.TH XASKPASS "1" "September 2021" "xaskpass {VERSION}" "User Commands" .SH NAME xaskpass \- a lightweight passphrase dialog .SH "SYNOPSIS" .B xaskpass .RI [\| options \|] .RI [\| label \|] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBxaskpass\fR displays a dialog with \fIlabel\fR for user to input a passphrase which it then prints to stdout. \fBxaskpass\fR can be used for example with \fBssh\fR(1) and \fBsudo\fR(8) by setting its path in SSH_ASKPASS and SUDO_ASKPASS respectively. The following keystrokes work as expected: .TP [Backspace] [Delete] Erase previous character .TP [Ctrl+u] Erase entire passphrase .TP [Enter] [Ctrl+j] [Ctrl+m] Accept passphrase (OK) .TP [Escape] Discard passphrase (Cancel) .TP [Ctrl+v] Paste from clipboard .TP [Mouse middle click] [Shift+Insert] Paste from primary selection .TP [Ctrl+Backspace] [Ctrl+Left/Right] [Left/Right] Work as expected (with Strings/Asterisk) .SH "OPTIONS" See \fB\-h\fR or \fB\-\-help\fR for all options. .SH CONFIGURATION \fBxaskpass\fR first tries to read configuration file from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/xaskpass/xaskpass.toml. If not found, $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/xaskpass/xaskpass.toml is tried. A default configuration file with comments should be in /etc/xdg/xaskpass/xaskpass.default.toml. .SH "SEE ALSO" The repository/homepage is at https://github.com/user827/xaskpass. .SH "BUGS" Found a bug? Please report it at https://github.com/user827/xaskpass/issues. .SH "EXIT CODES" \fBxaskpass\fR returns 0 after successfully reading a password, 1 if it was cancelled by the user and 2 if an error occurred.