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When searching for more than one byte, positions are considered a match if the byte at that position matches any of the bytes. * The [`memmem`] sub-module provides forward and reverse substring search routines. In all such cases, routines operate on `&[u8]` without regard to encoding. This is exactly what you want when searching either UTF-8 or arbitrary bytes. # Example: using `memchr` This example shows how to use `memchr` to find the first occurrence of `z` in a haystack: ``` use memchr::memchr; let haystack = b"foo bar baz quuz"; assert_eq!(Some(10), memchr(b'z', haystack)); ``` # Example: matching one of three possible bytes This examples shows how to use `memrchr3` to find occurrences of `a`, `b` or `c`, starting at the end of the haystack. ``` use memchr::memchr3_iter; let haystack = b"xyzaxyzbxyzc"; let mut it = memchr3_iter(b'a', b'b', b'c', haystack).rev(); assert_eq!(Some(11),; assert_eq!(Some(7),; assert_eq!(Some(3),; assert_eq!(None,; ``` # Example: iterating over substring matches This example shows how to use the [`memmem`] sub-module to find occurrences of a substring in a haystack. ``` use memchr::memmem; let haystack = b"foo bar foo baz foo"; let mut it = memmem::find_iter(haystack, "foo"); assert_eq!(Some(0),; assert_eq!(Some(8),; assert_eq!(Some(16),; assert_eq!(None,; ``` # Example: repeating a search for the same needle It may be possible for the overhead of constructing a substring searcher to be measurable in some workloads. In cases where the same needle is used to search many haystacks, it is possible to do construction once and thus to avoid it for subsequent searches. This can be done with a [`memmem::Finder`]: ``` use memchr::memmem; let finder = memmem::Finder::new("foo"); assert_eq!(Some(4), finder.find(b"baz foo quux")); assert_eq!(None, finder.find(b"quux baz bar")); ``` # Why use this crate? At first glance, the APIs provided by this crate might seem weird. Why provide a dedicated routine like `memchr` for something that could be implemented clearly and trivially in one line: ``` fn memchr(needle: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option { haystack.iter().position(|&b| b == needle) } ``` Or similarly, why does this crate provide substring search routines when Rust's core library already provides them? ``` fn search(haystack: &str, needle: &str) -> Option { haystack.find(needle) } ``` The primary reason for both of them to exist is performance. When it comes to performance, at a high level at least, there are two primary ways to look at it: * **Throughput**: For this, think about it as, "given some very large haystack and a byte that never occurs in that haystack, how long does it take to search through it and determine that it, in fact, does not occur?" * **Latency**: For this, think about it as, "given a tiny haystack---just a few bytes---how long does it take to determine if a byte is in it?" The `memchr` routine in this crate has _slightly_ worse latency than the solution presented above, however, its throughput can easily be over an order of magnitude faster. This is a good general purpose trade off to make. You rarely lose, but often gain big. **NOTE:** The name `memchr` comes from the corresponding routine in `libc`. A key advantage of using this library is that its performance is not tied to its quality of implementation in the `libc` you happen to be using, which can vary greatly from platform to platform. But what about substring search? This one is a bit more complicated. The primary reason for its existence is still indeed performance, but it's also useful because Rust's core library doesn't actually expose any substring search routine on arbitrary bytes. The only substring search routine that exists works exclusively on valid UTF-8. So if you have valid UTF-8, is there a reason to use this over the standard library substring search routine? Yes. This routine is faster on almost every metric, including latency. The natural question then, is why isn't this implementation in the standard library, even if only for searching on UTF-8? The reason is that the implementation details for using SIMD in the standard library haven't quite been worked out yet. **NOTE:** Currently, only `x86_64`, `wasm32` and `aarch64` targets have vector accelerated implementations of `memchr` (and friends) and `memmem`. # Crate features * **std** - When enabled (the default), this will permit features specific to the standard library. Currently, the only thing used from the standard library is runtime SIMD CPU feature detection. This means that this feature must be enabled to get AVX2 accelerated routines on `x86_64` targets without enabling the `avx2` feature at compile time, for example. When `std` is not enabled, this crate will still attempt to use SSE2 accelerated routines on `x86_64`. It will also use AVX2 accelerated routines when the `avx2` feature is enabled at compile time. In general, enable this feature if you can. * **alloc** - When enabled (the default), APIs in this crate requiring some kind of allocation will become available. For example, the [`memmem::Finder::into_owned`](crate::memmem::Finder::into_owned) API and the [`arch::all::shiftor`](crate::arch::all::shiftor) substring search implementation. Otherwise, this crate is designed from the ground up to be usable in core-only contexts, so the `alloc` feature doesn't add much currently. Notably, disabling `std` but enabling `alloc` will **not** result in the use of AVX2 on `x86_64` targets unless the `avx2` feature is enabled at compile time. (With `std` enabled, AVX2 can be used even without the `avx2` feature enabled at compile time by way of runtime CPU feature detection.) * **logging** - When enabled (disabled by default), the `log` crate is used to emit log messages about what kinds of `memchr` and `memmem` algorithms are used. Namely, both `memchr` and `memmem` have a number of different implementation choices depending on the target and CPU, and the log messages can help show what specific implementations are being used. Generally, this is useful for debugging performance issues. * **libc** - **DEPRECATED**. Previously, this enabled the use of the target's `memchr` function from whatever `libc` was linked into the program. This feature is now a no-op because this crate's implementation of `memchr` should now be sufficiently fast on a number of platforms that `libc` should no longer be needed. (This feature is somewhat of a holdover from this crate's origins. Originally, this crate was literally just a safe wrapper function around the `memchr` function from `libc`.) 676   > ?  >  ?  >  =  > ? > ? > hij=>>? ? ̧1? ?       logging                              @  A module with low-level architecture dependent routines. These routines are useful as primitives for tasks not covered by the higher level crate API.  @  Contains architecture independent routines. These routines are often used as a "fallback" implementation when the more specialized architecture dependent routines are unavailable.  | Provides architecture independent implementations of `memchr` and friends. The main types in this module are [`One`], [`Two`] and [`Three`]. They are for searching for one, two or three distinct bytes, respectively, in a haystack. Each type also has corresponding double ended iterators. These searchers are typically slower than hand-coded vector routines accomplishing the same task, but are also typically faster than naive scalar code. These routines effectively work by treating a `usize` as a vector of 8-bit lanes, and thus achieves some level of data parallelism even without explicit vector support. The `One` searcher also provides a [`One::count`] routine for efficiently counting the number of times a single byte occurs in a haystack. This is useful, for example, for counting the number of lines in a haystack. This routine exists because it is usually faster, especially with a high match count, then using [`One::find`] repeatedly. ([`OneIter`] specializes its `Iterator::count` implementation to use this routine.) Only one, two and three bytes are supported because three bytes is about the point where one sees diminishing returns. Beyond this point and it's probably (but not necessarily) better to just use a simple `[bool; 256]` array or similar. However, it depends mightily on the specific work-load and the expected match frequency.   !x{,   7  ¾    #$%')*,./23 ""@ Create a new searcher that finds occurrences of the byte given.C"" $K4G Return the first occurrence of the needle in the given haystack. If noJ1 such occurrence exists, then `None` is returned.4E The occurrence is reported as an offset into `haystack`. Its maximumH8 value for a non-empty haystack is `haystack.len() - 1`.; 7 7  7  7"" %b%&&&&%5F Return the last occurrence of the needle in the given haystack. If noI4H; 7 7  7  7"" 'b'(((('-; Counts all occurrences of this byte in the given haystack.> 7 7  7  7"" )b)s3 Like `find`, but accepts and returns raw pointers. 6!@ When a match is found, the pointer returned is guaranteed to be!C `>= start` and `< end`.!"F This routine is useful if you're already using raw pointers and would"ID like to avoid converting back to a slice before executing a search."G# # Safety# #2 * Both `start` and `end` must be valid for reads.#5= * Both `start` and `end` must point to an initialized value.$@E * Both `start` and `end` must point to the same allocated object and$HA must either be in bounds or at most one byte past the end of the%D allocated object.%F * Both `start` and `end` must be _derived from_ a pointer to the same&I object.& D * The distance between `start` and `end` must not overflow `isize`.&GF * The distance being in bounds must not rely on "wrapping around" the'I address space.'(H Note that callers may pass a pair of pointers such that `start >= end`.(K. In that case, `None` will always be returned.(1) 7  7")" **++++*?t4 Like `rfind`, but accepts and returns raw pointers.6777C788I8G99 995:@:H;D;>>K>1?  7  7"?" A,----,QIF Counts all occurrences of this byte in the given haystack representedII by raw pointers.IJJIJGKK KK5L@LHMDMMIN NGOIOPPK+ In that case, `0` will always be returned.P.Q  7  7"Q"Q VDC Returns an iterator over all occurrences of the needle byte in theUF given haystack.UUF The iterator returned implements `DoubleEndedIterator`. This means itUI7 can also be used to find occurrences in reverse order.V:W0!1! 0! 1!SCSDžᇁ0!1!"W" /WbWWX*X  7  7"X"XՍY,Y 7  7"Y"Yʸ^)!5!65678:<^^_ _44_#_ 7  74_4 85!6!a899998bb44 :5!6!b:;;;;:d-d  7  74d4 <5!6!de4!>!?>?@eee(e  7  7=e= @>!?!g@AAAA@jCDFHJLOPk+E Create a new searcher that finds occurrences of the two needle byteskH given.k kBB C-.r4D Return the first occurrence of one of the needle bytes in the givenpGA haystack. If no such occurrence exists, then `None` is returned.qDqqHr;s 7 7  7  7BsB DbuDEEEEDx5C Return the last occurrence of one of the needle bytes in the givenuFvDvvHw;x 7 7  7  7BxB FbzFGGGGFsz6{{C{||I|G}} }}5~@~HDIـ GIK1ă 7  7BփB HIIIIHt7CאߐIG 5Ԓ@HDɔI GIؖK1  7  7BBЍ JKKKKJDG Returns an iterator over all occurrences of one of the needle bytes inJ the given haystack.נIɡ:M!N! M! N!UCSM!N!BB Lb*  7  7BãBģՍ̤,Ϥ 7  7BפBؤʸ’ª)!R!SRSTUWǪ˪ QQ# 7  7QQ UR!S!UVVVVU-  7  7QQ WR!S!Ү4!Y!ZYZ[׮ۮ(  7  7XX [Y!Z!˱[\\\\[ ^_acegjk:G Create a new searcher that finds occurrences of the three needle bytesJ۵ ]] ^-./ï4˻GDH; 7 7  7  7]] _bֱ_````_5FDH; 7 7  7  7]] aŷbabbbbaƵs6CIG 5@HDI GIK1 7  7]]ó cddddcպt7CIG 5@HDI GIK1  7  7]] effffeFJI:h!i! h! i!VCSh!i!]] gbҐ*  7  7]]Ս, 7  7]]ʸ+!m!nmnoprޒ ll# 7  7ll pm!n!pqqqqp-  7  7ll rm!n!6!t!utuǛv(  7  7Ǜss vt!u!vwwwwv" ƁɄ҄ Provides an architecture independent implementation of the "packed pair" algorithm. The "packed pair" algorithm is based on the [generic SIMD] algorithm. The main difference is that it (by default) uses a background distribution of byte frequencies to heuristically select the pair of bytes to search for. Note that this module provides an architecture independent version that doesn't do as good of a job keeping the search for candidates inside a SIMD hot path. It however can be good enough in many circumstances. [generic SIMD]:  ~|} |}  | ̫  +G Create a new prefilter that reports possible locations where the given J needle matches.   7  7ٴ  K=- Create a new prefilter using the pair given.0D If the prefilter could not be constructed, then `None` is returned.GD This constructor permits callers to control precisely which pair ofG bytes is used as a predicate.!  7  7ߜٴK&>6 Run this finder on the given haystack as a prefilter.9G If a candidate match is found, then an offset where the needle *could*J# begin in the haystack is returned.& 7 7  7  7 b A Returns the pair of offsets (into the needle) used to check as aDD predicate before confirming whether a needle exists at a particularG position.   7  7  7ߜ   + ߜ-)4 Create a new pair of offsets from the given needle.+7+B If a pair could not be created (for example, if the needle is too+E! short), then `None` is returned.,$,> This chooses the pair in the needle that is believed to be as,A: predictive of an overall match of the needle as possible.-=- 7  7-вK2n? Create a new pair of offsets from the given needle and ranker..B/F This permits the caller to choose a background frequency distribution/IE with which bytes are selected. The idea is to select a pair of bytes/HC that is believed to strongly predict a match in the haystack. This0F? usually means selecting bytes that occur rarely in a haystack.1B11EΪ2$2  7  7&322 KDi@ Create a new pair using the offsets given for the needle given.>C?E This bypasses any sort of heuristic process for choosing the offsets?H9 and permits the caller to choose the offsets themselves.?