use crate::ir; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::io::{self, Write}; use self::util::extract_module; mod doc; mod r#enum; mod error; mod event; mod expr; mod request; mod r#struct; mod switch; mod union; mod util; mod xid; use doc::{Doc, DocField}; use expr::Expr; use r#struct::ParamsStruct; /// Information about a type /// for each variant /// - module is the module where the type is defined (None for current module) /// - rs_typ is the rust traduction of the type #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum TypeInfo { /// simple copyable types such as u32 Simple { rs_typ: String, wire_sz: usize, has_wire_layout: bool, }, Typedef { module: Option, rs_typ: String, old_module: Option, old_typ: String, wire_sz: Expr, has_wire_layout: bool, }, Xid { module: Option, rs_typ: String, }, XidUnion { module: Option, rs_typ: String, variants: Vec, }, Enum { module: Option, rs_typ: String, items: Vec<(String, u32, Option)>, altenum_typ: Option<(Option, String)>, doc: Option, }, Mask { module: Option, rs_typ: String, items: Vec<(String, u32, Option)>, doc: Option, }, Struct { module: Option, rs_typ: String, fields: Vec, wire_sz: Expr, has_wire_layout: bool, params_struct: Option, doc: Option, }, Union { module: Option, rs_typ: String, variants: Vec, wire_sz: Expr, type_field: Option, impl_clone: bool, emit: bool, }, Switch { module: Option, rs_typ: String, expr: Expr, cases: Vec, maskenum: (Option, String), params_struct: ParamsStruct, wire_sz: Expr, is_mask: bool, emit: bool, }, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct SwitchCase { name: String, exprs: Vec, fields: Vec, } #[allow(clippy::enum_variant_names)] #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum Field { Field { name: String, module: Option, rs_typ: String, wire_off: Expr, wire_sz: Expr, struct_style: Option, params_struct: Option, r#enum: Option<(Option, String)>, mask: Option<(Option, String)>, doc: Option, is_fieldref: bool, is_paramref: bool, is_copy: bool, is_union: bool, is_xid: bool, is_mask: bool, need_compute_offset: bool, is_prop_format: bool, // format field for a property }, List { name: String, module: Option, rs_typ: String, wire_off: Expr, wire_sz: Expr, len_expr: Expr, struct_style: Option, params_struct: Option, r#enum: Option<(Option, String)>, mask: Option<(Option, String)>, doc: Option, is_fieldref: bool, need_compute_offset: bool, is_prop: bool, // property field (resolved with type `void` and a format field is present) is_union: bool, union_typefield: Option, }, Switch { name: String, module: Option, params_struct: ParamsStruct, rs_typ: String, expr: Expr, wire_off: Expr, wire_sz: Expr, doc: Option, is_mask: bool, need_compute_offset: bool, }, Expr { name: String, typ: String, wire_sz: Expr, expr: Expr, }, Pad { wire_sz: Expr, }, AlignPad { wire_sz: Expr, }, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] enum StructStyle { WireLayout, FixBuf, DynBuf, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct UnionVariant { variant: String, module: Option, content: UnionVariantContent, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct UnionTypeField { offset: usize, enu_module: Option, enu_typ: String, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] enum UnionVariantContent { RsTyp(String), Array(String, usize), Struct(Vec), } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Error { rs_typ: String, copy_from_rs_typ: Option, variant: String, number: i32, fields: Vec, wire_sz: Expr, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Reply { fields: Vec, doc: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Request { rs_typ: String, opcode: u32, params: Vec, reply: Option, sends_event: bool, doc: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct Event { rs_typ: String, variant: String, number: i32, fields: Vec, copy_from_rs_typ: Option, wire_sz: Expr, is_xge: bool, doc: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] struct ExtInfo { pub rs_name: String, pub name: String, pub xname: String, pub major_version: u32, pub minor_version: u32, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct DepInfo { pub xcb_mod: String, pub deps: Vec, typinfos: HashMap, errors: Vec, events: Vec, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CodeGen { xcb_mod: String, ext_info: Option, depinfo: Vec, typinfos: HashMap, typs: Vec, rs_typs: HashMap, // struct and typedefs that are only used in unions are defined as variants and removed everywhere else // we keep track of whether e.g. struct or typedefs must be emitted through the need_count rs_typs_need_count: HashMap, errors: Vec, errors_preregistered: bool, requests: Vec, events: Vec, mask_exceptions: Vec, switch_exceptions: Vec, dbg_atom_names: bool, } impl CodeGen { pub fn new( xcb_mod: String, ext_info: &Option, depinfo: Vec, dbg_atom_names: bool, ) -> CodeGen { let simples = &[ ("CARD8", "u8", 1, true), ("CARD16", "u16", 2, true), ("CARD32", "u32", 4, true), ("CARD64", "u64", 8, true), ("INT8", "i8", 1, true), ("INT16", "i16", 2, true), ("INT32", "i32", 4, true), ("BYTE", "u8", 1, true), ("BOOL", "bool", 1, false), ("BOOL32", "bool", 4, false), ("char", "char", 1, false), ("float", "f32", 4, true), ("double", "f64", 8, true), ("FLOAT32", "f32", 4, true), ("FLOAT64", "f64", 8, true), ("void", "u8", 1, true), // void lists are blob of bytes ("fd", "RawFd", 4, true), ]; let typinfos = simples .iter() .map(|(typ, rs_typ, wire_sz, has_wire_layout)| { ( typ.to_string(), TypeInfo::Simple { rs_typ: rs_typ.to_string(), wire_sz: *wire_sz, has_wire_layout: *has_wire_layout, }, ) }) .collect(); let ext_info = ext_info.as_ref().map(|ei| ExtInfo { rs_name: rust_variant_name(&, name:, xname: ei.xname.clone(), major_version: ei.major_version, minor_version: ei.minor_version, }); CodeGen { xcb_mod, ext_info, depinfo, typinfos, typs: Vec::new(), rs_typs: HashMap::new(), rs_typs_need_count: HashMap::new(), errors: Vec::new(), errors_preregistered: false, requests: Vec::new(), events: Vec::new(), mask_exceptions: mask_exceptions(), switch_exceptions: switch_exceptions(), dbg_atom_names, } } pub fn into_depinfo(self) -> DepInfo { let CodeGen { xcb_mod, depinfo, mut typinfos, errors, events, .. } = self; let deps = depinfo.into_iter().map(|di| di.xcb_mod).collect(); for (_, typinfo) in typinfos.iter_mut() { match typinfo { TypeInfo::Typedef { module, .. } | TypeInfo::Xid { module, .. } | TypeInfo::XidUnion { module, .. } | TypeInfo::Enum { module, .. } | TypeInfo::Mask { module, .. } | TypeInfo::Struct { module, .. } | TypeInfo::Union { module, .. } => *module = Some(xcb_mod.clone()), _ => {} } } DepInfo { xcb_mod, deps, typinfos, errors, events, } } pub fn preregister_item(&mut self, item: &ir::Item) { match item { ir::Item::XidType { typ } | ir::Item::XidUnion { typ, .. } | ir::Item::Enum { typ, .. } => { let rs_typ = rust_type_name(typ); self.preregister_typ(rs_typ); } ir::Item::Error { .. } | ir::Item::ErrorCopy { .. } => { if !self.errors_preregistered { self.preregister_typ("Error".into()); self.errors_preregistered = true; } } _ => {} } } pub fn resolve_type(&mut self, item: &ir::Item) { match item { ir::Item::Typedef { old_typ, new_typ } => { self.resolve_typedef(old_typ, new_typ); } ir::Item::XidType { typ } => { self.resolve_xid(typ); } ir::Item::XidUnion { typ, xidtypes } => { self.resolve_xidunion(typ, xidtypes); } ir::Item::Enum { typ, items, doc } => { self.resolve_enum(typ, items, doc); } ir::Item::Struct { typ, fields, doc } => { self.resolve_struct(typ, fields, doc); } ir::Item::Union { typ, fields, doc } => { self.resolve_union(typ, fields, doc); } _ => {} } } pub fn resolve_error_event_request(&mut self, item: ir::Item) { match item { ir::Item::Error { name, number, fields, doc, } => self.resolve_error(name, number, fields, doc), ir::Item::ErrorCopy { name, number, r#ref, } => self.resolve_errorcopy(name, number, r#ref), ir::Item::Request { name, opcode, params, reply, doc, } => self.resolve_request(name, opcode, params, reply, doc), ir::Item::Event { number, name, fields, xge, no_seq_number, doc, } => self.resolve_event(name, number, fields, xge, no_seq_number, doc), ir::Item::EventCopy { name, number, r#ref, } => self.resolve_eventcopy(name, number, r#ref), ir::Item::EventStruct { typ, selectors } => { assert!(!selectors.is_empty()); self.resolve_event_struct(typ, selectors); } _ => {} } } pub fn emit_prologue(&self, out: &mut O) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!( out, "// This source file is generated automatically from {}.xml", self.xcb_mod )?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, "use crate::base::{{self, BaseError, BaseEvent, GeEvent, Raw, Reply, WiredIn, WiredOut, Xid}};" )?; writeln!(out, "use crate::ext;")?; writeln!(out, "use crate::ffi::base::*;")?; writeln!(out, "use crate::ffi::ext::*;")?; writeln!( out, "use crate::lat1_str::{{Lat1Str, Lat1String, Lat1StrF}};" )?; for di in &self.depinfo { writeln!(out, "use crate::{};", di.xcb_mod)?; } if self.ext_info.is_some() { writeln!(out, "use crate::xproto::PropEl;")?; } writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "use bitflags::bitflags;")?; writeln!(out, "use libc::{{self, iovec}};")?; writeln!(out, "use std::convert::TryInto;")?; writeln!(out, "use std::hash::{{Hash, Hasher}};")?; writeln!(out, "use std::os::unix::io::RawFd;")?; if self.xcb_mod == "xproto" { writeln!(out, "use std::cmp::Ordering;")?; } if let Some(ext_info) = self.ext_info.as_ref() { writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, "/// The official identifier for the `{}` extension.", )?; writeln!(out, "pub const XNAME: &str = \"{}\";", ext_info.xname)?; writeln!( out, "/// The major version of the `{}` extension.", )?; writeln!( out, "pub const MAJOR_VERSION: u32 = {};", ext_info.major_version )?; writeln!( out, "/// The minor version of the `{}` extension.", )?; writeln!( out, "pub const MINOR_VERSION: u32 = {};", ext_info.minor_version )?; writeln!( out, "/// The version string of the `{}` extension.", )?; writeln!( out, "pub const VERSION_STRING: &str = \"{}.{}\";", ext_info.major_version, ext_info.minor_version )?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, "pub(crate) static mut FFI_EXT: xcb_extension_t = xcb_extension_t {{" )?; writeln!( out, " name: \"{}\\0\".as_ptr() as *const _,", ext_info.xname )?; writeln!(out, " global_id: 0,")?; writeln!(out, "}};")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, "/// Prefetch server runtime info data of the `{}` extension.", )?; writeln!( out, "pub fn prefetch_extension_data(conn: &base::Connection) {{" )?; writeln!