use clap::Parser; use tracing::Level; use tracing_subscriber::util::SubscriberInitExt; use ws_tool::{ codec::AsyncStringCodec, connector::{async_tcp_connect, async_wrap_rustls, get_host}, ClientBuilder, }; /// websocket client connect to binance futures websocket #[derive(Parser)] struct Args { /// channel name, such as btcusdt@depth20 channels: Vec, /// http proxy port #[arg(long, default_value = "1088")] hp_port: u16, /// http proxy host #[arg(long)] hp_host: Option, ///http proxy auth fmt -> username:password #[arg(long)] hp_auth: Option, /// socks5 proxy port #[arg(long, default_value = "1087")] sp_port: u16, /// socks5 proxy host #[arg(long)] sp_host: Option, /// socks5 proxy auth fmt -> username:password #[arg(long)] sp_auth: Option, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), ()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt() .with_max_level(Level::ERROR) .finish() .try_init() .expect("failed to init log"); let args = Args::parse(); let channels = args.channels.join("/"); let uri: http::Uri = format!("wss://{}", channels) .parse() .unwrap(); let builder = ClientBuilder::new(); let stream = if let Some(host) = args.hp_host { let auth = args .hp_auth .map(|auth| { let (user, passwd) = auth.split_once(':').expect("invalid auth format"); hproxy::AuthCredential::Basic { user: user.trim().into(), passwd: passwd.trim().into(), } }) .unwrap_or(hproxy::AuthCredential::None); let config = hproxy::ProxyConfig { host, port: args.hp_port, auth, keep_alive: true, }; hproxy::async_create_conn(&config, "") .await .unwrap() } else if let Some(host) = args.sp_host { let auth = args .sp_auth .map(|auth| { let (user, passwd) = auth.split_once(':').expect("invalid auth format"); sproxy::AuthCredential::Basic { user: user.trim().into(), passwd: passwd.trim().into(), } }) .unwrap_or(sproxy::AuthCredential::None); let config = sproxy::ProxyConfig { host, port: args.sp_port, auth, }; let (stream, _, _) = sproxy::async_create_conn(&config, "".into(), 443) .await .unwrap(); stream } else { async_tcp_connect(&uri).await.unwrap() }; let stream = async_wrap_rustls(stream, get_host(&uri).unwrap(), vec![]) .await .unwrap(); let mut client = builder .async_with_stream(uri, stream, AsyncStringCodec::check_fn) .await .unwrap(); while let Ok(msg) = client.receive().await { println!("{}",; } Ok(()) }