<@D Indices are limited to valid `u8` values so that a `Pair` uses less@GG memory. It is not possible to create a `Pair` with offsets bigger than@JF `u8::MAX`. It's likely that such a thing is not needed, but if it is,AIB it's suggested to build your own bespoke algorithm because you'reBEG likely working on a very niche case. (File an issue if this suggestionBJ does not make sense to you.)C CCEΪD$D  7  7D K''J& Returns the first offset of the pair.J)J 7  7ߜKKK' Returns the second offset of the pair.K*K 7  7ߜKKd L This trait allows the user to customize the heuristic used to determine theLOB relative frequency of a given byte in the dataset being searched.LEMJ The use of this trait can have a dramatic impact on performance dependingMML on the type of data being searched. The details of why are explained in theNOL docs of [`crate::memmem::Prefilter`]. To summarize, the core algorithm usesNOJ a prefilter to quickly identify candidate matches that are later verifiedOMF more slowly. This prefilter is implemented in terms of trying to findPIH `rare` bytes at specific offsets that will occur less frequently in thePKJ dataset. While the concept of a `rare` byte is similar for most datasets,QME there are some specific datasets (like binary executables) that haveQHJ dramatically different byte distributions. For these datasets customizingRMK the byte frequency heuristic can have a massive impact on performance, andRN' might even need to be done at runtime.S*SF The default implementation of `HeuristicFrequencyRank` reads from theSII static frequency table defined in `src/memmem/`. ThisTLJ is optimal for most inputs, so if you are unsure of the impact of using aUMJ custom `HeuristicFrequencyRank` you should probably just use the default.UMV # ExampleV V ```V use memchr::{V3 arch::all::packedpair::HeuristicFrequencyRank,V6 memmem::FinderBuilder,W };WWI /// A byte-frequency table that is good for scanning binary executables.WL struct Binary;XX) impl HeuristicFrequencyRank for Binary {X,% fn rank(&self, byte: u8) -> u8 {X(# const TABLE: [u8; 256] = [X&J 255, 128, 61, 43, 50, 41, 27, 28, 57, 15, 21, 13, 24, 17, 17,YMG 89, 58, 16, 11, 7, 14, 23, 7, 6, 24, 9, 6, 5, 9, 4, 7, 16,YJI 68, 11, 9, 6, 88, 7, 4, 4, 23, 9, 4, 8, 8, 5, 10, 4, 30, 11,ZL; 9, 24, 11, 5, 5, 5, 19, 11, 6, 17, 9, 9, 6, 8,[>K 48, 58, 11, 14, 53, 40, 9, 9, 254, 35, 3, 6, 52, 23, 6, 6, 27,[NC 4, 7, 11, 14, 13, 10, 11, 11, 5, 2, 10, 16, 12, 6, 19,\FK 19, 20, 5, 14, 16, 31, 19, 7, 14, 20, 4, 4, 19, 8, 18, 20, 24,\N@ 1, 25, 19, 58, 29, 10, 5, 15, 20, 2, 2, 9, 4, 3, 5,]CJ 51, 11, 4, 53, 23, 39, 6, 4, 13, 81, 4, 186, 5, 67, 3, 2, 15,]M9 0, 0, 1, 3, 2, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0,^<I 12, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 9, 1, 1, 0,^L1 2, 2, 4, 4, 11, 6, 7, 3, 6, 9, 4, 5,_4I 46, 18, 8, 18, 17, 3, 8, 20, 16, 10, 3, 7, 175, 4, 6, 7, 13,_L: 3, 7, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 10, 3, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1, 2,`=K 16, 3, 5, 1, 6, 1, 1, 2, 58, 20, 3, 14, 12, 2, 1, 3, 16, 3, 5,aN7 8, 3, 1, 8, 6, 17, 6, 5, 3, 8, 6, 13, 175,a: ];b TABLE[byte as usize]b  }b  }b2 // Create a new finder with the custom heuristic.b5" let finder = FinderBuilder::new()c%= .build_forward_with_ranker(Binary, b"\x00\x00\xdd\xdd");c@& // Find needle with custom heuristic.c)9 assert!(finder.find(b"\x00\x00\x00\xdd\xdd").is_some());d<ddhD Return the heuristic frequency rank of the given byte. A lower rankeGE means the byte is believed to occur less frequently in the haystack.eHfH Some uses of this heuristic may treat arbitrary absolute rank values asfKE significant. For example, an implementation detail in this crate mayfHG determine that heuristic prefilters are inappropriate if every byte ingJ the needle has a "high" rank.h!h 7  7h hhi&i߇ϋi4jj 7  7j jjkQI This permits passing any implementation of `HeuristicFrequencyRank` as ajL borrowed version of itself.k!&ڝkڝlѝkll 7  7ѝl !ڝl An implementation of the [Rabin-Karp substring search algorithm][rabinkarp]. Rabin-Karp works by creating a hash of the needle provided and then computing a rolling hash for each needle sized window in the haystack. When the rolling hash matches the hash of the needle, a byte-wise comparison is done to check if a match exists. The worst case time complexity of Rabin-Karp is `O(m * n)` where `m ~ len(needle)` and `n ~ len(haystack)`. Its worst case space complexity is constant. The main utility of Rabin-Karp is that the searcher can be constructed very quickly with very little memory. This makes it especially useful when searching for small needles in small haystacks, as it might finish its search before a beefier algorithm (like Two-Way) even starts. [rabinkarp]:    #A Create a new Rabin-Karp forward searcher for the given `needle`.DH The needle may be empty. The empty needle matches at every byte offset.KF Note that callers must pass the same needle to all search calls usingI this `Finder`.   7  7!K(C> Return the first occurrence of the `needle` in the `haystack`$A> given. If no such occurrence exists, then `None` is returned.$A%D The `needle` provided must match the needle given to this finder at%G construction time.&&F The maximum value this can return is `haystack.len()`, which can only&IE occur when the needle and haystack both have length zero. Otherwise,&HD for non-empty haystacks, the maximum value is `haystack.len() - 1`.'G( 7 7 7  7  7  7((bK6+6++CF `>= start` and `<= end`. The pointer returned is only ever equivalent,ID to `end` when both the needle and haystack are empty. (That is, the-G( empty string matches the empty string.)-+..I.G// /H Note that `start` and `end` below refer to both pairs of pointers given/KG to this routine. That is, the conditions apply to both `hstart`/`hend`0J and `nstart`/`nend`.00151@2H2D33I4 4G4I5+ * It must be the case that `start <= end`.5.6 7  766ɕܕȟ<=&A Create a new Rabin-Karp reverse searcher for the given `needle`.=D= 7  7=KED= Return the last occurrence of the `needle` in the `haystack`A@AABBGCCCICHDGE 7 7 7  7  7  7EEbKSH7HHCIIJGJ+KKIKGLL LLKMJMNN5N@OHODPPIQ QGQIRR.S  7  7SٵSɕܕY>Y 7 7  7  7Yb[ \\^?^ ^b?b bf5f 7 7  7  7fflgg 7  7ggi,i 7 7  7  7iilnDn nnn"  An implementation of the [Shift-Or substring search algorithm][shiftor]. [shiftor]:   ן+? Create a new Shift-Or forward searcher for the given `needle`.BK 7  7 K4D Return the first occurrence of the needle given to `Finder::new` in GC the `haystack` given. If no such occurrence exists, then `None` is F returned. G Unlike most other substring search implementations in this crate, thisJG finder does not require passing the needle at search time. A match canJG be determined without the needle at all since the required informationJ: is already encoded into this finder at construction time.=IHG 7 7  7ן  7 b An implementation of the [Two-Way substring search algorithm][two-way]. [`Finder`] can be built for forward searches, while [`FinderRev`] can be built for reverse searches. Two-Way makes for a nice general purpose substring search algorithm because of its time and space complexity properties. It also performs well in practice. Namely, with `m = len(needle)` and `n = len(haystack)`, Two-Way takes `O(m)` time to create a finder, `O(1)` space and `O(n)` search time. In other words, the preprocessing step is quick, doesn't require any heap memory and the worst case search time is guaranteed to be linear in the haystack regardless of the size of the needle. While vector algorithms will usually beat Two-Way handedly, vector algorithms also usually have pathological or edge cases that are better handled by Two-Way. Moreover, not all targets support vector algorithms or implementations for them simply may not exist yet. Two-Way can be found in the `memmem` implementations in at least [GNU libc] and [musl]. [two-way]: [GNU libc]: [musl]:   ,  ,  p   ܙ BȚ & '#@ Create a searcher that finds occurrences of the given `needle`.