use crate::cg; use crate::cg::request::{field_is_fd, fieldref_get_value, request_fieldref_emitted}; use crate::cg::util; use crate::ir; use super::UnionTypeField; use super::{ doc::DocField, CodeGen, Doc, Expr, Field, HasWireLayout, QualifiedRsTyp, RsTyp, StructStyle, TypeInfo, WireSz, }; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::io::{self, Write}; /// struct of external parameters passed to functions such as compute_len /// This is very often `()` for which `None` is used, but sometimes an field external to struct is needed /// to compute the len of a list (i.e. element types) #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(super) struct ParamsStruct { pub rs_typ: String, pub params: Vec, } impl ParamsStruct { pub fn emit(&self, out: &mut O) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]")?; writeln!(out, "pub struct {} {{", self.rs_typ)?; for p in &self.params { writeln!(out, " pub {}: usize,", p)?; } writeln!(out, "}}")?; Ok(()) } } impl RsTyp for Option<&ParamsStruct> { fn rs_typ(&self) -> &str { match self { Some(params_struct) => ¶ms_struct.rs_typ, _ => "()", } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub(super) struct ResolvedFields { pub fields: Vec, pub wire_sz: Expr, pub has_wire_layout: bool, pub unresolved_fieldrefs: Vec, pub params_struct: Option, } impl CodeGen { pub(super) fn resolve_struct( &mut self, typ: &str, fields: &[ir::Field], doc: &Option, ) { let rs_typ = cg::rust_type_name(typ); let doc = self.resolve_doc(doc.clone()); let ResolvedFields { fields, wire_sz, has_wire_layout, params_struct, // unresolved_fieldrefs, .. } = self.resolv_struct_fields(&rs_typ, "", fields, doc.as_ref()); // assert!(unresolved_fieldrefs.is_empty()); let typ_info = TypeInfo::Struct { module: None, rs_typ, fields, wire_sz, has_wire_layout, params_struct, doc, }; self.register_typ(typ.to_string(), typ_info); } pub(super) fn resolv_struct_fields( &mut self, struct_rs_typ: &str, parent_switch: &str, fields: &[ir::Field], doc: Option<&Doc>, ) -> ResolvedFields { let mut vec = Vec::new(); let mut wire_off = Expr::Value(0usize); let mut has_wire_layout = true; let mut need_compute_offset = false; // fields that are referenced in list length of this struct let mut fieldrefs = Vec::new(); // external fields that are refereced in list length of this struct let mut paramrefs = Vec::new(); // fields of this struct that are used as list length of other struct let mut paramfields = Vec::new(); let mut unresolved_fieldrefs = Vec::new(); let has_prop_field = fields.iter().any( |f| matches!(f, ir::Field::Field{name, typ, ..} if name == "format" && typ == "CARD8"), ) && fields .iter() .any(|f| matches!(f, ir::Field::List{typ, ..} if typ == "void")); for f in fields { let f_sz = match f { ir::Field::Field { name, typ, r#enum, mask, altenum, .. } => { let FieldInfo { mut name, module, rs_typ, wire_sz, has_wire_layout: hfl, struct_style, is_union, is_xid, is_mask, params_struct, doc, .. } = self.get_field_info(name, typ, r#enum.as_deref(), mask.as_deref(), doc); if !hfl || (rs_typ != "u32" && (r#enum.is_some() || (mask.is_some()))) { has_wire_layout = false; } let r#enum = r#enum.as_ref().map(|typ| self.get_mod_rs_typ(typ)); let mask = mask.as_ref().map(|typ| self.get_mod_rs_typ(typ)); if let Some(altenum) = altenum { self.register_altenum_typ(altenum, module.as_deref(), typ); } if self.xcb_mod == "xinput" && typ == "DeviceId" { name = match name.as_str() { "deviceid" => "device".into(), "device_id" => "device".into(), "sourceid" => "source".into(), _ => name, }; } let wire_sz = wire_sz.reduce(); let is_prop_format = has_prop_field && name == "format"; vec.push(Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off: wire_off.clone(), wire_sz: wire_sz.clone(), struct_style, params_struct, doc, is_mask: is_mask || mask.is_some(), r#enum, mask, is_fieldref: false, is_paramref: false, is_copy: hfl, is_union, is_xid, need_compute_offset, is_prop_format, }); wire_sz } ir::Field::Pad(wire_sz) => { has_wire_layout = false; vec.push(Field::Pad { wire_sz: Expr::Value(*wire_sz), }); Expr::Value(*wire_sz) } ir::Field::AlignPad(sz) => { has_wire_layout = false; let wire_off = wire_off.clone().reduce(); let wire_sz = Expr::AlignPad(*sz, Box::new(wire_off)).reduce(); vec.push(Field::AlignPad { wire_sz: wire_sz.clone(), }); wire_sz } ir::Field::List { name, typ, len_expr, r#enum, mask, } => { let FieldInfo { name, module, rs_typ, typ, wire_sz, has_wire_layout: hfl, struct_style, params_struct, union_typefield, r#enum, mask, doc, is_union, .. } = self.get_field_info(name, typ, r#enum.as_deref(), mask.as_deref(), doc); let len_expr = self.resolve_expr(len_expr); wire_sz.fetch_paramrefs_owned(&mut paramfields); let wire_sz = Expr::Op( "*".to_string(), Box::new(len_expr.clone()), Box::new(wire_sz), ); let wire_sz = wire_sz.reduce(); let fixed_str = matches!((rs_typ.as_str(), &wire_sz), ("char", Expr::Value(_))); if fixed_str { } else if !hfl || !matches!(wire_sz, Expr::Value(_)) { has_wire_layout = false; } len_expr.fetch_fieldrefs_owned(&mut fieldrefs); len_expr.fetch_paramrefs_owned(&mut paramrefs); // assert!(!need_compute_offset, "{}::{}", self.xcb_mod, name); let is_prop = has_prop_field && typ == "void"; vec.push(Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off: wire_off.clone(), wire_sz: wire_sz.clone(), struct_style, r#enum, mask, is_fieldref: false, len_expr, need_compute_offset, params_struct, union_typefield, is_prop, is_union, doc, }); if let Some(StructStyle::DynBuf) = struct_style { need_compute_offset = true; } wire_sz } ir::Field::ListNoLen { typ, name, r#enum, mask, } => { let FieldInfo { name, module, rs_typ, typ, struct_style, params_struct, union_typefield, r#enum, mask, is_union, doc, .. } = self.get_field_info(name, typ, r#enum.as_deref(), mask.as_deref(), doc); has_wire_layout = false; let is_prop = has_prop_field && typ == "void"; vec.push(Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off: wire_off.clone(), wire_sz: Expr::UntilEnd, struct_style, params_struct, union_typefield, r#enum, mask, is_fieldref: false, len_expr: Expr::UntilEnd, need_compute_offset, is_prop, is_union, doc, }); Expr::Unknown("list no len".to_string()) } ir::Field::ValueParam { .. } => { unreachable!(" not anymore used with xcb-1.14") } ir::Field::Switch(name, expr, cases) => { let expr = self.resolve_expr(expr); let field = self.resolve_switch( struct_rs_typ, parent_switch, name, &expr, &wire_off, cases, &mut vec, need_compute_offset, doc, ); expr.fetch_fieldrefs_owned(&mut fieldrefs); if let Field::Switch { params_struct, .. } = &field { let mut params = params_struct.params.clone(); fieldrefs.append(&mut params); } else { unreachable!