# Performance Monitoring Events for the Second Generation Intel Core Processors Based on the Sandy Bridge Microarchitecture - V16 # 3/5/2018 10:22:58 PM # Copyright (c) 2007 - 2017 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. BitName BitIndex Type Description MATRIX_REG BitsNotCombinedWith Errata DEMAND_DATA_RD 0 1 Counts demand data reads 0,1 na DEMAND_RFO 1 1 Counts all demand data writes (RFOs) 0,1 na DEMAND_CODE_RD 2 1 Counts all demand code reads 0,1 na COREWB 3 1 Counts core writebacks due to L2 evictions or L1 writeback requests 0,1 na PF_L2_DATA_RD 4 1 Counts prefetch (that bring data to L2) data reads 0,1 na PF_L2_RFO 5 1 Counts all prefetch (that bring data to L2) RFOs 0,1 na PF_L2_CODE_RD 6 1 Counts all prefetch (that bring data to LLC only) code reads 0,1 na PF_LLC_DATA_RD 7 1 Counts all prefetch (that bring data to LLC only) data reads 0,1 na PF_LLC_RFO 8 1 Counts all prefetch (that bring data to LLC only) RFOs 0,1 na PF_LLC_CODE_RD 9 1 Counts prefetch (that bring data to LLC only) code reads 0,1 na OTHER 15 1 Counts any other requests 0,1 na ALL_PF_DATA_RD 4,7 1 Counts all prefetch data reads 0,1 na ALL_PF_RFO 5,8 1 Counts prefetch RFOs 0,1 na ALL_PF_CODE_RD 6,9 1 Counts all prefetch code reads 0,1 na ALL_DATA_RD 0,4,7 1 Counts all demand & prefetch data reads 0,1 na ALL_RFO 1,5,8 1 Counts all demand & prefetch RFOs 0,1 na ALL_CODE_RD 2,6,9 1 Counts all demand & prefetch code reads 0,1 na ALL_READS 0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 1 Counts all data/code/rfo reads (demand & prefetch) 0,1 na ALL_REQUESTS 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,15 1 Counts all requests 0,1 na ANY_RESPONSE 16 2 have any response type. 0,1 na SUPPLIER_NONE 17 3 tbd 0,1 na LLC_HIT_M 18 3 tbd 0,1 na LLC_HIT_E 19 3 tbd 0,1 na LLC_HIT_S 20 3 tbd 0,1 na LLC_HIT_F 21 3 tbd 0,1 na LLC_HIT 18,19,20,21 3 tbd 0,1 na L3_MISS_LOCAL_DRAM 22 3 tbd 0,1 na L3_MISS_REMOTE_DRAM 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 3 tbd 0,1 na SNOOP_NONE 31 4 tbd 0,1 na SNOOP_NOT_NEEDED 32 4 tbd 0,1 na SNOOP_MISS 33 4 tbd 0,1 na SNOOP_HIT_NO_FWD 34 4 tbd 0,1 na SNOOP_HIT_WITH_FWD 35 4 tbd 0,1 18,19,20,21 na SNOOP_HITM 36 4 tbd 0,1 na SNOOP_NON_DRAM 37 4 tbd 0,1 na ANY_SNOOP 31,32,33,34,35,36,37 4 tbd 0,1 na LLC_HIT.NO_SNOOP_NEEDED 18,19,20,21,32 2 hit in the LLC and sibling core snoops are not needed as either the core-valid bit is not set or the shared line is present in multiple cores 0,1 na na LLC_HIT.HIT_OTHER_CORE_NO_FWD 18,19,20,21,34 2 hit in the LLC and the snoops to sibling cores hit in either E/S state and the line is not forwarded 0,1 na na LLC_HIT.HITM_OTHER_CORE 18,19,20,21,36 2 hit in the LLC and the snoop to one of the sibling cores hits the line in M state and the line is forwarded 0,1 na na LLC_MISS.ANY_RESPONSE 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37 2 miss in the LLC 0,1 na na LLC_MISS.LOCAL_DRAM 22,33,34 2 miss the LLC and the data returned from local dram 0,1 na na LLC_MISS.ANY_DRAM 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,33,34 2 miss the LLC and the data returned from local or remote dram 0,1 na na LLC_HIT.ANY_RESPONSE 18,19,20,21,31,32,33,34,35,36,37 2 hit in the LLC 0,1 na na