(out, " unsafe {{")?; writeln!( out, " xcb_prefetch_extension_data(conn.get_raw_conn(), std::ptr::addr_of_mut!(FFI_EXT));" )?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, "/// Fetch server runtime info data of the `{}` extension.", )?; writeln!(out, "///")?; writeln!( out, "/// Might be non-blocking if [prefetch_extension_data] was called before." )?; writeln!( out, "/// This function is of seldom use as the extensions are initialized by the" )?; writeln!(out, "/// [Connection](crate::Connection) constructor.")?; writeln!( out, "pub fn get_extension_data(conn: &base::Connection) -> std::option::Option {{" )?; writeln!(out, " unsafe {{")?; writeln!( out, " let reply = xcb_get_extension_data(conn.get_raw_conn(), std::ptr::addr_of_mut!(FFI_EXT));" )?; writeln!( out, " assert!(!reply.is_null(), \"Could not fetch {} extension data\");", )?; writeln!( out, " let reply = xproto::QueryExtensionReply::from_raw(reply);" )?; writeln!(out, " if !reply.present() {{")?; writeln!(out, " std::mem::forget(reply);")?; writeln!(out, " return None;")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " let res = ext::ExtensionData{{")?; writeln!( out, " ext: ext::Extension::{},", ext_info.rs_name )?; writeln!(out, " major_opcode: reply.major_opcode(),")?; writeln!(out, " first_event: reply.first_event(),")?; writeln!(out, " first_error: reply.first_error(),")?; writeln!(out, " }};")?; writeln!(out, " std::mem::forget(reply);")?; writeln!(out, " Some(res)")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; } Ok(()) } pub fn emit_types(&self, out: &mut O) -> io::Result<()> { for typ in &self.typs { let typinfo = &self.typinfos[typ]; match typinfo { TypeInfo::Typedef { rs_typ, old_typ, .. } => { self.emit_typedef(out, rs_typ, old_typ)?; } TypeInfo::Xid { rs_typ, .. } => { self.emit_xid(out, rs_typ)?; } TypeInfo::XidUnion { rs_typ, variants, .. } => { self.emit_xidunion(out, rs_typ, variants)?; } TypeInfo::Enum { rs_typ, items, altenum_typ, doc, .. } => { self.emit_enum(out, rs_typ, items, altenum_typ, doc.as_ref())?; } TypeInfo::Mask { rs_typ, items, doc, .. } => { self.emit_mask(out, rs_typ, items, doc.as_ref())?; } TypeInfo::Struct { rs_typ, fields, wire_sz, has_wire_layout, params_struct, doc, .. } => { self.emit_struct( out, rs_typ, fields, wire_sz, *has_wire_layout, params_struct.as_ref(), doc.as_ref(), )?; } TypeInfo::Union { rs_typ, variants, wire_sz, type_field, impl_clone, emit: true, .. } => { self.emit_union(out, rs_typ, variants, wire_sz, type_field, *impl_clone)?; } TypeInfo::Switch { rs_typ, expr, cases, maskenum, emit: true, is_mask, params_struct, .. } => { self.emit_switch(out, rs_typ, expr, cases, maskenum, params_struct, *is_mask)?; } _ => {} } } Ok(()) } fn resolve_typedef(&mut self, old_typ: &str, new_typ: &str) { match new_typ { // this one handled has built-in simple type to get a bool interface "BOOL32" // these two ones are unnecessary in Rust | "FLOAT32" | "FLOAT64" => { return; } _ => {} } let old_typ = match new_typ { "STRING8" => "CARD8", _ => old_typ, }; if self.xcb_mod == "xinput" && new_typ == "DeviceId" { self.handle_xinput_deviceid_typedef(); return; } let rs_typ = rust_type_name(new_typ); let (old_module, old_typ) = extract_module(old_typ); let old_typinfo = self.find_typinfo(old_module, old_typ); let wire_sz = old_typinfo.wire_sz(); let has_wire_layout = old_typinfo.has_wire_layout(); let typinfo = TypeInfo::Typedef { module: None, // this the where typedef is defined, not where