(); }; vec.push(field); need_compute_offset = true; has_wire_layout = false; Expr::Unknown("switch len".to_string()) } ir::Field::Expr { name, typ, expr } => { let FieldInfo { name, typ, wire_sz, .. } = self.get_field_info(name, typ, None, None, doc); has_wire_layout = false; let wire_sz = wire_sz.reduce(); let expr = self.resolve_expr(expr); vec.push(Field::Expr { name, typ, wire_sz: wire_sz.clone(), expr, }); wire_sz } ir::Field::Fd(name) => { eprintln!("partial treatment of Fd field: {}::{}", struct_rs_typ, name); let doc = self.doc_lookup_field(doc, name); vec.push(Field::Field { name: name.clone(), module: None, rs_typ: "RawFd".to_string(), wire_off: wire_off.clone(), wire_sz: Expr::Value(4), struct_style: None, params_struct: None, doc, is_fieldref: false, is_paramref: false, is_copy: true, is_union: false, is_xid: false, is_mask: false, r#enum: None, mask: None, need_compute_offset: false, is_prop_format: false, }); has_wire_layout = false; Expr::Value(4) } // f => unreachable!("{:#?}", f), }; let new_off = Expr::Op("+".to_string(), Box::new(wire_off), Box::new(f_sz)); wire_off = new_off.reduce(); } for fr in fieldrefs { let mut resolved = false; for f in &mut vec { match f { Field::Field { name, is_fieldref, .. } if name == &fr => { *is_fieldref = true; resolved = true; break; } Field::List { name, is_fieldref, .. } if name == &fr => { *is_fieldref = true; resolved = true; break; } _ => {} } } if !resolved { unresolved_fieldrefs.push(fr); } } for pf in ¶mfields { for f in &mut vec { match f { Field::Field { name, is_paramref, .. } if name == pf => { *is_paramref = true; break; } _ => {} } } } let params_struct = if paramrefs.is_empty() { None } else { Some(ParamsStruct { rs_typ: struct_rs_typ.to_string() + "Params", params: paramrefs, }) }; ResolvedFields { fields: vec, wire_sz: wire_off, has_wire_layout, unresolved_fieldrefs, params_struct, } } fn get_mod_rs_typ(&self, typ: &str) -> (Option, String) { let (module, typ) = util::extract_module(typ); let typinfo = self.find_typinfo(module, typ); let module = typinfo.module(); let rs_typ = typinfo.rs_typ(); (, rs_typ.to_string()) } fn get_field_info( &self, name: &str, typ: &str, r#enum: Option<&str>, mask: Option<&str>, doc: Option<&Doc>, ) -> FieldInfo { let name = cg::rust_field_name(name); let (module, typ) = util::extract_module(typ); let typinfo = self.find_typinfo(module, typ); let module = typinfo.module(); let rs_typ = typinfo.rs_typ(); let wire_sz = typinfo.wire_sz(); let is_union = matches!(typinfo, TypeInfo::Union { .. } | TypeInfo::XidUnion { .. }); let is_xid = matches!(typinfo, TypeInfo::Xid { .. } | TypeInfo::XidUnion { .. }); let is_mask = matches!(typinfo, TypeInfo::Mask { .. }); let params_struct = match typinfo { TypeInfo::Struct { params_struct, .. } => params_struct.clone(), _ => None, }; let union_typefield = match typinfo { TypeInfo::Union { type_field, .. } => type_field.clone(), _ => None, }; let doc = self.doc_lookup_field(doc, &name); let has_wire_layout = r#enum.is_none() && typinfo.has_wire_layout(); let r#enum = r#enum.as_ref().map(|typ| self.get_mod_rs_typ(typ)); let mask = mask.as_ref().map(|typ| self.get_mod_rs_typ(typ)); FieldInfo { name, module:, typ: typ.to_string(), rs_typ: rs_typ.to_string(), wire_sz, has_wire_layout, struct_style: typinfo.struct_style(), r#enum, mask, params_struct, union_typefield, doc, is_union, is_xid, is_mask, } } pub(super) fn build_params_expr( &self, params_struct: Option<&ParamsStruct>, module: Option<&str>, acc_pref: &str, acc_post: &str, ) -> String { if params_struct.is_none() { return "()".to_string(); } let params_struct = params_struct.unwrap(); let q_rs_typ = (module, params_struct.rs_typ.as_str()).qualified_rs_typ(); let mut expr = q_rs_typ + " {"; for (i, p) in params_struct.params.iter().enumerate() { expr.push_str(&format!("{}: {}{}{} as usize", p, acc_pref, p, acc_post)); if i < params_struct.params.len() - 1 { expr.push_str(", "); } } expr.push('}'); expr } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub(super) fn emit_struct( &self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, fields: &[Field], wire_sz: &Expr, has_wire_layout: bool, params_struct: Option<&ParamsStruct>, doc: Option<&Doc>, ) -> io::Result<()> { if !self.rs_typ_is_needed(rs_typ) { return Ok(()); } match (has_wire_layout, wire_sz) { (true, Expr::Value(wire_sz)) => { self.emit_wire_layout_struct(out, rs_typ, fields, *wire_sz, doc)? } (false, Expr::Value(wire_sz)) => { self.emit_fix_buf_struct(out, rs_typ, fields, *wire_sz, doc)? } (false, wire_sz) => { self.emit_dyn_buf_struct(out, rs_typ, fields, params_struct, wire_sz, doc)? } _ => unreachable!("{}::{}", self.xcb_mod, rs_typ), } Ok(()) } fn emit_wire_layout_struct( &self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, fields: &[Field], wire_sz: usize, doc: Option<&Doc>, ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(out)?; if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 0)?; } writeln!(out, "#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]")?; writeln!(out, "#[repr(C)]")?; writeln!(out, "pub struct {} {{", rs_typ)?; for f in fields { match f { Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, r#enum, mask, doc, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = enum_mask_qualified_rs_typ(module, rs_typ, r#enum, mask); if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!(out, " pub {}: {},", name, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, len_expr: Expr::Value(len), doc, .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!(out, " pub {}: Lat1StrF<{}>,", name, len)?; } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, len_expr: Expr::Value(len), doc, .. } => { let mod_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ); if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!( out, " pub {}: [{}; {}],", name, mod_rs_typ.qualified_rs_typ(), len )?; } _ => unreachable!("emitting struct field {:?}", f), } } writeln!(out, "}}")?; self.emit_sizeof_test(out, rs_typ, wire_sz)?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl base::WiredOut for {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " fn wire_len(&self) -> usize {{ {} }}", wire_sz)?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, " fn serialize(&self, wire_buf: &mut [u8]) -> usize {{" )?; writeln!(out, " let me = unsafe {{")?; writeln!( out, " std::slice::from_raw_parts(self as *const {} as _, {})", rs_typ, wire_sz )?; writeln!(out, " }};")?; writeln!( out, " (&mut wire_buf[]).copy_from_slice(me);" )?; writeln!(out, " {}", wire_sz)?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl base::WiredIn for {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " type Params = ();")?; writeln!( out, " unsafe fn compute_wire_len(_ptr: *const u8, _params: ()) -> usize {{ {} }}", wire_sz )?; writeln!( out, " unsafe fn unserialize(ptr: *const u8, _params: (), offset: &mut usize) -> Self {{" )?; writeln!(out, " *offset += {};", wire_sz)?; writeln!