# x-influx x-influx (read as x-to-influx) is a simple cli tool for importing data into a running influx instance. At the moment csv data and interactive input are the only supported import methods. ## Install `cargo install x-influx` The modes are `x-influx i ...` - interactive mode `x-influx b ...` - batch mode (not implemented) `x-influx ...` - normal csv mode ## Arguments Usage: x-influx i [options] x-influx b [options] ... x-influx [options] ... x-influx (-h | --help) | --version Options: -h, --help Print this help message. -v, --verbose Enable verbose logging. -V, --version Shows version and license information. -u, --user USER Username for influxdb [default: test]. -p, --password PASS Password for influxdb [default: ]. -d, --database DB Influx database [default: test]. -s, --server SRV The influxdb server for import [default: http://localhost:8086]. -S, --series VAL Name of the measuremnt series [default: series] -m, --measure VAL Name of the measurement value [default: data]. -t, --tags VAL Comma seperated list of tags associated to a value. -T, --time VAL Name of the timestamp column [default: timestamp]. -f, --format FMT The timestamp format [default: %F %H:%M:%S] See https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.0/chrono/format/strftime/index.html -D, --delimiter DEL Use another csv delimiter [default: ,]. --skip-rows NUM Remove first NUM lines from file [default: 0]. # Contribution All contributions are very welcome. Please provide pull requests for bug fixes, new import formats, or open an issue. ## Todo - [ ] batch mode - [ ] combinings columns - [ ] sql # License © 2018 @ Henrik Jürges, GPLv3. See the license file for further information.