&C&F An empty `needle` results in a match at every position in a haystack,&I including at `haystack.len()`.'"' 7  7(K/CE Returns the first occurrence of `needle` in the given `haystack`, or,H- `None` if no such occurrence could be found.-0-@ The `needle` given must be the same as the `needle` provided to-C [`Finder::new`]....I̜/"/ 7 7 7  7  7  7/ /bK55 7 7 7 7  7   p p lè 7  7  755ԟbK;; 7 7 7 7  7   p p lè 7  7  7;;ԟ;bKν\ڽHH 7 7 7 7  7   p p lè 7  7  7IIԟIbK[SԠU&TCTTI̜U"U 7  7ԠUK]DD Returns the last occurrence of `needle` in the given `haystack`, orZG[0[[C [`FinderRev::new`].\\\I̜]"] 7 7 7  7Ԡ  7  7]]bKbb 7 7 7  7Ԡ  7  7ccbKɋ\Ջmm 7 7 7  7Ԡ  7  7mmbK[ф q 7  7̖K[ q 7  7K[  5 7  7K5 7  7K: current candidate + 7  7K$ 7  78@ Returns true if and only if `needle` is a prefix of `haystack`.CK This uses a latency optimized variant of `memcmp` internally which *might*N) make this faster for very short strings., # InliningK This routine is marked `inline(always)`. If you want to call this functionNI in a way that is not always inlined, you'll need to wrap a call to it inLE another function that is marked as `inline(never)` or just `inline`.H  7 7  7  7 bK 8@ Returns true if and only if `needle` is a suffix of `haystack`.CٶN,N LŹ H  7 7  7  7  bK+9 Compare corresponding bytes in `x` and `y` for equality. < C That is, this returns true if and only if `x.len() == y.len()` and F+ `x[i] == y[i]` for all `0 <= i < x.len()`. .    NLŹH # MotivationL Why not use slice equality instead? Well, slice equality usually results inOJ a call out to the current platform's `libc` which might not be inlineableMJ or have other overhead. This routine isn't guaranteed to be a win, but itM might be in some cases. 7 7  7  7c6 Compare `n` bytes at the given pointers for equality.9B This returns true if and only if `*x.add(i) == *y.add(i)` for allE `0 <= i < n`.NLŹHOMM ? * Both `x` and `y` must be valid for reads of up to `n` bytes.B7 * Both `x` and `y` must point to an initialized value.:> * Both `x` and `y` must each point to an allocated object andADI allocated object. `x` and `y` do not need to point to the same allocatedL object, but they may.H * Both `x` and `y` must be _derived from_ a pointer to their respectiveK allocated objects.J * The distance between `x` and `x+n` must not overflow `isize`. SimilarlyM for `y` and `y+n`.I     &O&M&&<& '-''ܤ(( ).)ܤ K+"+ 7  7ܤ+ +4z4 7  7ܤ4 4 Z{[  7  7ܤ[ [ yoy  7  7ܤy    z   7  7ܤ {     Ð  Ґ    - < - . ș"֙ 7  7ޙ ߙ՚" 7  7 z 7  7   {  7  7     7  7 {      - j - . / " 7  7 " 7  7 " 7  7 z 7  7   {œ  7  7՜ ֜  ط  7  7 {  ø    !!!!!aa b݇喥!1 ! !b  7  7 |   5 0  ! !s }   ) $  !  !   7  7 |  50 ! ! 8  7  7 ! 7  7Ĩ |  Ĩ 5Ĩ 0Ĩ  Ĩ b ! 0       !  0    !  0    !  )  WOMm  -  ߩ@ 7  7ߜߩ K & p 7 7 7  7ߩ  7  7 b K 5c5 7 7  7ߩ  75 5b II  7 7  7ߩ  7I IK   ǝ UIU 7  7ߩU݇ U ["[ 7  7ߩ  7ߜ[ [].] 7  7ߩ] ]`K`      ]      2  - Vector algorithms for the `aarch64` target. 2 4 E Algorithms for the `aarch64` target using 128-bit vectors via NEON. J<L This module defines 128-bit vector implementations of `memchr` and friends. The main types in this module are [`One`], [`Two`] and [`Three`]. They are for searching for one, two or three distinct bytes, respectively, in a haystack. Each type also has corresponding double ended iterators. These searchers are typically much faster than scalar routines accomplishing the same task. The `One` searcher also provides a [`One::count`] routine for efficiently counting the number of times a single byte occurs in a haystack. This is useful, for example, for counting the number of lines in a haystack. This routine exists because it is usually faster, especially with a high match count, then using [`One::find`] repeatedly. ([`OneIter`] specializes its `Iterator::count` implementation to use this routine.) Only one, two and three bytes are supported because three bytes is about the point where one sees diminishing returns. Beyond this point and it's probably (but not necessarily) better to just use a simple `[bool; 256]` array or similar. However, it depends mightily on the specific work-load and the expected match frequency. T ,  M Ņ G ޅ    %G Create a new searcher that finds occurrences of the needle byte given. J H This particular searcher is specialized to use neon vector instructions K# that typically make it quite fast. & B If neon is unavailable in the current environment, then `None` is E    Kõ .B Create a new finder specific to neon vectors and routines withoutE! checking that neon is available.$ F Callers must guarantee that it is safe to execute `neon` instructionsI in the current environment.C Note that it is a common misconception that if one compiles for anFG `x86_64` target, then they therefore automatically have access to neonJE instructions. While this is almost always the case, it isn't true inH 100% of cases.  K B Returns true when this implementation is available in the currentE environment.B When this is true, it is guaranteed that [`One::new`] will returnEC a `Some` value. Similarly, when it is false, it is guaranteed thatF' `One::new` will return a `None` value.*E Note also that for the lifetime of a single program, if this returnsH& true then it will always return true.)  4GDH value is `haystack.len() - 1`." 7 7  7  7  b   5FDH "  7 7  7  7!  b # $-#>$ 7 7  7  7$ $b /s&6''C(((I)G)) ))5*@*H+D,,I, ,G-I...K/1/ 7  7/    2 =t5755C666I7G77 7858@8H9D::I: ;G;I<<+D Create a new pair searcher. The searcher returned can either report GE exact matches of `needle` or act as a prefilter and report candidate H positions of `needle`.  C If neon is unavailable in the current environment or if a [`Pair`] F? could not be constructed from the needle given, then `None` is B  7  7 K=A Create a new "packed pair" finder using the pair of bytes given.DGɢ!E   7  7ߜK&= 7  7ߜK&ED When this is true, it is guaranteed that [`Finder::with_pair`] willGE return a `Some` value. Similarly, when it is false, it is guaranteedHF that `Finder::with_pair` will return a `None` value. Notice that thisIH does not guarantee that [`Finder::new`] will return a `Finder`. Namely,KF even when `Finder::is_available` is true, it is not guaranteed that aI3 valid [`Pair`] can be found from the needle given.6H˒)  C2 Execute a search using neon vectors and routines.5 # Panics A When `haystack.len()` is less than [`Finder::min_haystack_len`].D  7 7 7  7  7  7   bK#>"5"" ""D# 7 7  7  7# #b(j(  7 7 7  7  7  7((bK-F- 7 7  7  7--b/.D.G/ / 7  7  7ߜ/ʌ/3'C Returns the minimum haystack length that this `Finder` can search.0F0G Using a haystack with length smaller than this in a search will result0JC in a panic. The reason for this restriction is that this finder is1FE meant to be a low-level component that is part of a larger substring2HB strategy. In that sense, it avoids trying to handle all cases and2E= instead only handles the cases that it can handle very well.3@4 7  74 4CR            needles      $   2      chose neon for {}       debug_assert     3                 $        0no neon feature available, using fallback for {}2                 m   n Ϟ z  {    ̅ ͉ى ` ލ @@ops   $ !