(out, " *(ptr as *const {})", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; Ok(()) } fn emit_fix_buf_struct( &self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, fields: &[Field], wire_sz: usize, doc: Option<&Doc>, ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(out)?; if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 0)?; } writeln!(out, "#[derive(Copy, Clone)]")?; writeln!(out, "pub struct {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " data: [u8; {}],", wire_sz)?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "#[allow(unused_parens)]")?; writeln!(out, "impl {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!( out, " pub(crate) unsafe fn from_data + ?Sized>(data: &D) -> &{} {{", rs_typ )?; writeln!( out, " debug_assert_eq!(data.as_ref().len(), {});", wire_sz )?; writeln!( out, " &*(data.as_ref() as *const [u8] as *const {})", rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; self.emit_struct_ctor(out, rs_typ, fields, &Expr::Value(wire_sz))?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, " fn wire_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 {{ }}" )?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, " fn wire_len(&self) -> usize {{ }}")?; self.emit_struct_accessors(out, rs_typ, fields)?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; self.emit_sizeof_test(out, rs_typ, wire_sz)?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl base::WiredOut for {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " fn wire_len(&self) -> usize {{ {} }}", wire_sz)?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, " fn serialize(&self, wire_buf: &mut [u8]) -> usize {{" )?; writeln!( out, " (&mut wire_buf[]).copy_from_slice(&;" )?; writeln!(out, "")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl base::WiredIn for {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " type Params = ();")?; writeln!( out, " unsafe fn compute_wire_len(_ptr: *const u8, _params: ()) -> usize {{ {} }}", wire_sz )?; writeln!( out, " unsafe fn unserialize(ptr: *const u8, _params: (), offset: &mut usize) -> Self {{" )?; writeln!(out, " *offset += {};", wire_sz)?; writeln!(out, " *(ptr as *const {})", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; self.emit_debug_impl(out, rs_typ, fields)?; Ok(()) } fn emit_dyn_buf_struct( &self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, fields: &[Field], params_struct: Option<&ParamsStruct>, wire_sz: &Expr, doc: Option<&Doc>, ) -> io::Result<()> { if let Some(params_struct) = params_struct { params_struct.emit(out)?; } writeln!(out)?; if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 0)?; } writeln!(out, "pub struct {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " data: [u8],")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "#[allow(unused_parens)]")?; writeln!(out, "impl {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!( out, " pub(crate) unsafe fn from_data + ?Sized>(data: &D) -> &{} {{", rs_typ )?; if params_struct.is_none() { writeln!( out, " debug_assert_eq!(data.as_ref().len(), <&{} as base::WiredIn>::compute_wire_len(data.as_ref().as_ptr(), ()));", rs_typ )?; } writeln!( out, " &*(data.as_ref() as *const [u8] as *const {})", rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, " fn wire_ptr(&self) -> *const u8 {{ }}" )?; let compute_wire_len_stmts = self.emit_compute_offset_and_get_stmts(out, rs_typ, fields, params_struct)?; self.emit_struct_accessors(out, rs_typ, fields)?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl base::WiredOut for {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " fn wire_len(&self) -> usize {{ }}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, " fn serialize(&self, wire_buf: &mut [u8]) -> usize {{" )?; writeln!( out, " (&mut wire_buf[]).copy_from_slice(&;" )?; writeln!(out, "")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl base::WiredIn for &{} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " type Params = {};", params_struct.rs_typ())?; self.emit_compute_func( out, "compute_wire_len", params_struct, &compute_wire_len_stmts, )?; writeln!( out, " unsafe fn unserialize(ptr: *const u8, params: {}, offset: &mut usize) -> Self {{", params_struct.rs_typ(), )?; writeln!(out, " let sz = Self::compute_wire_len(ptr, params);")?; writeln!(out, " *offset += sz;")?; writeln!( out, " let data = std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, sz);" )?; writeln!(out, " {}::from_data(data)", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "#[derive(Clone)]")?; writeln!(out, "pub struct {}Buf {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " data: Vec,")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl {}Buf {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!( out, " pub(crate) unsafe fn from_data(data: Vec) -> {}Buf {{", rs_typ )?; if params_struct.is_none() { writeln!( out, " debug_assert_eq!(<&{}>::compute_wire_len(data.as_ptr(), ()), data.len());", rs_typ )?; } writeln!(out, " {}Buf {{ data }}", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; self.emit_struct_ctor(out, rs_typ, fields, wire_sz)?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl base::WiredIn for {}Buf {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " type Params = {};", params_struct.rs_typ())?; writeln!( out, " unsafe fn compute_wire_len(ptr: *const u8, params: {}) -> usize {{", params_struct.rs_typ(), )?; writeln!(out, " <&{}>::compute_wire_len(ptr, params)", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!( out, " unsafe fn unserialize(ptr: *const u8, params: {}, offset: &mut usize) -> Self {{", params_struct.rs_typ(), )?; writeln!(out, " let sz = Self::compute_wire_len(ptr, params);")?; writeln!(out, " *offset += sz;")?; writeln!( out, " let data = std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, sz);" )?; writeln!(out, " {}Buf::from_data(data.to_vec())", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl std::ops::Deref for {}Buf {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " type Target = {};", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {{")?; writeln!( out, " unsafe {{ {}::from_data(& }}", rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, "impl std::borrow::Borrow<{}> for {}Buf {{", rs_typ, rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, " fn borrow(&self) -> &{} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!( out, " unsafe {{ {}::from_data(& }}", rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl std::borrow::ToOwned for {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " type Owned = {}Buf;", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " fn to_owned(&self) -> Self::Owned {{")?; writeln!