use std::sync::Arc; use anyhow::Context; use async_nats::HeaderMap; use bytes::Bytes; use futures::StreamExt as _; use http_body_util::BodyExt as _; use hyper::Uri; use tokio::select; use tokio::sync::Notify; use tracing::info; use wrpc_interface_http::HttpBody; use wrpc_interface_http::{InvokeIncomingHandler as _, ServeHttp}; mod common; use common::{init, start_nats}; #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn rust() -> anyhow::Result<()> { init().await; let (_port, nats_client, nats_server, stop_tx) = start_nats().await?; let client = wrpc_transport_nats::Client::new(nats_client, "test-prefix".to_string(), None) .await .context("failed to construct client")?; let client = Arc::new(client); { #[derive(Clone)] struct Handler; impl wrpc_interface_http::ServeIncomingHandlerHttp> for Handler { async fn handle( &self, cx: Option, req: hyper::Request, ) -> anyhow::Result< Result< hyper::Response< impl http_body::Body + Send + 'static, >, wrpc_interface_http::bindings::wrpc::http::types::ErrorCode, >, > { assert_eq!(cx, None); let ( http::request::Parts { method, uri, headers, .. }, body, ) = req.into_parts(); let mut headers = headers .iter() .map(|(k, v)| (k.as_str(), v.to_str().unwrap())) .collect::>(); headers.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(method, http::Method::POST); assert_eq!(uri.to_string(), ""); assert_eq!(headers, [("user-agent", "wrpc/0.2.0")],); let mut res = hyper::Response::new(body.map_err(|err| { panic!("body error encountered: {err}"); })); res.headers_mut().insert( http::HeaderName::from_static("foo"), http::HeaderValue::from_static("bar"), ); Ok(Ok(res)) } } let shutdown = Arc::new(Notify::new()); info!("serving incoming handler"); let server = tokio::spawn({ let client = Arc::clone(&client); let shutdown = Arc::clone(&shutdown); async move { let [(instance, name, mut invocations)] = wrpc_interface_http::bindings::exports::wrpc::http::incoming_handler::serve_interface( client.as_ref(), ServeHttp(Handler), ) .await .context("failed to serve incoming handler")?; assert_eq!(instance, "wrpc:http/incoming-handler@0.1.0"); assert_eq!(name, "handle"); loop { select! { Some(invocation) = => { let invocation = invocation.expect("failed to accept invocation"); invocation.await.expect("failed to handle invocation") } () = shutdown.notified() => { return anyhow::Ok(()) } } } } }); let mut req = hyper::Request::new(http_body_util::Full::new(Bytes::from("foobar"))); *req.method_mut() = http::Method::POST; *req.uri_mut() = Uri::from_static(""); req.headers_mut().insert( http::HeaderName::from_static("user-agent"), http::HeaderValue::from_static("wrpc/0.2.0"), ); info!("invoking incoming handler"); let (res, err, io) = client.invoke_handle_http(None, req).await?; let res = res?; if let Some(io) = io { io.await?; } let err = err.collect::>().await; assert!(matches!(err[..], [])); let ( http::response::Parts { status, headers, .. }, body, ) = res.into_parts(); let mut headers = headers .iter() .map(|(k, v)| (k.as_str(), v.to_str().unwrap())) .collect::>(); headers.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(status, http::StatusCode::OK); assert_eq!(headers, [("foo", "bar")]); let body = body.collect().await?; assert_eq!(body.to_bytes(), "foobar"); shutdown.notify_one(); server.await??; }; stop_tx.send(()).expect("failed to stop server"); nats_server .await .context("failed to await server stop")? .context(" server failed to stop")?; Ok(()) }