use std::env::current_dir; use std::path::PathBuf; use wtools::error::BasicError; use wca::instruction::Instruction; use ::wpublisher::manifest::Manifest; /// /// Perform smoke testing. /// pub fn smoke( instruction : &Instruction ) -> Result< (), BasicError > { let mut current_path = current_dir().unwrap(); let subject_path = PathBuf::from( &instruction.subject ); let module_path = if subject_path.is_relative() { current_path.push( &instruction.subject ); current_path } else { subject_path }; let mut manifest_path = module_path.clone(); manifest_path.push( "Cargo.toml" ); if !manifest_path.exists() { let msg = format!( "Current directory {:?} has no file \"Cargo.toml\"", module_path.canonicalize().unwrap() ); return Err( BasicError::new( msg ) ); } let mut manifest = Manifest::new(); manifest.manifest_path_from_str( &manifest_path ).unwrap(); manifest.load().unwrap(); let data = manifest.manifest_data.as_deref().unwrap(); /* */ let module_name = &data[ "package" ][ "name" ].clone(); let module_name = module_name.as_str().unwrap(); let code_path = match instruction.properties_map.get( "code_path" ) { Some( x ) => PathBuf::from( x.clone().primitive().unwrap() ), None => PathBuf::default(), }; let mut data = None; if code_path.exists() { data = Some( std::fs::read_to_string( code_path ).unwrap() ); } let version = match instruction.properties_map.get( "version" ) { Some( x ) => x.clone().primitive().unwrap(), None => "*".to_string(), }; let smoke = match instruction.properties_map.get( "smoke" ) { Some( x ) => x.clone().primitive().unwrap(), None => { if let Ok( x ) = std::env::var( "WITH_SMOKE" ) { x } else { "local".to_string() } }, }; /* */ if smoke != "false" && smoke != "0" { let mut threads = vec![]; if smoke == "local" || smoke != "published" { let module_name = module_name.clone().to_owned(); let data = data.clone(); let version = version.clone(); let thread = std::thread::spawn( move || { let mut t = SmokeModuleTest::new( module_name ); t.test_postfix( "_test_local" ); if data.is_some() { t.code( data.as_ref().unwrap() ); } t.version( version.as_str() ); t.local_path_clause( module_path.to_str().unwrap() ); t.clean( true ).unwrap(); t.form().unwrap(); t.perform().unwrap(); t.clean( false ).unwrap(); }); threads.push( thread ); } if smoke == "published" || smoke != "local" { let module_name = module_name.clone().to_owned(); let data = data.clone(); let version = version.clone(); let thread = std::thread::spawn( move || { let mut t = SmokeModuleTest::new( module_name ); t.test_postfix( "_test_published" ); if data.is_some() { t.code( data.as_ref().unwrap() ); } t.version( version.as_str() ); t.clean( true ).unwrap(); t.form().unwrap(); t.perform().unwrap(); t.clean( false ).unwrap(); }); threads.push( thread ); } for thread in threads { thread.join().unwrap(); } } Ok( () ) } // #[ derive( Debug ) ] struct SmokeModuleTest< 'a > { pub dependency_name : String, pub version : &'a str, pub local_path_clause : &'a str, pub code : String, pub test_path : std::path::PathBuf, pub test_postfix : &'a str, } impl< 'a > SmokeModuleTest< 'a > { fn new( dependency_name : String ) -> SmokeModuleTest< 'a > { let test_postfix = "_smoke_test"; let smoke_test_path = format!( "{}{}", dependency_name, test_postfix ); let mut test_path = std::env::temp_dir(); test_path.push( smoke_test_path ); SmokeModuleTest { dependency_name, version : "*", local_path_clause : "", code : "".to_string(), test_path, test_postfix, } } fn version( &mut self, version : &'a str ) -> &mut SmokeModuleTest< 'a > { self.version = version.as_ref(); self } fn local_path_clause( &mut self, local_path_clause : &'a str ) -> &mut SmokeModuleTest< 'a > { self.local_path_clause = local_path_clause; self } fn test_postfix( &mut self, test_postfix : &'a str ) -> &mut SmokeModuleTest< 'a > { self.test_postfix = test_postfix; let smoke_test_path = format!( "{}{}", self.dependency_name, test_postfix ); self.test_path.pop(); self.test_path.push( smoke_test_path ); self } fn code( &mut self, code : impl AsRef< str > + 'a ) -> &mut SmokeModuleTest< 'a > { self.code = code.as_ref().into(); self } fn form( &mut self ) -> Result< (), &'static str > { std::fs::create_dir( &self.test_path ).unwrap(); let mut test_path = self.test_path.clone(); /* create binary test module */ let test_name = format!( "{}{}", self.dependency_name, self.test_postfix ); let output = std::process::Command::new( "cargo" ) .current_dir( &test_path ) .args([ "new", "--bin", &test_name ]) .output() .expect( "Failed to execute command" ); println!( "Creating smoke binary module :\n\n{}", std::str::from_utf8( &output.stderr ).expect( "Found invalid UTF-8" ) ); test_path.push( &test_name ); /* setup config */ #[ cfg( target_os = "windows" ) ] let local_path_clause = if self.local_path_clause == "" { "".to_string() } else { format!( ", path = \"{}\"", self.local_path_clause.escape_default() ) }; #[ cfg( not( target_os = "windows" ) ) ] let local_path_clause = if self.local_path_clause == "" { "".to_string() } else { format!( ", path = \"{}\"", self.local_path_clause ) }; let dependencies_section = format!( "{} = {{ version = \"{}\" {} }}", self.dependency_name, self.version, &local_path_clause ); let config_data = format! ( "[package] edition = \"2021\" name = \"{}_smoke_test\" version = \"0.0.1\" [dependencies] {}", &self.dependency_name, &dependencies_section ); let mut config_path = test_path.clone(); config_path.push( "Cargo.toml" ); println!( "Manifest of module \"{}\" :\n\n {}\n", test_name, config_data ); std::fs::write( config_path, config_data ).unwrap(); /* write code */ test_path.push( "src" ); test_path.push( "" ); if self.code == "" { self.code = format!( "use ::{}::*;", self.dependency_name ); } let code = format! ( "#[ allow( unused_imports ) ] fn main() {{ {} }}", self.code, ); self.code = code; std::fs::write( &test_path, &self.code ).unwrap(); Ok( () ) } fn perform( &self ) -> Result<(), BasicError> { let mut test_path = self.test_path.clone(); let test_name = format!( "{}{}", self.dependency_name, self.test_postfix ); test_path.push( test_name ); let output = std::process::Command::new( "cargo" ) .current_dir( test_path ) .args([ "run", "--release" ]) .output() .unwrap(); println!( "{}", std::str::from_utf8( &output.stdout ).expect( "Found invalid UTF-8" ) ); println!( "{}", std::str::from_utf8( &output.stderr ).expect( "Found invalid UTF-8" ) ); println!( "Process status :\n {}\n", output.status ); println!( "Code :\n\n {}\n", self.code ); if !output.status.success() { return Err( BasicError::new( "Smoke test failed" ) ); } Ok( () ) } fn clean( &self, force : bool ) -> Result<(), &'static str> { let result = std::fs::remove_dir_all( &self.test_path ); if force { result.unwrap_or_default(); } else { let msg = format!( "Cannot remove temporary directory {}. Please, remove it manually", &self.test_path.display() ); result.expect( &msg ); } Ok( () ) } }