(out, " {}Buf {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " data:")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; self.emit_debug_impl(out, rs_typ, fields)?; self.emit_debug_impl(out, &(rs_typ.to_string() + "Buf"), fields)?; self.emit_dyn_buf_struct_iterator(out, rs_typ, params_struct)?; Ok(()) } pub(super) fn field_compute_len_stmts( &self, field: &Field, stmts: &mut Vec, struct_offset: &Expr, ) { let struct_offset = if let Expr::Value(0) = struct_offset { String::new() } else { self.build_rs_expr(struct_offset, "", "", &[]) + " + " }; match field { Field::Field { name, struct_style: Some(StructStyle::DynBuf), params_struct, module, rs_typ, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let params_expr = self.build_params_expr( params_struct.as_ref(), module.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()), "", "", ); stmts.push(format!("// {}", name)); stmts.push(format!( "sz += <&{}>::compute_wire_len(ptr.add({}sz), {});", q_rs_typ, struct_offset, params_expr )); } Field::Field { wire_sz, name, is_fieldref, is_paramref, rs_typ, .. } => { stmts.push(format!("// {}", name)); if *is_fieldref || *is_paramref { stmts.push(format!( "let {} = *(ptr.add({}sz) as *const {});", name, struct_offset, rs_typ )); } stmts.push(format!( "sz += {};", self.build_rs_expr(wire_sz, "", "", &[]) )); } Field::List { name, len_expr, module, rs_typ, struct_style: Some(StructStyle::DynBuf), params_struct, is_fieldref, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); stmts.push(format!("// {}", name)); if *is_fieldref { stmts.push(format!("let mut {} = Vec::new();", name)); } stmts.push(format!( "for _ in 0 .. {} {{", self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "", "", &[]) )); let params_expr = self.build_params_expr( params_struct.as_ref(), module.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()), "", "", ); if *is_fieldref { stmts.push(format!( " let len = <&{}>::compute_wire_len(ptr.add({}sz), {});", q_rs_typ, struct_offset, params_expr )); stmts.push(format!( " let data = std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr.add({}sz), len);", struct_offset )); stmts.push(format!(" {}.push({}::from_data(data));", name, q_rs_typ)); stmts.push(" sz += len;".to_string()); } else { stmts.push(format!( " sz += <&{}>::compute_wire_len(ptr.add({}sz), {});", q_rs_typ, struct_offset, params_expr )); } stmts.push("}".to_string()); } Field::List { name, wire_sz, is_fieldref, len_expr, module, rs_typ, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); stmts.push(format!("// {}", name)); if *is_fieldref { stmts.push(format!("let {} = {{", name)); stmts.push(format!( " let len = {};", self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "", "", &[]) )); stmts.push(format!( " let data = ptr.add({}sz) as *const {};", struct_offset, q_rs_typ )); stmts.push(format!( " sz += len * std::mem::size_of::<{}>();", q_rs_typ )); stmts.push(" std::slice::from_raw_parts(data, len)".to_string()); stmts.push("};".to_string()); } else { stmts.push(format!( "sz += {};", self.build_rs_expr(wire_sz, "", "", &[]) )); } } Field::Switch { name, module, rs_typ, params_struct, is_mask, .. } => { let params_expr = self.build_params_expr( Some(params_struct), module.as_ref().map(|m| m.as_str()), "", "", ); let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let impl_type = if *is_mask { format!(">", q_rs_typ) } else { q_rs_typ }; stmts.push(format!("// {}", name)); stmts.push(format!( "sz += {}::compute_wire_len(ptr.add({}sz), {});", impl_type, struct_offset, params_expr )); } Field::Pad { wire_sz, .. } => { stmts.push("// pad".to_string()); stmts.push(format!( "sz += {};", self.build_rs_expr(wire_sz, "", "", &[]) )); } Field::AlignPad { wire_sz: Expr::AlignPad(align, _), .. } => { stmts.push("// align pad".to_string()); stmts.push(format!("sz += base::align_pad(sz, {});", align)); } f => unreachable!("missed handling of field in compute_wire_len: {:?}", f), } } pub(super) fn emit_compute_func( &self, out: &mut O, fname: &str, params_struct: Option<&ParamsStruct>, stmts: &[String], ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, " unsafe fn {}(ptr: *const u8, {}params: {}) -> usize {{", fname, if params_struct.is_none() { "_" } else { "" }, params_struct.rs_typ(), )?; if let Some(params_struct) = params_struct { writeln!(out, " let {} {{", params_struct.rs_typ)?; for p in ¶ms_struct.params { writeln!(out, "{}{},", cg::ind(3), p)?; } writeln!(out, " }} = params;")?; } for s in stmts { writeln!(out, " {}", s)?; } writeln!(out, " sz")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; Ok(()) } /// Get the statements for each field size calculation, and emit offset function /// each time we hit a field that requires an offset function. /// The resulting statements can be used to emit the compute_wire_len function pub(super) fn emit_compute_offset_and_get_stmts( &self, out: &mut O, _struct_rs_typ: &str, fields: &[Field], params_struct: Option<&ParamsStruct>, ) -> io::Result> { let mut stmts = vec!["let mut sz = 0;".to_string()]; for f in fields { if let Field::Field { name, need_compute_offset: true, .. } | Field::List { name, need_compute_offset: true, .. } | Field::Switch { name, need_compute_offset: true, .. } = f { let fname = format!("compute_{}_offset", name); self.emit_compute_func(out, &fname, params_struct, &stmts)?; } self.field_compute_len_stmts(f, &mut stmts, &Expr::Value(0)); } Ok(stmts) } fn emit_struct_ctor( &self, out: &mut O, struct_rs_typ: &str, fields: &[Field], wire_sz: &Expr, ) -> io::Result<()> { if fields.len() == 1 && matches!(fields[0], Field::Pad { .. }) { return Ok(()); } let is_fixed = matches!(wire_sz, Expr::Value(_)); writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, "{}/// Construct a new [{}{}].", cg::ind(1), struct_rs_typ, if is_fixed { "" } else { "Buf" } )?; writeln!( out, "{}#[allow(unused_assignments, unused_unsafe)]", cg::ind(1) )?; writeln!(out, "{}pub fn new(", cg::ind(1))?; for f in fields { match f { Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, is_fieldref, struct_style: Some(StructStyle::DynBuf), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); if !is_fieldref { writeln!(out, "{}{}: &{},", cg::ind(2), name, q_rs_typ)?; } } Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, is_fieldref, r#enum, mask, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = enum_mask_qualified_rs_typ(module, rs_typ, r#enum, mask); if !is_fieldref || request_fieldref_emitted(name, fields, false) { writeln!(out, "{}{}: {},", cg::ind(2), name, q_rs_typ)?; } } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, struct_style: Some(StructStyle::DynBuf), len_expr: Expr::Value(len), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, "{}{}: [{}Buf; {}],", cg::ind(2), name, q_rs_typ, len)?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, len_expr: Expr::Value(len), .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { writeln!