׷      7  7׷  7  !  !g  ϼǀ! H   !; !  A   ԣq              g  ϼǀ ! &    7  7  7   !  3  q        ǥ !ڣ !h h 8! &   !٨ !  q         7  7٨  7  ! @@9J0  3  1 ®Ϯ              @ @ ,:   Բ; 6 Search for the first occurrence of a byte in a slice.D9 ~ L This returns the index corresponding to the first occurrence of `needle` inO J `haystack`, or `None` if one is not found. If an index is returned, it isM - guaranteed to be less than `haystack.len()`.0  6 While this is semantically the same as something like9 K `haystack.iter().position(|&b| b == needle)`, this routine will attempt toN I use highly optimized vector operations that can be an order of magnitudeL  faster (or more).    F This shows how to find the first position of a byte in a byte string.I    use memchr::memchr;  ' let haystack = b"the quick brown fox";* - assert_eq!(memchr(b'k', haystack), Some(8));0    7  7 Kb < 5 Search for the last occurrence of a byte in a slice.8   K This returns the index corresponding to the last occurrence of `needle` in N  M  0   ɵ 9 L `haystack.iter().rposition(|&b| b == needle)`, this routine will attempt to O  L        E This shows how to find the last position of a byte in a byte string. H      use memchr::memrchr;     * / assert_eq!(memrchr(b'o', haystack), Some(17));2    7  7 Kb J E Search for the first occurrence of two possible bytes in a haystack.H  K This returns the index corresponding to the first occurrence of one of theN J needle bytes in `haystack`, or `None` if one is not found. If an index isM = returned, it is guaranteed to be less than `haystack.len()`.@  ɵ9 L `haystack.iter().position(|&b| b == needle1 || b == needle2)`, this routineO L will attempt to use highly optimized vector operations that can be an orderO  of magnitude faster (or more)."    L This shows how to find the first position of one of two possible bytes in aO  haystack.    use memchr::memchr2;  * 4 assert_eq!(memchr2(b'k', b'q', haystack), Some(4));7    7  7 -.b  K D Search for the last occurrence of two possible bytes in a haystack.G  J This returns the index corresponding to the last occurrence of one of theM M @  ɵ9 E `haystack.iter().rposition(|&b| b == needle1 || b == needle2)`, thisH K routine will attempt to use highly optimized vector operations that can beN ( an order of magnitude faster (or more).+    K This shows how to find the last position of one of two possible bytes in aN     use memchr::memrchr2;  * 6 assert_eq!(memrchr2(b'k', b'o', haystack), Some(17)); 9      7  7! -.b" *j G Search for the first occurrence of three possible bytes in a haystack.#J $ $N $M %@ % ɵ%9 O `haystack.iter().position(|&b| b == needle1 || b == needle2 || b == needle3)`,&R I this routine will attempt to use highly optimized vector operations that'L / can be an order of magnitude faster (or more).'2 ( ( ( L This shows how to find the first position of one of three possible bytes in(O  a haystack.( ( )  use memchr::memchr3;) ) )* : assert_eq!(memchr3(b'k', b'q', b'u', haystack), Some(4));)= * *  7  7* -./b, 3k F Search for the last occurrence of three possible bytes in a haystack.-I - -M .M /@ / ɵ/9 P `haystack.iter().rposition(|&b| b == needle1 || b == needle2 || b == needle3)`,0S 0L 12 1 1 1 K This shows how to find the last position of one of three possible bytes in1N 2 2 2  use memchr::memrchr3;2 2 2* < assert_eq!(memrchr3(b'k', b'o', b'n', haystack), Some(17));3? 3 3  7  74 -./b6 8D F Returns an iterator over all occurrences of the needle in a haystack.6I 7 7I 8: 8 ! !h-S!8 Kb:C I Returns an iterator over all occurrences of the needle in a haystack, in9L  reverse.: :  7  74겶xh-S 7: Kbb J Returns an iterator over all occurrences of the needles in a haystack, in>M > >  7  74겶xi-.S܅ƌ 7? -.bAt @J @ @I A: A ! !j-./SǏØҀ!A -./bCs CM C D  7  74겶xj-./SǏØҀ 7D -./bI !h-S!I K9 IF J J JI K: L  ! !-bM !M M M N# N  7  7N  !R S S  !S U- U  7  7U  !U V+ !V V( V  7  7V  !X Y1 !Y ^ !i-.S܅ƌ!^ `G ^G _ _ _I _: `  ! !! !b b b b# b  7  7b  !e e- e  7  7e  !e f, !f g( g  7  7g  !i ԁj2 !j o !j-./SǏØҀ!o q{ oG p p pI q: q  ! !-ʍ.֍/bs! !s t t t# t  7  7t  !v w- w  7  7w  !w x, !x y( y  7  7y  !{ |2 !| ݃}f } K؜ g  K ܌y  Ӽ-. ϓz ٓ -ա. ޚ  -.Σ/ۣ Ϣ ٢ -ɥ.֥/ ӪJ ݪ Kʧ ا@ This module provides forward and reverse substring search routines. Unlike the standard library's substring search routines, these work on arbitrary bytes. For all non-empty needles, these routines will report exactly the same values as the corresponding routines in the standard library. For the empty needle, the standard library reports matches only at valid UTF-8 boundaries, where as these routines will report matches at every position. Other than being able to work on arbitrary bytes, the primary reason to prefer these routines over the standard library routines is that these will generally be faster. In some cases, significantly so. # Example: iterating over substring matches This example shows how to use [`find_iter`] to find occurrences of a substring in a haystack. ``` use memchr::memmem; let haystack = b"foo bar foo baz foo"; let mut it = memmem::find_iter(haystack, "foo"); assert_eq!(Some(0),; assert_eq!(Some(8),; assert_eq!(Some(16),; assert_eq!(None,; ``` # Example: iterating over substring matches in reverse This example shows how to use [`rfind_iter`] to find occurrences of a substring in a haystack starting from the end of the haystack. **NOTE:** This module does not implement double ended iterators, so reverse searches aren't done by calling `rev` on a forward iterator. ``` use memchr::memmem; let haystack = b"foo bar foo baz foo"; let mut it = memmem::rfind_iter(haystack, "foo"); assert_eq!(Some(16),; assert_eq!(Some(8),; assert_eq!(Some(0),; assert_eq!(None,; ``` # Example: repeating a search for the same needle It may be possible for the overhead of constructing a substring searcher to be measurable in some workloads. In cases where the same needle is used to search many haystacks, it is possible to do construction once and thus to avoid it for subsequent searches. This can be done with a [`Finder`] (or a [`FinderRev`] for reverse searches). ``` use memchr::memmem; let finder = memmem::Finder::new("foo"); assert_eq!(Some(4), finder.find(b"baz foo quux")); assert_eq!