// hello 🐱 world package foo:foo; interface conventions { kebab-case: func(); record ludicrous-speed { how-fast-are-you-going: u32, i-am-going-extremely-slow: u64, } foo: func(x: ludicrous-speed); %function-with-dashes: func(); %function-with-no-weird-characters: func(); apple: func(); apple-pear: func(); apple-pear-grape: func(); a0: func(); // Comment out identifiers that collide when mapped to snake_case, for now; see // https://github.com/WebAssembly/component-model/issues/118 //APPLE: func() //APPLE-pear-GRAPE: func() //apple-PEAR-grape: func() is-XML: func(); %explicit: func(); %explicit-kebab: func(); // Identifiers with the same name as keywords are quoted. %bool: func(); } world the-world { import conventions; export conventions; }