Changelog ========= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog][] and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning][]. [Keep a Changelog]: [Semantic Versioning]: Unreleased ========== 0.2.1 -- 2021-02-08 =================== Removed ------- - Homepage url for 0.2.0 -- 2020-11-30 =================== Added ----- - Log messages to the file when `LOG_DIR` environment variable is set. 0.1.2 -- 2020-08-18 =================== Changed ------- - Set listening port to 80. 0.1.1 -- 2020-08-13 =================== Fixed ----- - Listen on any, not on localhost, due to Docker deploy. 0.1.0 -- 2020-08-12 =================== Added ----- - Changelog, license, readme. - Simple web client. - Global chat via WebSockets. - JSON format for the messages. - JWT validation when `JWT_SECRET` environment variable is set.