[package] name = "wxwork_robotd" version = "0.7.0" readme = "README.md" description = "Robot service for WXWork" authors = ["owent "] homepage = "https://crates.io/crates/wxwork_robotd" documentation = "https://github.com/owt5008137/wxwork_robotd" repository = "https://github.com/owt5008137/wxwork_robotd" keywords = ["wxwork", "wework", "robot", "weixin", "wechat"] categories = ["network-programming", "web-programming::http-server", "web-programming::http-client", "development-tools"] license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0" include = [ "src/**/*.rs", "Cargo.toml", "Cross.toml", "README.md", "tools/__init__.py", "tools/qyapi_wx_send_robot.py", ] [dependencies] serde = "^1.0.80" serde_derive = "^1.0.80" serde_json = "^1.0.33" actix-web = { version="^1.0.3", features=["ssl"] } futures = "^0.1.23" tokio = ">=0.1.7" tokio-io = ">=0.1.7" tokio-process = ">=0.2.3" log = ">=0.4.3" time = ">=0.1.40" hex = ">=0.3.2" regex = "^1.1.9" handlebars = "^2.0.0" bytes = ">=0.4.11" quick-xml = ">=0.13.1" lazy_static = "^1.2.0" # openssl = { version = ">=0.10.23", feature = ["vendored"] } openssl = { version = ">=0.10.23" } # openssl-sys = ">=0.9.47" byteorder = "^1.3.2" # fix version for dependencies mio-uds = "^0.6.7" [dependencies.clap] version = "^2.33.0" default-features = false features = ["suggestions", "color"] [build-dependencies.clap] version = "^2.33.0" default-features = false features = ["suggestions", "color"] [[bin]] name = "wxwork_robotd" # crate-type = ["staticlib"] # The development profile, used for `cargo build`. [profile.dev] # opt-level = 0 # controls the `--opt-level` the compiler builds with. # 0-1 is good for debugging. 2 is well-optimized. Max is 3. debug = true # include debug information (debug symbols). Equivalent to # `-C debuginfo=2` compiler flag. rpath = false # controls whether compiler should set loader paths. # If true, passes `-C rpath` flag to the compiler. lto = false # Link Time Optimization usually reduces size of binaries # and static libraries. Increases compilation time. # If true, passes `-C lto` flag to the compiler. debug-assertions = true # controls whether debug assertions are enabled # (e.g. debug_assert!() and arithmetic overflow checks) codegen-units = 4 # if > 1 enables parallel code generation which improves # compile times, but prevents some optimizations. # Passes `-C codegen-units`. Ignored when `lto = true`. incremental = false panic = 'abort' # panic strategy (`-C panic=...`), can also be 'abort' # The release profile, used for `cargo build --release`. [profile.release] # opt-level = 3 debug = false rpath = false lto = true debug-assertions = false codegen-units = 1 incremental = false panic = 'abort' opt-level = "z" # [target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] # rustflags = ["-C", "target-feature=+crt-static"] # [target.x86_64-unknown-linux-musl] # linker = "musl-gcc" [features] system-alloc = [] # [target.mips64el-unknown-linux-gnuabi64] # rustflags = ["--sysroot", "/home/owentou/prebuilt/buildroot/buildroot-2018.02.9/output/host"] [target.x86_64-pc-windows-msvc]