old_typ is defined rs_typ, old_module:, old_typ: old_typ.to_string(), wire_sz, has_wire_layout, }; self.register_typ(new_typ.to_string(), typinfo); } fn emit_typedef(&self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, old_typ: &str) -> io::Result<()> { if !self.rs_typ_is_needed(rs_typ) { return Ok(()); } let old_rs_typ = self.typinfos[old_typ].rs_typ(); writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "pub type {} = {};", rs_typ, old_rs_typ)?; Ok(()) } fn emit_sizeof_test(&self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, sz: usize) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "#[test]")?; writeln!( out, "fn test_sizeof_{}() {{", util::tit_split(rs_typ).to_lowercase() )?; writeln!( out, " assert_eq!(std::mem::size_of::<{}>(), {});", rs_typ, sz )?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; Ok(()) } fn extract_module<'a>(&self, typ: &'a str) -> (Option<&'a str>, &'a str) { let (mut module, typ) = util::extract_module(typ); if let Some(m) = module { if m == self.xcb_mod { module = None; } } (module, typ) } fn preregister_typ(&mut self, rs_typ: String) { if let Some(cnt) = self.rs_typs.get_mut(&rs_typ) { *cnt += 1; } else { self.rs_typs.insert(rs_typ, 1); } } fn register_typ(&mut self, typ: String, info: TypeInfo) { self.rs_typs_need_count.insert(info.rs_typ().to_string(), 0); self.typinfos.insert(typ.clone(), info); self.typs.push(typ.clone()); // we insert 0 and use the function to handle typedefs self.typ_need_add(&typ, 1); } fn typ_need_add(&mut self, typ: &str, val: i32) { let typinfo = &self.typinfos[typ]; let rs_typ = typinfo.rs_typ(); if let Some(count) = self.rs_typs_need_count.get_mut(rs_typ) { *count += val; if let Some((None, old_typ)) = typinfo.typedef_old_mod_typ() { let old_typ = old_typ.to_string(); self.typ_need_add(&old_typ, val); } } } fn rs_typ_is_needed(&self, rs_typ: &str) -> bool { if let Some(count) = self.rs_typs_need_count.get(rs_typ) { *count > 0 } else { false } } fn register_altenum_typ( &mut self, enum_typ: &str, module: Option<&str>, new_altenum_typ: &str, ) { let typinfo = self.find_typinfo_mut(None, enum_typ); if let Some(TypeInfo::Enum { altenum_typ, .. }) = typinfo { *altenum_typ = Some((, new_altenum_typ.into())) } } fn get_depinfo(&self, module: &str) -> &DepInfo { self.depinfo .iter() .find(|&di| di.xcb_mod == module) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("cannot find dependency module {}", module)) } fn find_typinfo(&self, module: Option<&str>, typ: &str) -> &TypeInfo { if let Some(module) = module { if module == self.xcb_mod { &self.typinfos[typ] } else { &self.get_depinfo(module).typinfos[typ] } } else if let Some(typinfo) = self.typinfos.get(typ) { typinfo } else { self.depinfo .iter() .find_map(|di| di.typinfos.get(typ)) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("could not resolve typeinfo {:?}::{}", module, typ)) } } fn find_typinfo_mut(&mut self, module: Option<&str>, typ: &str) -> Option<&mut TypeInfo> { if let Some(module) = module { if module == self.xcb_mod { self.typinfos.get_mut(typ) } else { None } } else { self.typinfos.get_mut(typ) } } /// Same as find_typinfo, but recurse down in case the result is a typedef fn find_typinfo_recurse(&self, module: Option<&str>, typ: &str) -> &TypeInfo { let typinfo = self.find_typinfo(module, typ); match typinfo { TypeInfo::Typedef { old_module, old_typ, .. } => self.find_typinfo_recurse(old_module.as_ref().map(|m| m.as_str()), old_typ), typinfo => typinfo, } } fn handle_xinput_deviceid_typedef(&mut