(out, "{}{}: &[u8; {}],", cg::ind(2), name, len)?; } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, len_expr: Expr::Value(len), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, "{}{}: &[{}; {}],", cg::ind(2), name, q_rs_typ, len)?; } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, struct_style: Some(StructStyle::DynBuf), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, "{}{}: &[{}Buf],", cg::ind(2), name, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { writeln!(out, "{}{}: &[u8],", cg::ind(2), name)?; } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, r#enum, mask, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = enum_mask_qualified_rs_typ(module, rs_typ, r#enum, mask); writeln!(out, "{}{}: &[{}],", cg::ind(2), name, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::Switch { name, module, rs_typ, is_mask, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); if *is_mask { writeln!(out, "{}{}: &[{}],", cg::ind(2), name, q_rs_typ)?; } else { writeln!(out, "{}{}: {},", cg::ind(2), name, q_rs_typ)?; } } Field::Pad { .. } => {} Field::AlignPad { .. } => {} f => unreachable!("struct ctor arguments: {:#?}", f), } } writeln!( out, "{}) -> {}{} {{", cg::ind(1), struct_rs_typ, if is_fixed { "" } else { "Buf" } )?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(3))?; if let Expr::Value(sz) = wire_sz { writeln!(out, "{}let mut wire_buf = [0u8; {}];", cg::ind(3), sz)?; } else { writeln!(out, "{}let mut wire_sz = 0usize;", cg::ind(3))?; for f in fields { match f { Field::Field { name, wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}wire_sz += {}; // {}", cg::ind(3), sz, name)?; } Field::Field { name, .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}wire_sz += {}.wire_len();", cg::ind(3), name)?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { writeln!(out, "{}wire_sz += {}.len();", cg::ind(3), name)?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, mask: Some(..), .. } => { writeln!( out, "{}wire_sz += {}.len() * std::mem::size_of::<{}>();", cg::ind(3), name, rs_typ, )?; } Field::List { name, .. } => { writeln!( out, "{}wire_sz += {}.iter().map(|el| el.wire_len()).sum::();", cg::ind(3), name )?; } Field::Switch { name, is_mask: false, .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}wire_sz += {}.wire_len();", cg::ind(3), name)?; } Field::Pad { wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}wire_sz += {}; // pad", cg::ind(3), sz)?; } Field::AlignPad { wire_sz: Expr::AlignPad(align, ..), .. } => { writeln!( out, "{}wire_sz += base::align_pad(wire_sz, {});", cg::ind(3), align )?; } f => unreachable!("struct ctor wire_sz: {:#?}", f), } } writeln!(out, "{}let mut wire_buf = vec![0u8; wire_sz];", cg::ind(3))?; } writeln!(out, "{}let mut wire_off = 0usize;", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out)?; for f in fields { match f { Field::Field { name, is_fieldref, struct_style: Some(StructStyle::DynBuf), .. } => { if !is_fieldref { writeln!( out, "{}wire_off += {}.serialize(&mut wire_buf[wire_off ..]);", cg::ind(3), name )?; } else { writeln!(out, "// TODO fieldref")?; } } Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), r#enum, mask, is_fieldref, is_prop_format, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let fieldref_value = if *is_fieldref { fieldref_get_value(name, fields, false, "") } else { None }; let value_expr; if let Some(value) = fieldref_value { value_expr = format!("({} as {})", value, q_rs_typ); } else if *is_prop_format { value_expr = "P::FORMAT".to_string(); } else if mask.is_some() && rs_typ == "u32" { value_expr = format!("{}.bits()", name); } else if mask.is_some() { value_expr = format!("({}.bits() as {})", name, q_rs_typ); } else if r#enum.is_some() && rs_typ == "u32" { value_expr = format!("std::mem::transmute::<_, u32>({})", name); } else if r#enum.is_some() && rs_typ == "bool" { value_expr = format!("(std::mem::transmute::<_, u32>({}) as u{})", name, 8 * sz); } else if r#enum.is_some() { value_expr = format!("(std::mem::transmute::<_, u32>({}) as {})", name, q_rs_typ); } else if rs_typ == "bool" { value_expr = format!("(if {} {{ 1u{} }} else {{ 0u{} }})", name, 8 * sz, 8 * sz); } else { value_expr = name.to_string(); } writeln!( out, "{}wire_off += {}.serialize(&mut wire_buf[wire_off .. ]);", cg::ind(3), value_expr, )?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { writeln!( out, "{}wire_buf[wire_off .. wire_off + {}.len()].copy_from_slice({});", cg::ind(3), name, name )?; writeln!(out, "{}wire_off += {}.len();", cg::ind(3), name)?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, mask, .. } => { let transform = if mask.is_some() { format!(".iter().map(|el| el.bits() as {})", rs_typ) } else { String::new() }; writeln!(out, "{}for el in {}{} {{", cg::ind(3), name, transform)?; writeln!( out, "{}wire_off += el.serialize(&mut wire_buf[wire_off ..]);", cg::ind(4) )?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(3))?; } Field::Switch { name, .. } => { writeln!( out, "{}wire_off += {}.serialize(&mut wire_buf[wire_off ..]);", cg::ind(3), name )?; } Field::Pad { wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}wire_off += {}; // pad", cg::ind(3), sz)?; } Field::AlignPad { wire_sz: Expr::AlignPad(align, ..), .. } => { writeln!( out, "{}wire_off += base::align_pad(wire_off, {});", cg::ind(3), align )?; } f => unreachable!("struct ctor arguments: {:#?}", f), } } writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, "{}{}{} {{ data: wire_buf }}", cg::ind(3), struct_rs_typ, if is_fixed { "" } else { "Buf" } )?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(1))?; Ok(()) } pub(super) fn emit_struct_accessors( &self, out: &mut O, struct_rs_typ: &str, fields: &[Field], ) -> io::Result<()> { for f in fields { if field_is_fd(f) { // fd fields are handled directly in continue; } if self.handle_client_message_data(out, struct_rs_typ, f)? { continue; } if self.handle_randr_notify_data(out, struct_rs_typ, f)? { continue; } writeln!(out)?; match f { Field::Field { name, rs_typ, wire_off, doc, .. } if rs_typ == "bool" => { if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!(out, " pub fn {}(&self) -> bool {{", name)?; writeln!( out, " let val = unsafe {{ *(self.wire_ptr().add({})) }};", self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!(out, " val != 0")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; } Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off, r#enum, mask, doc, .. } if r#enum.is_some() || mask.is_some() => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let ret_q_rs_typ = r#enum.as_ref().or(mask.as_ref()).unwrap(); let ret_q_rs_typ = { let (module, rs_typ) = ret_q_rs_typ; (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ() }; if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!