use clap::Parser; use http; use rayon::prelude::*; use std::{ collections::HashMap, net::TcpStream, num::ParseIntError, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use tracing::{info, Level}; use tracing_subscriber::util::SubscriberInitExt; use ws_tool::{ codec::{BytesCodec, PMDConfig, WindowBit}, frame::OpCode::Close, stream::BufStream, ClientBuilder, }; /// websocket client demo with raw frame #[derive(Parser)] struct Args { uri: http::Uri, // client size #[arg(long, default_value = "1")] conn: usize, /// payload size (unit: bytes) #[arg(short, long, default_value = "1")] payload: usize, /// message count, unit (1k) #[arg(long, default_value = "10")] count: u64, /// total sample times #[arg(short, long, default_value = "6")] total: usize, #[arg(short, long, value_parser=parse_window, default_value="15")] window: WindowBit, /// buffer size of stream #[arg(short, long)] buffer: Option, } fn main() -> Result<(), ()> { tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt() .with_max_level(Level::INFO) .finish() .try_init() .expect("failed to init log"); let args = Args::parse(); let size = args.payload; let count = args.count * 1000; let pmd_conf = PMDConfig { server_max_window_bits: args.window, client_max_window_bits: args.window, ..Default::default() }; let all_data: Vec<(usize, HashMap)> = (0..args.conn) .into_par_iter() .map(|conn_idx| { let uri = args.uri.clone(); let pmd_conf = pmd_conf.clone(); info!("worker {conn_idx} started"); let builder = ClientBuilder::new().extension(pmd_conf.ext_string()); let stat: HashMap = ( .map(|idx| { // println!("CONN: {conn_idx:>03} ITER: {idx:>03} ..."); let now = Instant::now(); let uri = uri.clone(); let stream = TcpStream::connect((, uri.port_u16().unwrap())).unwrap(); let client = builder .with_stream(uri, stream, |key, resp, stream| { let stream = if let Some(buffer) = args.buffer { BufStream::with_capacity(buffer, buffer, stream) } else { BufStream::new(stream) }; BytesCodec::check_fn(key, resp, stream) }) .unwrap(); let (mut r, mut w) = client.split(); let w = std::thread::spawn(move || { let payload = vec![0].repeat(size); for i in 0..count { if w.send(&payload[..]).is_err() { println!("send error on {i}"); break; } // std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_micros(100)); } w.flush().ok(); // w.send((1000u16, b"")).ok(); w.send((Close, 1000u16.to_be_bytes().as_slice())).ok(); }); let r = std::thread::spawn(move || { for i in 0..count { if r.receive().is_err() { println!("recv error on {i}"); break; } } }); r.join().and_then(|_| w.join()).unwrap(); let elapse = now.elapsed(); (idx, elapse) }) .collect(); (conn_idx, stat) }) .collect(); let mut stat: Vec = vec![]; for (connection, data) in all_data { for (iteration, v) in data { let duration = v.as_millis(); let qps = count as f64 / duration as f64 * 1000.0; let record = Record { connection, iteration, count, duration, qps, }; stat.push(record); } } stat.sort_by(|a, b| match a.connection.cmp(&b.connection) { std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => match a.iteration.cmp(&b.iteration) { std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => a.duration.cmp(&b.duration), ord => ord, }, ord => ord, }); let table = Table::new(stat).with(Style::markdown()).to_string(); println!("\n{}", table); Ok(()) } fn parse_window(s: &str) -> Result { let v: u8 = s.parse().map_err(|e: ParseIntError| e.to_string())?; WindowBit::try_from(v).map_err(|e| e.to_string()) } use tabled::{settings::Style, Table, Tabled}; #[derive(Tabled, PartialEq, PartialOrd)] struct Record { connection: usize, iteration: usize, count: u64, #[tabled(rename = "Duration(ms)")] duration: u128, #[tabled(rename = "Message/sec", display_with = "fmt_qps")] qps: f64, } fn fmt_qps(qps: &f64) -> String { format!("{qps:.2}") }