self) { let typinfo = TypeInfo::Union { module: None, rs_typ: "Device".into(), variants: Vec::new(), wire_sz: Expr::Value(2), type_field: None, impl_clone: true, emit: false, }; self.register_typ("DeviceId".into(), typinfo); } fn handle_xinput_device_enum(&self) { // Do not emit anything } } /// Describe the exceptions in switch and associated enum naming #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] struct RsTypException { module: &'static str, /// Computed rs_typ rs_typ: &'static str, /// What is the new name? new_module: Option<&'static str>, /// What is the new name? new_rs_typ: &'static str, /// Do we emit it? emit: bool, } fn switch_exceptions() -> Vec { vec![ RsTypException { module: "xproto", rs_typ: "CreateWindowValueList", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "Cw", emit: true, }, RsTypException { module: "xproto", rs_typ: "ChangeWindowAttributesValueList", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "Cw", emit: false, }, RsTypException { module: "xproto", rs_typ: "ConfigureWindowValueList", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "ConfigWindow", emit: true, }, RsTypException { module: "xproto", rs_typ: "CreateGcValueList", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "Gc", emit: true, }, RsTypException { module: "xproto", rs_typ: "ChangeGcValueList", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "Gc", emit: false, }, RsTypException { module: "xproto", rs_typ: "ChangeKeyboardControlValueList", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "Kb", emit: true, }, RsTypException { module: "screensaver", rs_typ: "SetAttributesValueList", new_module: Some("xproto"), new_rs_typ: "Cw", emit: false, }, RsTypException { module: "render", rs_typ: "CreatePictureValueList", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "Cp", emit: true, }, RsTypException { module: "render", rs_typ: "ChangePictureValueList", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "Cp", emit: false, }, RsTypException { module: "sync", rs_typ: "CreateAlarmValueList", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "Ca", emit: true, }, RsTypException { module: "sync", rs_typ: "ChangeAlarmValueList", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "Ca", emit: false, }, ] } fn mask_exceptions() -> Vec { vec![ RsTypException { module: "xproto", rs_typ: "Cw", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "CwMask", emit: true, }, RsTypException { module: "xproto", rs_typ: "ConfigWindow", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "ConfigWindowMask", emit: true, }, RsTypException { module: "xproto", rs_typ: "Gc", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "GcMask", emit: true, }, RsTypException { module: "xproto", rs_typ: "Kb", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "KbMask", emit: true, }, RsTypException { module: "render", rs_typ: "Cp", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "CpMask", emit: true, }, RsTypException { module: "sync", rs_typ: "Ca", new_module: None, new_rs_typ: "CaMask", emit: true, }, ] } fn ind(level: u32) -> &'static str { match level { 0 => "", 1 => " ", 2 => " ", 3 => " ", 4 => " ", 5 => " ", 6 => " ", _ => unreachable!(), } } fn rust_type_name(typ: &str) -> String { util::tit_cap(typ) } fn rust_variant_name(name: &str) -> String { util::tit_cap(name) } static KEYWORDS: &[&str] = &["type", "match"]; fn rust_field_name(name: &str) -> String { let mut name = util::tit_split(name).to_lowercase(); if KEYWORDS.contains(&name.as_str()) { name.insert_str(0, "r#"); } name } fn get_struct_style(has_wire_layout: bool, wire_sz: &Expr) -> StructStyle { match (has_wire_layout, wire_sz) { (true, Expr::Value(_)) => StructStyle::WireLayout, (false, Expr::Value(_)) => StructStyle::FixBuf, (true, _) => unreachable!