-%m.md" file_string = "%Y-%m.md" # Default title to propose for a new text # See this link for a list of specifiers you can use in the string: # https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/format/strftime/index.html # Default: "## %Y-%m-%d" title_string = "## %Y-%m-%d" # Whether or not the backspace key is enabled while writing. # This is meant to help you continue writing without losing focus because you start correcting your text. # Default: true backspace_active = true # How many words you want to write. 0 means no word count goal. # Default: 0 goal_words = 0 # How many characters you want to write. 0 means no character count goal. # Default: 0 goal_words = 0 # Amount of time in seconds you want to spend writing. 0 means no time goal. # Default: 0 goal_time = 0 # In strict mode you cannot stop writing until you reach your defined goals. # Default: true strict_mode = true # If you don't type for `keystroke_timeout` seconds your text will be cleared. # Forces you to keep on typing. Set to 0 to disable. # Default: 0 keystroke_timeout = 0