(None, finder.find(b"quux baz bar")); ```  @ o  p  ' '' ( g p  k m (    ÛÛۛۛ    ') WA (L *W  \ ͝͝&     7  7&   MK՟՟:~ :  7  7; K(lE E  7 7 7 7  7  7  7  7E E pbKH" I@ I  7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7I  I I V V Y Y  7 7 7 7  7  7  7  7Y  _searcherY _prestateY _haystackY Y \ \  7 7 7 7  7  7  7  7\ C\ \ b\ ] ` `  7 7 7 7  7  7  7  7` C` ` b` Ka e e$  7 7 7 7  7  7  7  7e Ce pe be Kf y y ܪ˄y y   y y 2y y y  7 7 7 7  7  7  7  7z Cz z bz Kz  Ʌ/ ׅ  7  7 Kj   7 7 7  7  7  7  bKڠ    ʡ    7  7 м     7ߜ  7&ö   Ć&҆Kرر  9        2    7  7 ؽlKˎ0   7 7  7  7  b7   7 7  7  7   b   # @   7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7      a   7 7  7  7 strat b ]  ؉      2    7 7  7  7  b      % Ȉ $   7  7  pҎ" Վ  7  7     7  7 ’ ʓ ͓  7  7ӓ ԓ  !  p p lè!× ?   7 7  7  7  !Ę b˚- ٚ  7  7  ! *   7  7 K    x K Returns an iterator over all non-overlapping occurrences of a substring inN    # Complexity  E This routine is guaranteed to have worst case linear time complexityH E with respect to both the needle and the haystack. That is, this runsH , in `O(needle.len() + haystack.len())` time./  B This routine is also guaranteed to have worst case constant spaceE  complexity.   # Examples   Basic usage:    use memchr::memmem;  ' let haystack = b"foo bar foo baz foo";* 2 let mut it = memmem::find_iter(haystack, b"foo");5  assert_eq!(Some(0),;#  assert_eq!(Some(8),;# ! assert_eq!(Some(16),;$  assert_eq!(None,;   ! ! I  q b p l \뤎к!II I  IbK  #| E Returns a reverse iterator over all non-overlapping occurrences of aH  substring in a haystack.    H H /    E           ! ! ! ! !* 3 let mut it = memmem::rfind_iter(haystack, b"foo");!6 "$ "# "# # # # ! ! I  r b l \꼢!II# I# # IbиKݸ# # +< ? Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given needle.$B % H Note that if you're are searching for the same needle in many different%K C small haystacks, it may be faster to initialize a [`Finder`] once,&F  and reuse it for each search.&! & & ' 'H 'H (/ ( (E ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )  let haystack = b"foo bar baz";)" 5 assert_eq!(Some(0), memmem::find(haystack, b"foo"));*8 5 assert_eq!(Some(4), memmem::find(haystack, b"bar"));*8 3 assert_eq!(None, memmem::find(haystack, b"quux"));+6 + +  7 7  7  7+ bμKۼ4= > Returns the index of the last occurrence of the given needle.-A - -K F small haystacks, it may be faster to initialize a [`FinderRev`] once,.I /! / / / /H 0H 0/ 1 1E 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2" 6 assert_eq!(Some(0), memmem::rfind(haystack, b"foo"));29 6 assert_eq!(Some(4), memmem::rfind(haystack, b"bar"));39 5 assert_eq!(Some(8), memmem::rfind(haystack, b"ba"));38 4 assert_eq!(None, memmem::rfind(haystack, b"quux"));37 4 4  7 7  7  74 bK9 !I  q b p l \뤎к!I9 9 9d 9  !  W K C؊ߩaI !Ibl>0 E Convert this iterator into its owned variant, such that it no longer;H  borrows the finder and needle.;" < G If this is already an owned iterator, then this is a no-op. Otherwise,   q b p l \뤎к! !I?* !I@ @ @ @ @# @  7  7@  !I@ C- C  7  7C  !IC L !I  r b l \꼢!IL M Mj M  !  X K CٟI !IblQ3 OH O" O PJ P P : This is only available when the `std` feature is enabled.P= Q Q Q  Q Q Q Q Q   r b l \꼢! !IS- !IS S S S S# T  7  7T  !IT ^ I  W K C؊ߩaI^ _@ * Create a new finder for the given needle.^- _  I;_ IK_ f4 F Returns the index of the first occurrence of this needle in the given`I ` a a a aH bH b/ c cE c c c d d d d  use memchr::memmem::Finder;d d d" 8 assert_eq!(Some(0), Finder::new("foo").find(haystack));e; 8 assert_eq!(Some(4), Finder::new("bar").find(haystack));e; 6 assert_eq!(None, Finder::new("quux").find(haystack));f9 f f  7 7  7  7f  If boa G Returns an iterator over all occurrences of a substring in a haystack.hJ i i i iH iH j/ j kE k k k k l l l l l l* " let finder = Finder::new(b"foo");m% ) let mut it = finder.find_iter(haystack);m, m# n# n$ n o o !! ! !  q b p l \뤎к!!o  Io bo ڀs* C Convert this finder into its owned variant, such that it no longerpF  borrows the needle.q q E If this is already an owned finder, then this is a no-op. Otherwise,qH q r r? r r r  r r r r s   W K C؊ߩa Ix" / Convert this finder into its borrowed variant.t2 t C This is primarily useful if your finder is owned and you'd like totF @ store its borrowed variant in some intermediate data structure.uC v G Note that the lifetime parameter of the returned finder is tied to thevJ E lifetime of `self`, and may be shorter than the `'n` lifetime of thevH C needle itself. Namely, a finder's needle can be either borrowed orwF F owned, so the lifetime of the needle returned must necessarily be thewI  shorter of the two.x x  7  7  W K C؊ߩa 7y  Iy } 2 Returns the needle that this finder searches for.z5 z F Note that the lifetime of the needle returned is tied to the lifetimezI D of the finder, and may be shorter than the `'n` lifetime. Namely, a{G H finder's needle can be either borrowed or owned, so the lifetime of the{K < needle returned must necessarily be the shorter of the two.|? }  7  7  7}  I} ք I  X K CٟIۄ C 2 Create a new reverse finder for the given needle.5 …  Iӏ;҅ IKƅ A E Returns the index of the last occurrence of this needle in the givenH   B The haystack may be any type that can be cheaply converted into aE C `&[u8]`. This includes, but is not limited to, `&str` and `&[u8]`.F  È ؈ H H /  E      ̋ ԋ  use memchr::memmem::FinderRev;"  " < assert_eq!(Some(0), FinderRev::new("foo").rfind(haystack));? < assert_eq!(Some(4), FinderRev::new("bar").rfind(haystack));? : assert_eq!(None, FinderRev::new("quux").rfind(haystack));=    7  7ӏ;   I be D Returns a reverse iterator over all occurrences of a substring in aG     H H /  E Œ ْ      " ̓ ԓ* % let finder = FinderRev::new(b"foo");( * let mut it = finder.rfind_iter(haystack);- $ # # ە   !! !ӏ !  r b l \꼢!!  I b ʞ- F   H   =  ğ        ӏ  X K Cٟ I% ś2  F ԅϜC  J H ӇF I ԟ   7  7ӏ  X K Cٟ 7  I  5  I ؋G K ڣ?   7  7ӏ  7  I   3 Create a new finder builder with default settings.6 ƨ l ? Build a forward finder using the given needle from the currentB  settings.ҩ  I 7  7 I  W K C؊ߩaI;   KΨΨ  I Build a forward finder using the given needle and a custom heuristic forL : determining the frequency of a given byte in the dataset.= 1 See [`HeuristicFrequencyRank`] for more details.4  I 7  7 I  W K C؊ߩaI&;   ԭ  ҊKƬƬججȭ ̰o ? Build a reverse finder using the given needle from the currentB  Ӱ I 7  7 I  X K CٟI; ݩ  Kӯӯ G 0 Configure the prefilter setting for the finder.3  C See the documentation for [`Prefilter`] for more discussion on whyF " you might want to configure this.%   7  7   M @ @ 0Mų       "   0  2 '- + * 3 28"        "    !!! !!"-" ###  #$$  $(**΢,",C," ..  ҙ..  /9/ Ȝ՜080 181 22  ޢ67  PPPP  P P2P PP  OPMQvcopy_lane_s64{ pvcopy_lane_u64~ pvcopy_lane_p64 pvcopy_lane_f64 pvcopy_laneq_s64ֈ qvcopy_laneq_u64Ȍ qvcopy_laneq_p64 qvcopy_laneq_f64 qvld1_s8 qvld1q_s8Ś qvld1_s16 q vld1q_s16  qvld1_s32 q vld1q_s32  qvld1_s64٦ q vld1q_s64  qvld1_u8ȫ qvld1q_u8 qvld1_u16 q vld1q_u16  qvld1_u32 q vld1q_u32ݷ  qvld1_u64 q vld1q_u64μ  qvld1_p8 qvld1q_p8 qvld1_p16 q vld1q_p16  qvld1_p64 q vld1q_p64  qvld1_f32 q vld1q_f32  qvld1_f64 q vld1q_f64  q vld1_dup_f64  q vld1q_dup_f64  q vld1_lane_f64  qvld1q_lane_f64 qvst1_s8 qvst1q_s8 qvst1_s16 q vst1q_s16  qvst1_s32 q vst1q_s32  qvst1_s64 q vst1q_s64  qvst1_u8 qvst1q_u8 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haystack.YDZK This iterator implements `DoubleEndedIterator`, which means it can also beZN+ used to find occurrences in reverse order.