(), _ => StructStyle::DynBuf, } } impl TypeInfo { fn module(&self) -> Option<&str> { match self { TypeInfo::Simple { .. } => None, TypeInfo::Typedef { module, .. } | TypeInfo::Xid { module, .. } | TypeInfo::XidUnion { module, .. } | TypeInfo::Enum { module, .. } | TypeInfo::Mask { module, .. } | TypeInfo::Struct { module, .. } | TypeInfo::Union { module, .. } | TypeInfo::Switch { module, .. } => module.as_ref().map(|m| m.as_str()), } } fn typedef_old_mod_typ(&self) -> Option<(Option<&str>, &str)> { match self { TypeInfo::Typedef { old_module, old_typ, .. } => Some((old_module.as_ref().map(|m| m.as_str()), old_typ)), _ => None, } } fn struct_style(&self) -> Option { match self { TypeInfo::Struct { has_wire_layout, wire_sz, .. } => Some(get_struct_style(*has_wire_layout, wire_sz)), _ => None, } } } type ModRsTyp<'a> = (Option<&'a str>, &'a str); trait RsTyp { fn rs_typ(&self) -> &str; } trait QualifiedRsTyp { fn qualified_rs_typ(&self) -> String; } trait AsModRsTyp { fn as_mod_rs_typ(&self) -> ModRsTyp<'_>; } trait WireSz { fn wire_sz(&self) -> Expr; } trait HasWireLayout { fn has_wire_layout(&self) -> bool; } impl RsTyp for TypeInfo { fn rs_typ(&self) -> &str { match self { TypeInfo::Simple { rs_typ, .. } | TypeInfo::Typedef { rs_typ, .. } | TypeInfo::Xid { rs_typ, .. } | TypeInfo::XidUnion { rs_typ, .. } | TypeInfo::Enum { rs_typ, .. } | TypeInfo::Mask { rs_typ, .. } | TypeInfo::Struct { rs_typ, .. } | TypeInfo::Union { rs_typ, .. } | TypeInfo::Switch { rs_typ, .. } => rs_typ, } } } impl RsTyp for ModRsTyp<'_> { fn rs_typ(&self) -> &str { self.1 } } impl QualifiedRsTyp for ModRsTyp<'_> { fn qualified_rs_typ(&self) -> String { match &self.0 { Some(module) => module.to_string() + "::" + self.1, None => self.1.to_string(), } } } impl QualifiedRsTyp for T { fn qualified_rs_typ(&self) -> String { self.as_mod_rs_typ().qualified_rs_typ() } } impl<'a> AsModRsTyp for (&'a Option, &String) { fn as_mod_rs_typ(&self) -> ModRsTyp<'_> { (self.0.as_ref().map(|m| m.as_str()), self.1) } } impl AsModRsTyp for TypeInfo { fn as_mod_rs_typ(&self) -> ModRsTyp<'_> { (self.module(), self.rs_typ()) } } // impl AsModRsTyp for UnionVariant { // fn as_mod_rs_typ(&self) -> ModRsTyp<'_> { // (self.module.as_ref().map(|m| m.as_str()), &self.rs_typ) // } // } impl WireSz for Field { fn wire_sz(&self) -> Expr { match self { Field::Field { wire_sz, .. } | Field::List { wire_sz, .. } | Field::Switch { wire_sz, .. } | Field::Expr { wire_sz, .. } | Field::Pad { wire_sz, .. } | Field::AlignPad { wire_sz, .. } => wire_sz.clone(), } } } impl WireSz for TypeInfo { fn wire_sz(&self) -> Expr { match self { TypeInfo::Simple { wire_sz, .. } => Expr::Value(*wire_sz), TypeInfo::Typedef { wire_sz, .. } | TypeInfo::Struct { wire_sz, .. } | TypeInfo::Union { wire_sz, .. } | TypeInfo::Switch { wire_sz, .. } => wire_sz.clone(), TypeInfo::Xid { .. } | TypeInfo::XidUnion { .. } | TypeInfo::Enum { .. } | TypeInfo::Mask { .. } => Expr::Value(4), } } } impl HasWireLayout for TypeInfo { fn has_wire_layout(&self) -> bool { match self { TypeInfo::Simple { has_wire_layout, .. } | TypeInfo::Typedef { has_wire_layout, .. } | TypeInfo::Struct { has_wire_layout, .. } => *has_wire_layout, TypeInfo::Xid { .. } => true, _ => false, } } }