(out, " pub fn {}(&self) -> {} {{", name, ret_q_rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " unsafe {{")?; writeln!( out, " let offset = {};", self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, " let ptr = self.wire_ptr().add(offset) as *const {};", q_rs_typ )?; writeln!( out, " let val = base::value_from_ptr(ptr) as u32;" )?; writeln!( out, " std::mem::transmute::(val)", ret_q_rs_typ, )?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; } Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off, is_xid: true, is_union: true, doc, .. } => { // XID unions constructed out of context require a `Unknown` variant let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!(out, " fn {}(&self) -> {} {{", name, q_rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " unsafe {{")?; writeln!( out, "{}let offset = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, "{}let res_id = *(self.wire_ptr().add(offset) as *const u32);", cg::ind(3) )?; writeln!(out, "{}{}::Unknown(res_id)", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; } Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off, is_fieldref, is_copy: true, doc, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); // NOTE: fieldref fields usually refer to lengths of lists, so in those cases // it's not necessary to make them public as we expose lists as Rust // slices. However, when those fields are named width or height, they're // not simply the length of a slice, and they must be exposed so that the // user can treat the slice as an image. The format field is important for // GetPropertyReply where the value getter would panic if formats mismatch. // The keycodes_per_modifier field is needed for iterating the list of // keycodes returned in GetModifierMappingReply. let visibility = if *is_fieldref && !(name == "width" || name == "height" || name == "format" || name == "keycodes_per_modifier") { "" } else { "pub " }; if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!( out, "{}{}fn {}(&self) -> {} {{", cg::ind(1), visibility, name, q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!( out, "{}let offset = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, "{}let ptr = self.wire_ptr().add(offset) as *const {};", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, "{}base::value_from_ptr(ptr)", cg::ind(3),)?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; } Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off, wire_sz, is_copy: false, is_union: false, struct_style, params_struct, doc, need_compute_offset, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let params_expr = self.build_params_expr( params_struct.as_ref(), module.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()), "self.", "()", ); if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!(out, " pub fn {}(&self) -> &{} {{", name, q_rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(2))?; if *need_compute_offset { writeln!( out, "{}let offset = Self::compute_{}_offset(self.wire_ptr(), {});", cg::ind(3), name, params_expr )?; } else { writeln!( out, "{}let offset = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; } if let Some(StructStyle::DynBuf) = struct_style { writeln!( out, "{}let len = <&{}>::compute_wire_len(self.wire_ptr().add(offset), {});", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ, params_expr )?; } else { writeln!( out, " let len = {};", self.build_rs_expr(wire_sz, "self.", "()", fields) )?; } writeln!(out, " let data = std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.wire_ptr().add(offset), len);")?; writeln!(out, " {}::from_data(data)", q_rs_typ,)?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; } Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off, is_copy: false, is_union: true, need_compute_offset, doc, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!(out, " pub fn {}(&self) -> {} {{", name, q_rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " unsafe {{")?; if *need_compute_offset { writeln!( out, " let mut offset = Self::compute_{}_offset(self.wire_ptr());", name )?; } else { writeln!( out, " let mut offset = {};", self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; } writeln!( out, "{}{}::unserialize(self.wire_ptr().add(offset), (), &mut offset)", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; } Field::List { name, wire_off, len_expr, is_prop: true, doc, .. } => { if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!( out, "{}pub fn {}(&self) -> &[P] {{", cg::ind(1), name )?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(2))?; // #154: format can be zero when len is zero writeln!( out, "{}let len = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!(out, "{}if len == 0 {{ return &[]; }}", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!( out, "{}assert_eq!(self.format(), P::FORMAT, \"mismatched format of {}::{}::{}\");", cg::ind(3), self.xcb_mod, struct_rs_typ, name )?; writeln!( out, "{}let offset = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, "{}let len = len / std::mem::size_of::

();", cg::ind(3) )?; writeln!( out, "{}let ptr = self.wire_ptr().add(offset) as *const P;", cg::ind(3), )?; writeln!(out, "{}std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len)", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(1))?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, wire_off, len_expr: Expr::Value(len), doc, .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { writeln!(out)?; // According X protocol spec, strings are latin-1 encoded // Therefore we return them only as bytes, and user may convert them as string // see rust-xcb#34 and rust-xcb#96 if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!( out, "{}pub fn {}(&self) -> &Lat1StrF<{}> {{", cg::ind(1), name, len )?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!( out, "{}let offset = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, "{}&*(self.wire_ptr().add(offset) as *const Lat1StrF<{}>)", cg::ind(3), len )?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(1))?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, wire_off, len_expr, doc, .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { let params = len_expr.params_str(); writeln!(out)?; // According X protocol spec, strings are latin-1 encoded // Therefore we return them only as bytes, and user may convert them as string // see rust-xcb#34 and rust-xcb#96 if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!( out, "{}pub fn {}(&self{}) -> &Lat1Str {{", cg::ind(1), name, params )?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!( out, "{}let offset = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, "{}let len = {} as _;", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!(out, "{}let ptr = self.wire_ptr().add(offset);", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!