[.[6 This iterator is created by the [`One::iter`] method.[9[( The lifetime parameters are as follows:\+\B * `'a` refers to the lifetime of the underlying [`One`] searcher.\E> * `'h` refers to the lifetime of the haystack being searched.\A]!!SCSDžᇁ!!Džᇁ]ӆ#]ކ#^^ !^^aa b݇喥!؝!!ޓӆ#ӆ#ކ#ކ# 7  7ޓޓ] !!]!!ӆ#ӆ#ކ#ކ# 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7] !!]j2 Finds all occurrences of two bytes in a haystack.h5hI That is, this reports matches of one of two possible bytes. For example,hLK searching for `a` or `b` in `afoobar` would report matches at offsets `0`,iN `4` and `5`.j j쫓jjjjj jj jȞ 7  7j jj### 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7j jF An iterator over all occurrences of two possible bytes in a haystack.I#Nڂ#ަ.6 This iterator is created by the [`Two::iter`] method.9˧#ϧ+B * `'a` refers to the lifetime of the underlying [`Two`] searcher.E#ŨA!!UCS!!## !aa b݇喥!!!ܖ#### 7  7ܖܖ0 !!ߕߕߕߕ!!####ߕߕ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 71 !!ߕ4 Finds all occurrences of three bytes in a haystack.7K That is, this reports matches of one of three possible bytes. For example,NK searching for `a`, `b` or `o` in `afoobar` would report matches at offsetsN `0`, `2`, `3`, `4` and `5`.ֳج˜ôôϴ ϴ޴ ޴ ߢߢߢߢߢߢ 7  72 3֢#֢#֢#ԣԣԣԣԣԣ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 74 ԣH An iterator over all occurrences of three possible bytes in a haystack.K#Nڂ#.8 This iterator is created by the [`Three::iter`] method.;#+D * `'a` refers to the lifetime of the underlying [`Three`] searcher.G#A !!VCS!!## !aa b݇喥!פ!!#### 7  7G !!!!#### 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7H !! 2 An architecture independent "packed pair" finder.5L This finder picks two bytes that it believes have high predictive power forOL indicating an overall match of a needle. At search time, it reports offsetsOI where the needle could match based on whether the pair of bytes it choseL match. J This is architecture independent because it utilizes `memchr` to find theMH occurrence of one of the bytes in the pair, and then checks whether theKL second byte matches. If it does, in the case of [`Finder::find_prefilter`],O: the location at which the needle could match is returned. = F It is generally preferred to use architecture specific routines for a ID "packed pair" prefilter, but this can be a useful fallback when the G3 architecture independent routines are unavailable. 6 ϲ  |ߜ  |  |ĥ 7  7I   J ĸ#ĸ#ĸ# 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7K   *< A pair of byte offsets into a needle to use as a predicate. ? F This pair is used as a predicate to quickly filter out positions in a!IK haystack in which a needle cannot match. In some cases, this pair can even!NJ be used in vector algorithms such that the vector algorithm only switches"M3 over to scalar code once this pair has been found."6#K A pair of offsets can be used in both substring search implementations and#NH in prefilters. The former will report matches of a needle in a haystack#KC where as the latter will only report possible matches of a needle.$F%K The offsets are limited each to a maximum of 255 to keep memory usage low.%NG Moreover, it's rarely advantageous to create a predicate using offsets%J greater than 255 anyway.&&H The only guarantee enforced on the pair of offsets is that they are not&KF equivalent. It is not necessarily the case that `index1 < index2` for'IG example. By convention, `index1` corresponds to the byte in the needle'JJ that is believed to be most the predictive. Note also that because of the(MH requirement that the indices be both valid for the needle used to build(KK the pair and not equal, it follows that a pair can only be constructed for)N needles with length at least 2.*#*ߜ޷* *|* *|ߜ 7  7ߜߜL* *M*##̦#ߜԦߜ 7 7 7  7ߜ  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7N* *= A forward substring searcher using the Rabin-Karp algorithm.@H Note that, as a lower level API, a `Finder` does not have access to theKD needle it was constructed with. For this reason, executing a searchGC with a `Finder` requires passing both the needle and the haystack,FH where the needle is exactly equivalent to the one given to the `Finder`KF at construction time. This design was chosen so that callers can haveIG more precise control over where and how many times a needle is stored.JG For example, in cases where Rabin-Karp is just one of several possibleJ substring search algorithms. 哊ɑu   7  7P  7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7Q = A reverse substring searcher using the Rabin-Karp algorithm.;@< ᭢# <# 7  7R< < 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7S< <[ׯ# [# 7  7T[ [U[### 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7V[ [ ѩ٩   7  7X[ [ 7 7  7  7Y[ [ ; A forward substring searcher using the Shift-Or algorithm.>ןǼݩ ן 7 7 7  7ן  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7Z > A forward substring searcher that uses the Two-Way algorithm. A <#  #ڪ 7  7[   \ ###ӇӇӇӇӇӇ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7]   Ӈ> A reverse substring searcher that uses the Two-Way algorithm. A ԠєԠ#Ԡ  #Ԡ 7  7ԠԠ^   _ ##̫#Ԡ׊׊׊ԫ׊Ԡ׊׊ 7 7 7  7Ԡ  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7`   ׊  ΃[  $$ & & 7  7a b### 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7c  !ݵP!# !# °°°°°° 7  7d e### 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7f  "؝~Ֆ ՖΘ Θ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7gٓ ٓ# ֛#####ǀ$ǀ$ǀ$ 7  7h״ ״i޴$$$ͺͺͺͺͺͺ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7j ͺ$ܟΤ$…$…$…$$$$$$ކ$ކ$ކ$ 7  7k l$$$ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7m %ج֩Äm$ $̯ 7  7n o$$$ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7p '&'-'ܤҮ\$$''''-$ܤ$$ 7  7ܤܤq' 'r'$$ذ$-$$ܤ$$-$Mܤ$$ 7 7 7  7ܤ  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7s' ';-Ֆ$Ֆ$  ȶ -Ֆ$$ Ֆ$Ֆ$  7  7̔ ̔Ӕ$$$-Ֆ$$$Ֆ$Ֆ$   -Ֆ$$ Ֆ$Ֆ$  7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7ٔ ٔ K-¯˝$˝$   -˝$$ ˝$˝$  7  7 $$ü$-˝$$$˝$˝$  Ҽ -˝$$ ˝$˝$  7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7  [!aa b݇喥!݇喥$- ! !   !$$  7  7 !ۊ ۊ ۊ ۊ !ڧ$$ۊ ۊ  7 7 7  7ڧ  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7 !ۊ  _ - ߩ߆۫$۫$  ߜ         -۫$$ ߩ۫$۫$  7  7ߩߩ    $$$-۫$$$ߩ۫$۫$   -۫$$ ߩ۫$۫$  7 7 7  7ߩ  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7    " 9f  $   $ د د د د د د  7  7    ô$ô$ô$Ű Ű Ű Ű Ű Ű  7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7   Ű f#bDc#cNڂ#d.d#d9d#d+e#eE#eAgf!!SCSԣң̌g!!ԣң̌gf$f$ff !ggaa b݇喥!   !!$$$$  7  7f !!f   !!Ы$$$$  7 7 7  7Ы  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7f !!f #q5q#qL͍#rN#rhsƳ0 ҿ$  s$     7  7s ss$$$     7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7s s ѓ#Iͷ#ѷNڂ#.ϸݔ#Ӹ9#+ʕ#E#Ai!!UCS!!$$ !aa b݇喥!!!$$$$ 7  7Һ !!Һ!!$$$$ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7ٺ !!ٺ#7#N#N#jϘŀH$ $ 7  7 $$$ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7 #K#Nڂ#.