World imports

Import interface wasi:io/error@0.2.0


resource error

A resource which represents some error information.

The only method provided by this resource is to-debug-string, which provides some human-readable information about the error.

In the wasi:io package, this resource is returned through the wasi:io/streams/stream-error type.

To provide more specific error information, other interfaces may provide functions to further "downcast" this error into more specific error information. For example, errors returned in streams derived from filesystem types to be described using the filesystem's own error-code type, using the function wasi:filesystem/types/filesystem-error-code, which takes a parameter borrow<error> and returns option<wasi:filesystem/types/error-code>.

The set of functions which can "downcast" an error into a more concrete type is open.


[method] func

Returns a string that is suitable to assist humans in debugging this error.

WARNING: The returned string should not be consumed mechanically! It may change across platforms, hosts, or other implementation details. Parsing this string is a major platform-compatibility hazard.

Return values

Import interface wasi:io/poll@0.2.0

A poll API intended to let users wait for I/O events on multiple handles at once.


resource pollable

pollable represents a single I/O event which may be ready, or not.


[method]pollable.ready: func

Return the readiness of a pollable. This function never blocks.

Returns true when the pollable is ready, and false otherwise.

Return values

[method]pollable.block: func

block returns immediately if the pollable is ready, and otherwise blocks until ready.

This function is equivalent to calling poll.poll on a list containing only this pollable.


poll: func

Poll for completion on a set of pollables.

This function takes a list of pollables, which identify I/O sources of interest, and waits until one or more of the events is ready for I/O.

The result list<u32> contains one or more indices of handles in the argument list that is ready for I/O.

If the list contains more elements than can be indexed with a u32 value, this function traps.

A timeout can be implemented by adding a pollable from the wasi-clocks API to the list.

This function does not return a result; polling in itself does not do any I/O so it doesn't fail. If any of the I/O sources identified by the pollables has an error, it is indicated by marking the source as being reaedy for I/O.

Return values

Import interface wasi:io/streams@0.2.0

WASI I/O is an I/O abstraction API which is currently focused on providing stream types.

In the future, the component model is expected to add built-in stream types; when it does, they are expected to subsume this API.


type error


#### `type pollable` [`pollable`](#pollable)

#### `variant stream-error`

An error for input-stream and output-stream operations.

Variant Cases

resource input-stream

An input bytestream.

input-streams are non-blocking to the extent practical on underlying platforms. I/O operations always return promptly; if fewer bytes are promptly available than requested, they return the number of bytes promptly available, which could even be zero. To wait for data to be available, use the subscribe function to obtain a pollable which can be polled for using wasi:io/poll.

resource output-stream

An output bytestream.

output-streams are non-blocking to the extent practical on underlying platforms. Except where specified otherwise, I/O operations also always return promptly, after the number of bytes that can be written promptly, which could even be zero. To wait for the stream to be ready to accept data, the subscribe function to obtain a pollable which can be polled for using wasi:io/poll.


[method] func

Perform a non-blocking read from the stream.

When the source of a read is binary data, the bytes from the source are returned verbatim. When the source of a read is known to the implementation to be text, bytes containing the UTF-8 encoding of the text are returned.

This function returns a list of bytes containing the read data, when successful. The returned list will contain up to len bytes; it may return fewer than requested, but not more. The list is empty when no bytes are available for reading at this time. The pollable given by subscribe will be ready when more bytes are available.

This function fails with a stream-error when the operation encounters an error, giving last-operation-failed, or when the stream is closed, giving closed.

When the caller gives a len of 0, it represents a request to read 0 bytes. If the stream is still open, this call should succeed and return an empty list, or otherwise fail with closed.

The len parameter is a u64, which could represent a list of u8 which is not possible to allocate in wasm32, or not desirable to allocate as as a return value by the callee. The callee may return a list of bytes less than len in size while more bytes are available for reading.

Return values

[method]input-stream.blocking-read: func

Read bytes from a stream, after blocking until at least one byte can be read. Except for blocking, behavior is identical to read.

Return values

[method]input-stream.skip: func

Skip bytes from a stream. Returns number of bytes skipped.

Behaves identical to read, except instead of returning a list of bytes, returns the number of bytes consumed from the stream.

Return values

[method]input-stream.blocking-skip: func

Skip bytes from a stream, after blocking until at least one byte can be skipped. Except for blocking behavior, identical to skip.

Return values

[method]input-stream.subscribe: func

Create a pollable which will resolve once either the specified stream has bytes available to read or the other end of the stream has been closed. The created pollable is a child resource of the input-stream. Implementations may trap if the input-stream is dropped before all derived pollables created with this function are dropped.

Return values

[method]output-stream.check-write: func

Check readiness for writing. This function never blocks.

Returns the number of bytes permitted for the next call to write, or an error. Calling write with more bytes than this function has permitted will trap.

When this function returns 0 bytes, the subscribe pollable will become ready when this function will report at least 1 byte, or an error.

Return values

[method]output-stream.write: func

Perform a write. This function never blocks.

When the destination of a write is binary data, the bytes from contents are written verbatim. When the destination of a write is known to the implementation to be text, the bytes of contents are transcoded from UTF-8 into the encoding of the destination and then written.

Precondition: check-write gave permit of Ok(n) and contents has a length of less than or equal to n. Otherwise, this function will trap.

returns Err(closed) without writing if the stream has closed since the last call to check-write provided a permit.

Return values

[method]output-stream.blocking-write-and-flush: func

Perform a write of up to 4096 bytes, and then flush the stream. Block until all of these operations are complete, or an error occurs.