( out, "{}let bytes = std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len);", cg::ind(3) )?; writeln!(out, "{}Lat1Str::from_bytes(bytes)", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(1))?; } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off, len_expr: Expr::Value(len), struct_style: None, doc, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!( out, " pub fn {}(&self) -> &[{}; {}] {{", name, q_rs_typ, len )?; writeln!(out, " unsafe {{")?; writeln!( out, " let offset = {};", self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, " let ptr = self.wire_ptr().add(offset) as *const [{}; {}];", q_rs_typ, len )?; writeln!(out, " &*ptr")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, wire_off, len_expr, doc, r#enum, mask, .. } if rs_typ == "u32" && (r#enum.is_some() || mask.is_some()) => { let q_rs_typ = r#enum.as_ref().or(mask.as_ref()).unwrap(); let q_rs_typ = { let (module, rs_typ) = q_rs_typ; (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ() }; if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!( out, "{}pub fn {}(&self) -> &[{}] {{", cg::ind(1), name, q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!( out, "{}let offset = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, "{}let len = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, "{}let ptr = self.wire_ptr().add(offset) as *const {};", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, "{}std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len)", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(1))?; } Field::List { r#enum, mask, .. } if r#enum.is_some() || mask.is_some() => { unimplemented!("return iterator of mask or enum"); } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off, len_expr, struct_style: None, doc, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let params = len_expr.params_str(); if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!( out, " pub fn {}(&self{}) -> &[{}] {{", name, params, q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!( out, "{}let offset = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, "{}let len = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, "{}let ptr = self.wire_ptr().add(offset) as *const {};", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, "{}std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len)", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(1))?; } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off, len_expr: Expr::UntilEnd, struct_style: Some(StructStyle::WireLayout | StructStyle::FixBuf), doc, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!( out, "{}pub fn {}(&self) -> &[{}] {{", cg::ind(1), name, q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!( out, "{}let offset = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!(out, "{}assert_eq!((self.wire_len() as usize - offset) % std::mem::size_of::<{}>(), 0);", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, "{}let len = (self.wire_len() as usize - offset) / std::mem::size_of::<{}>();", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, "{}std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.wire_ptr().add(offset) as *const {}, len)", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(1))?; } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off, len_expr, struct_style: Some(StructStyle::WireLayout | StructStyle::FixBuf), doc, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let params = len_expr.params_str(); if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!( out, " pub fn {}(&self{}) -> &[{}] {{", name, params, q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, " unsafe {{")?; writeln!( out, " let offset = {};", self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, " let len = {} as _;", self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!( out, " let ptr = self.wire_ptr().add(offset) as *const {};", q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, " std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len)",)?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, wire_off, len_expr, struct_style: Some(StructStyle::DynBuf), params_struct, need_compute_offset, doc, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let params = len_expr.params_str(); let params_expr = self.build_params_expr( params_struct.as_ref(), module.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()), "self.", "()", ); if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } writeln!( out, " pub fn {}(&self{}) -> {}Iterator {{", name, params, q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, " unsafe {{")?; if *need_compute_offset { writeln!( out, "{}let offset = Self::compute_{}_offset(self.wire_ptr(), {});", cg::ind(3), name, params_expr )?; } else { writeln!( out, "{}let offset = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields) )?; } writeln!(out, "{}{}Iterator {{", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, "{} params: {},", cg::ind(3), params_expr)?; writeln!( out, "{} rem: {},", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "self.", "()", fields) )?; writeln!(out, "{} ptr: self.wire_ptr().add(offset),", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out, "{} phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; } Field::Switch { name, module, rs_typ, params_struct, wire_off, is_mask, doc, .. } => { if let Some(doc) = doc { doc.emit(out, 1)?; } let (impl_typ, return_typ) = if *is_mask { ( Cow::from(format!(">", rs_typ)), Cow::from(format!("Vec<{}>", rs_typ)), ) } else { (Cow::from(rs_typ), Cow::from(rs_typ)) }; writeln!( out, "{}pub fn {}(&self) -> {} {{", cg::ind(1), name, return_typ )?; // must define all params locally as usize because build_params_expr // cannot know if a field is a mask or not for p in ¶ms_struct.params { let mut caught = false; for f in fields { match f { Field::Field { name, mask: Some(_), .. } if name == p => { writeln!( out, "{}let {} = self.{}().bits();", cg::ind(2), name, name )?; caught = true; break; } Field::Field { name, .. } if name == p => { writeln!(out, "{}let {} = self.{}();", cg::ind(2), name, name)?; caught = true; break; } _ => {} } } assert!(caught); } let params_expr = self.build_params_expr( Some(params_struct), module.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()), "", "", ); let offset_expr = self.build_rs_expr(wire_off, "self.", "()", fields); writeln!(out, "{}let params = {};", cg::ind(2), params_expr)?; writeln!(out, "{}let mut offset = {};", cg::ind(2), offset_expr)?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}{}::unserialize(", cg::ind(3), impl_typ)?; writeln!( out, "{}self.wire_ptr().add(offset), params, &mut offset", cg::ind(4), )?; writeln!(out, "{})", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(1))?; } Field::Pad { .. } => {} Field::AlignPad { .. } => {} f => unreachable!