#;#+܍#G#Ak !!VCSއk!!އk$$ !aa b݇喥!!!$$$$ 7  7 !!!!IJ$$$$ 7 7 7  7IJ  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7 !!?KEJN>l璔>$ $ 7  7 $$$ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7 ' ' '''''t !g  ϼǀ!ϼǀh h 8!$$$$ ! $ $$!$$ 7  7  ! !$$ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7  !   $       u !h h 8!8 !$$ $u !$$ ! $$u !$ ! $!$$ 7  7  ! !$$ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7  ! I #ED E #EN ڂ#F. F D This iterator is created by the [`memchr_iter`] or `[memrchr_iter`]FG C functions. It can also be created with the [`Memchr::new`] method.GF H I The lifetime parameter `'h` refers to the lifetime of the haystack beingHL  searched.H wI !h-S!I $I I I* I aa b݇喥!!$$ 7  7H  !H !$$ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7H  !H ] ѓ#YI Z #ZN ڂ#[. [ F This iterator is created by the [`memchr2_iter`] or `[memrchr2_iter`][I D functions. It can also be created with the [`Memchr2::new`] method.[G \ $\L $] x] !i-.S܅ƌ!܅ƌ] $] ] ] ] ]* ] aa b݇喥!!$$ 7  7]  !] !ͻ$$ 7 7 7  7ͻ  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7]  !] n #jK k #kN ڂ#k. l $lI D functions. It can also be created with the [`Memchr3::new`] method.lG m $mL $n yn !j-./SǏØҀ!ǏØҀn %n n n n n n o* o aa b݇喥!!%% 7  7n  !n !ؾ%% 7 7 7  7ؾ  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7n  !n   z  ͗Ť            7  7     N N ֵN N N N O O O+ O R4 R %R R   R R 2R R R  7  7N  N N %%%S S ‚ߣS S T T S %%% 7  7S  S  7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7S  S | } ӂ } } } }   7  7 |  |   7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7 |  |   ؗ     %  %%   %       ˙%  à à   Ԡ  7  7      7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7     H Prefilter controls whether heuristics are used to accelerate searching.ƒK  L A prefilter refers to the idea of detecting candidate matches very quickly,O D and then confirming whether those candidates are full matches. ThisG G idea can be quite effective since it's often the case that looking forJ H candidates can be a lot faster than running a complete substring searchK G over the entire input. Namely, looking for candidates can be done withŕJ  extremely fast vectorized code.#  J The downside of a prefilter is that it assumes false positives (which areM K candidates generated by a prefilter that aren't matches) are somewhat rareN F relative to the frequency of full matches. That is, if a lot of false՗I H positives are generated, then it's possible for search time to be worseK 9 than if the prefilter wasn't enabled in the first place.<  I Another downside of a prefilter is that it can result in highly variableL J performance, where some cases are extraordinarily fast and others aren't.M L Typically, variable performance isn't a problem, but it may be for your useǚO  case.  L The use of prefilters in this implementation does use a heuristic to detectO H when a prefilter might not be carrying its weight, and will dynamicallyK G disable its use. Nevertheless, this configuration option gives callersJ K the ability to disable prefilters if you have knowledge that they won't beN  useful.۝  ڪ%  䈷1    , Never used a prefilter in substring search./ %  %%  Ѡ F Automatically detect whether a heuristic prefilter should be used. IfI D it is used, then heuristics will be used to dynamically disable theŸG ; prefilter if it is believed to not be carrying its weight.> %  %%    7  7     %%%  7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7      ·              д д     7  7     %%%   .    4  ϶%      2       7  7     ָ%ָ%ָ%  ՚ީι1           7  7     %%%ٓٓٓٓ ٓٓ 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7    ٓ  !    p p lè !è  %ޖ ޖ   !    !!   %% 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7    ! 8 4 An iterator over non-overlapping substring matches.67 6 = Matches are reported by the byte offset at which they begin.6@ 7 G `'h` is the lifetime of the haystack while `'n` is the lifetime of the7J  needle.7 8 ! I    q b p l \뤎к ! I뤎к 8 %8 %8 8   !8 8   8 8     W K C؊ߩa I9 9   ! I    %%%% 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7 8   ! I8 ! I    %%%% 7  7 8   ! I8 K ? An iterator over non-overlapping substring matches in reverse.IB I %I@ J %JJ %J K ! I     r b l \꼢 ! I꼢 K %K %K K   !K K     X K Cٟ IL L   ! I   %%%% 7  7 K   ! IK ! I   %%%% 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7 K   ! IK ^ : A single substring searcher fixed to a particular needle.W= X G The purpose of this type is to permit callers to construct a substringXJ F searcher that can be used to search haystacks without the overhead ofYI G constructing the searcher in the first place. This is a somewhat nicheYJ I concern when it's necessary to re-use the same needle to search multipleZL K different haystacks with as little overhead as possible. In general, usingZN J [`find`] is good enough, but `Finder` is useful when you can meaningfully[M 1 observe searcher construction time in a profile.\4 \ F When the `std` feature is enabled, then this type has an `into_owned`\I C version which permits building a `Finder` that is not connected to]F  the lifetime of its needle.] ^ I    W K C؊ߩa I؊ߩa ^ %^ ^   g  ϼǀ I^ ^   I   %% 7  7 ]   I] I   %% 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7 ]   I]  B A single substring reverse searcher fixed to a particular needle.}E ~ %~J %~I %J %L E different haystacks with as little overhead as possible. In general,݀H G using [`rfind`] is good enough, but `FinderRev` is useful when you canJ > meaningfully observe searcher construction time in a profile.A  %I F version which permits building a `FinderRev` that is not connected toI %˃  I    X K Cٟ Iٟ  %    g  ϼǀ I    I   %% 7  7    I I   %% 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7    I  J A builder for constructing non-default forward or reverse memmem finders.M ¥ D A builder is primarily useful for configuring a substring searcher.ƥG D Currently, the only configuration exposed is the ability to disableG 8 heuristic prefilters used to speed up certain searches.֦;  ˟ ҧ ҧ     7  7      7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7       (؏֯ %  (%    7  7 ( ((%%%  7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7 ( (i ؒN %  i%    7  7 i ii%%%սսսս սս 7 7 7  7  7MMMJMJMJMJMJMJ؀ 7 i iսsxȅɉЍܓ̖Ӭ((EEZfi/0555;<<ܧIII]]ccmm¯ڱ˲ӵ 5J!$ןգ٭  ‚#փ))ڄ-ͺȂğݠE E F I I V V V V ڥY Y Z \ ] ] ` a a e f f z z z ŭͮˍ  Ʊݳش ֵ ˸     ˻ ȾԘ + 4 f    ޭ"#########؜#؜#ߕ###ԣ##########################Ӈ###׊########$Ʉ$Ʉ$ͺ$$$$Ϗ$Ϗ$Œ$$$Ù$$$ $$$ ͨ$$$ۊ $$$ $$$Ű $Ӿ$Ӿ$ $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%%ӊ%%%%%%—%—%%%%%%%%%%½%½%ٓ%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%սB"]' crate::memmemcrate::arch::all::shiftorcrate::memmem::Finder& crate::archarch::all::shiftorBmemmem::Finder::into_ownedmemmem::Finder!crate::memmem::Finder::into_owned&&&Bƛ&&&& arch::all&&crate::arch::all&&& &Bƛ&& &&&&$S Two::iter One::count& One::iter˞& Three::newS One::findUU&TTOne::new Three::iterTwo::newS&&ߞ&SSU&T&˟&˟&S&˞&ߞ&&&&i Memchr3::newh> ? 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