This is a convenience wrapper around the use of check-write, subscribe, write, and flush, and is implemented with the following pseudo-code:

let pollable = this.subscribe();
while !contents.is_empty() {
  // Wait for the stream to become writable
  let Ok(n) = this.check-write(); // eliding error handling
  let len = min(n, contents.len());
  let (chunk, rest) = contents.split_at(len);
  this.write(chunk  );            // eliding error handling
  contents = rest;
// Wait for completion of `flush`
// Check for any errors that arose during `flush`
let _ = this.check-write();         // eliding error handling
Return values

[method]output-stream.flush: func

Request to flush buffered output. This function never blocks.

This tells the output-stream that the caller intends any buffered output to be flushed. the output which is expected to be flushed is all that has been passed to write prior to this call.

Upon calling this function, the output-stream will not accept any writes (check-write will return ok(0)) until the flush has completed. The subscribe pollable will become ready when the flush has completed and the stream can accept more writes.

Return values

[method]output-stream.blocking-flush: func

Request to flush buffered output, and block until flush completes and stream is ready for writing again.

Return values

[method]output-stream.subscribe: func

Create a pollable which will resolve once the output-stream is ready for more writing, or an error has occured. When this pollable is ready, check-write will return ok(n) with n>0, or an error.

If the stream is closed, this pollable is always ready immediately.

The created pollable is a child resource of the output-stream. Implementations may trap if the output-stream is dropped before all derived pollables created with this function are dropped.

Return values

[method]output-stream.write-zeroes: func

Write zeroes to a stream.

This should be used precisely like write with the exact same preconditions (must use check-write first), but instead of passing a list of bytes, you simply pass the number of zero-bytes that should be written.

Return values

[method]output-stream.blocking-write-zeroes-and-flush: func

Perform a write of up to 4096 zeroes, and then flush the stream. Block until all of these operations are complete, or an error occurs.

This is a convenience wrapper around the use of check-write, subscribe, write-zeroes, and flush, and is implemented with the following pseudo-code:

let pollable = this.subscribe();
while num_zeroes != 0 {
  // Wait for the stream to become writable
  let Ok(n) = this.check-write(); // eliding error handling
  let len = min(n, num_zeroes);
  this.write-zeroes(len);         // eliding error handling
  num_zeroes -= len;
// Wait for completion of `flush`
// Check for any errors that arose during `flush`
let _ = this.check-write();         // eliding error handling
Return values

[method]output-stream.splice: func

Read from one stream and write to another.

The behavior of splice is equivelant to:

  1. calling check-write on the output-stream
  2. calling read on the input-stream with the smaller of the check-write permitted length and the len provided to splice
  3. calling write on the output-stream with that read data.

Any error reported by the call to check-write, read, or write ends the splice and reports that error.

This function returns the number of bytes transferred; it may be less than len.

Return values

[method]output-stream.blocking-splice: func

Read from one stream and write to another, with blocking.

This is similar to splice, except that it blocks until the output-stream is ready for writing, and the input-stream is ready for reading, before performing the splice.

Return values

Import interface wasi:blobstore/types@0.2.0-draft

Types used by blobstore


type input-stream


#### `type output-stream` [`output-stream`](#output_stream)

#### `type container-name` `string`

name of a container, a collection of objects. The container name may be any valid UTF-8 string.

type object-name


name of an object within a container The object name may be any valid UTF-8 string.

type timestamp


TODO: define timestamp to include seconds since Unix epoch and nanoseconds

type object-size


size of an object, in bytes

type error


#### `record container-metadata`

information about a container

Record Fields

record object-metadata

information about an object

Record Fields

record object-id

identifier for an object that includes its container name

Record Fields

resource outgoing-value

A data is the data stored in a data blob. The value can be of any type that can be represented in a byte array. It provides a way to write the value to the output-stream defined in the wasi-io interface. Soon: switch to resource value { ... }

resource incoming-value

A incoming-value is a wrapper around a value. It provides a way to read the value from the input-stream defined in the wasi-io interface.

The incoming-value provides two ways to consume the value:

  1. incoming-value-consume-sync consumes the value synchronously and returns the value as a list of bytes.
  2. incoming-value-consume-async consumes the value asynchronously and returns the value as an input-stream. Soon: switch to resource incoming-value { ... }

type incoming-value-async-body


#### `type incoming-value-sync-body` [`incoming-value-sync-body`](#incoming_value_sync_body)



[static] func

Return values

[method]outgoing-value.outgoing-value-write-body: func

Return values

[static]incoming-value.incoming-value-consume-sync: func

Return values

[static]incoming-value.incoming-value-consume-async: func

Return values

[method]incoming-value.size: func

Return values

Import interface wrpc:blobstore/types@0.2.0


type wasi-container-metadata


#### `type wasi-container-name` [`container-name`](#container_name)

#### `type wasi-object-id` [`object-id`](#object_id)

#### `type wasi-object-metadata` [`object-metadata`](#object_metadata)

#### `type timestamp` [`timestamp`](#timestamp)

#### `type object-size` [`object-size`](#object_size)

#### `record container-metadata`

information about a container

Record Fields

type container-name


#### `type object-id` [`wasi-object-id`](#wasi_object_id)

#### `record object-metadata`

information about an object

Record Fields

Import interface wrpc:blobstore/blobstore@0.2.0


type container-name


#### `type container-metadata` [`container-metadata`](#container_metadata)

#### `type object-metadata` [`object-metadata`](#object_metadata)

#### `type object-id` [`object-id`](#object_id)



clear-container: func

Return values

container-exists: func

Return values

create-container: func

Return values

delete-container: func

Return values

get-container-info: func

Return values

list-container-objects: func

Return values

copy-object: func

Return values

delete-object: func

Return values

delete-objects: func

Return values

get-container-data: func

Return values

get-object-info: func

Return values

has-object: func

Return values

move-object: func

Return values

write-container-data: func

Return values