("{:#?}", f), } } Ok(()) } // specific handling of ClientMessageEvent::data() // This is nearly static function definition. We could possibly directly define that in the // xproto module in fn handle_client_message_data( &self, out: &mut O, struct_rs_typ: &str, field: &Field, ) -> io::Result { if self.xcb_mod == "xproto" && struct_rs_typ == "ClientMessageEvent" && matches!(field, Field::Field{name, ..} if name == "data") { writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, "{}pub fn data(&self) -> ClientMessageData {{", cg::ind(1) )?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}match self.format() {{", cg::ind(3))?; for sz in [8, 16, 32] { writeln!( out, "{}{} => ClientMessageData::Data{} (", cg::ind(4), sz, sz )?; writeln!(out, "{}std::slice::from_raw_parts(", cg::ind(5))?; writeln!( out, "{}self.wire_ptr().add(12) as *const u{}, {}", cg::ind(6), sz, (20 * 8) / sz )?; writeln!(out, "{}).try_into().unwrap()", cg::ind(5))?; writeln!(out, "{}),", cg::ind(4))?; } writeln!( out, "{}format => unreachable!(\"invalid ClientMessageEvent format: {{}}\", format),", cg::ind(4) )?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(1))?; Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } fn handle_randr_notify_data( &self, out: &mut O, struct_rs_typ: &str, field: &Field, ) -> io::Result { if self.xcb_mod == "randr" && struct_rs_typ == "NotifyEvent" && matches!(field, Field::Field{name, ..} if name == "u") { writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "{}pub fn u(&self) -> NotifyData {{", cg::ind(1))?; writeln!(out, "{}unsafe {{", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}match self.sub_code() {{", cg::ind(3))?; for code in RANDR_SUBCODES { writeln!( out, "{}Notify::{} => NotifyData::{}(", cg::ind(4), code.0, code.2 )?; writeln!(out, "{}*{}::from_data(", cg::ind(5), code.1)?; writeln!( out, "{}std::slice::from_raw_parts(self.wire_ptr().add(4), 28)", cg::ind(6) )?; writeln!(out, "{})", cg::ind(5))?; writeln!(out, "{}),", cg::ind(4))?; } writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(1))?; Ok(true) } else { Ok(false) } } pub(super) fn emit_debug_impl( &self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, fields: &[Field], ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl std::fmt::Debug for {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!( out, " fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {{" )?; for f in fields { if let Field::List { name, is_prop: true, .. } = f { writeln!( out, "{}let {}: Box = match self.format() {{", cg::ind(2), name )?; for format in [8, 16, 32] { writeln!( out, "{}{} => Box::new(self.{}::()),", cg::ind(3), format, name, format )?; } // Format of zero indicates a null length, in which case the type doesn't matter. // If length happens to be non-zero, the method will panic. writeln!(out, "{}0 => Box::new(self.{}::()),", cg::ind(3), name)?; writeln!( out, "{}format => unreachable!(\"impossible prop format: {{}}\", format),", cg::ind(3) )?; writeln!(out, "{}}};", cg::ind(2))?; } } writeln!(out, " f.debug_struct(\"{}\")", rs_typ)?; for f in fields { match f { Field::Field { name, .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}.field(\"{}\", &self.{}())", cg::ind(3), name, name)?; } Field::List { name, is_prop: true, .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}.field(\"{}\", &*{})", cg::ind(3), name, name)?; } Field::List { name, wire_sz, .. } if wire_sz.params().is_empty() => { writeln!(out, "{}.field(\"{}\", &self.{}())", cg::ind(3), name, name)?; } Field::List { .. } => { // TODO } Field::Switch { name, .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}.field(\"{}\", &self.{}())", cg::ind(3), name, name)?; } Field::Pad { wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}.field(\"pad\", &{})", cg::ind(3), sz)?; } Field::AlignPad { wire_sz: Expr::AlignPad(sz, _), .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}.field(\"align_pad\", &{})", cg::ind(3), sz)?; } _ => {} } } writeln!(out, " .finish()")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; Ok(()) } fn emit_dyn_buf_struct_iterator( &self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, params_struct: Option<&ParamsStruct>, ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "#[derive(Clone)]")?; writeln!(out, "pub struct {}Iterator<'a> {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " pub(crate) params: {},", params_struct.rs_typ())?; writeln!(out, " pub(crate) rem: usize,")?; writeln!(out, " pub(crate) ptr: *const u8,")?; writeln!( out, " pub(crate) phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<&'a {}>,", rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl<'a> Iterator for {}Iterator<'a> {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " type Item = &'a {};", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, " fn next(&mut self) -> std::option::Option {{" )?; writeln!(out, " if self.rem == 0 {{")?; writeln!(out, " None")?; writeln!(out, " }} else {{ unsafe {{")?; writeln!(out, " self.rem -= 1;")?; writeln!(out, " let mut offset = 0;")?; writeln!( out, " let res = <&{}>::unserialize(self.ptr, self.params, &mut offset);", rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, " self.ptr = self.ptr.add(offset);")?; writeln!(out, " Some(res)")?; writeln!(out, " }}}}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, "impl<'a> std::fmt::Debug for {}Iterator<'a> {{", rs_typ )?; writeln!( out, " fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {{" )?; writeln!(out, " f.debug_list().entries(self.clone()).finish()")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; Ok(()) } } struct FieldInfo { name: String, module: Option, typ: String, rs_typ: String, wire_sz: Expr, has_wire_layout: bool, struct_style: Option, params_struct: Option, r#enum: Option<(Option, String)>, mask: Option<(Option, String)>, doc: Option, is_union: bool, union_typefield: Option, is_xid: bool, is_mask: bool, } pub(super) const RANDR_SUBCODES: &[(&str, &str, &str)] = &[ ("CrtcChange", "CrtcChange", "Cc"), ("OutputChange", "OutputChange", "Oc"), ("OutputProperty", "OutputProperty", "Op"), ("ProviderChange", "ProviderChange", "Pc"), ("ProviderProperty", "ProviderProperty", "Pp"), ("ResourceChange", "ResourceChange", "Rc"), ("Lease", "LeaseNotify", "Lc"), ]; pub(super) fn enum_mask_qualified_rs_typ( module: &Option, rs_typ: &str, r#enum: &Option<(Option, String)>, mask: &Option<(Option, String)>, ) -> String { let mod_rs_typ = r#enum .as_ref() .or(mask.as_ref()) .map(|(m, t)| (m.as_ref().map(|m| m.as_str()), t.as_str())) .or_else(|| Some((module.as_ref().map(|m| m.as_str()), rs_typ))) .unwrap(); mod_rs_typ.qualified_rs_typ() } pub(super) fn make_field(name: String, typ: String) -> ir::Field { ir::Field::Field { name, typ, r#enum: None, mask: None, altenum: None, altmask: None, } }