use super::r#enum::{self}; use super::r#struct::{ParamsStruct, ResolvedFields}; use super::{CodeGen, Expr, Field, SwitchCase, TypeInfo}; use crate::cg::doc::Doc; use crate::cg::r#struct::enum_mask_qualified_rs_typ; use crate::cg::request::{fieldref_get_value, request_fieldref_emitted}; use crate::cg::{self, util, QualifiedRsTyp, StructStyle}; use crate::ir; use std::io::{self, Write}; impl CodeGen { #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub(super) fn resolve_switch( &mut self, parent_rs_typ: &str, parent_switch: &str, name: &str, expr: &Expr, wire_off: &Expr, cases: &[ir::SwitchCase], prev_fields: &mut [Field], need_compute_offset: bool, doc: Option<&Doc>, ) -> Field { // switch types are made-up, so we create the typ (same as intended rs_typ) let typ = parent_rs_typ.to_string() + &util::tit_cap(name); let mut switch_rs_typ = typ.clone(); let mut module = None; let mut emit = true; for ex in &self.switch_exceptions { if ex.module == self.xcb_mod && ex.rs_typ == switch_rs_typ { switch_rs_typ = ex.new_rs_typ.to_string(); module =; emit = ex.emit; break; } } let doc = self.doc_lookup_field(doc, name); let is_mask = { let check1 = cases.iter().all(|sc| sc.bit); let check2 = cases.iter().any(|sc| sc.bit); assert_eq!(check1, check2, "switch cannot mix case and bitcase"); check1 }; let name = util::to_snake_case(name); let switch_name = if parent_switch.is_empty() { name.clone() } else { format!("{}_{}", parent_switch, name) }; let mut param_fields = Vec::new(); let cases: Vec = cases .iter() .map(|sc| { let ir::SwitchCase { name, fields, exprs, .. } = sc; let name = name .as_ref() .map(|n| cg::rust_type_name(n)) .unwrap_or_else(|| match &exprs[0] { ir::Expr::EnumRef { item, .. } => r#enum::map_enum_item_name(item), _ => unreachable!("switch expressions not enum ref"), }); let exprs = exprs .iter() .map(|e| self.resolve_expr(e)) .collect::>(); let ResolvedFields { fields, unresolved_fieldrefs: mut uf, .. } = self.resolv_struct_fields(&switch_rs_typ, &switch_name, fields, None); param_fields.append(&mut uf); SwitchCase { name, fields, exprs, } }) .collect(); let expr_fields = expr.fieldrefs(); assert!( !expr_fields.is_empty(), "switch {}::{} has no fieldref expr: {:?}", parent_rs_typ, name, expr, ); let maskenum = { let (r#enum, mask) = prev_fields .iter() .find_map(|f| match f { Field::Field { name, r#enum, mask, .. } if name == expr_fields[0] => Some((r#enum, mask)), _ => None, }) .unwrap_or_else(|| { panic!( "cannot find field {} for switch {}::{}", expr_fields[0], parent_rs_typ, name ) }); assert!(r#enum.is_some() && !is_mask || mask.is_some() && is_mask); let maskenum = r#enum.as_ref().unwrap_or_else(|| mask.as_ref().unwrap()); maskenum.clone() }; // { // let enumtyp = self.typinfos.get_mut(&maskenum.1); // if let Some(TypeInfo::Bitflags { ref mut rs_typ, .. }) = enumtyp { // switch_rs_typ = rs_typ.clone() + "Mask"; // mem::swap(&mut switch_rs_typ, rs_typ); // } // } param_fields.sort(); param_fields.dedup(); let params = expr_fields .into_iter() .map(str::to_owned) .chain(param_fields.into_iter()) .collect(); let params_struct = ParamsStruct { rs_typ: switch_rs_typ.clone() + "Params", params, }; let typinfo = TypeInfo::Switch { module: module.clone(), rs_typ: switch_rs_typ.clone(), wire_sz: Expr::Unknown("switch len".into()), // FIXME switch size expr (may be a method?) maskenum, params_struct: params_struct.clone(), expr: expr.clone(), cases, is_mask, emit, }; let field = Field::Switch { name, module, rs_typ: switch_rs_typ, wire_sz: Expr::Unknown("switch len".to_string()), wire_off: wire_off.clone(), params_struct, expr: expr.clone(), is_mask, need_compute_offset, doc, }; self.register_typ(typ, typinfo); field } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub(super) fn emit_switch( &self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, expr: &Expr, cases: &[SwitchCase], maskenum: &(Option, String), params_struct: &ParamsStruct, is_mask: bool, ) -> io::Result<()> { params_struct.emit(out)?; writeln!(out)?; // implementing Eq and Ord only for xproto switches which are simple enough if is_mask && self.xcb_mod == "xproto" { writeln!(out, "#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]")?; } else { writeln!(out, "#[derive(Clone, Debug)]")?; } writeln!(out, "pub enum {} {{", rs_typ)?; for c in cases { if visible_fields_len(&c.fields) == 1 { let is_input_info_info = rs_typ == "InputInfoInfo"; assert!(!c.fields.is_empty()); match &c.fields[0] { Field::Field { r#enum: Some(r#enum), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (&r#enum.0, &r#enum.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, " {}({}),",, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::Field { mask: Some(mask), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (&mask.0, &mask.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, " {}({}),",, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::Field { module, rs_typ, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); if is_input_info_info && == "Button" { writeln!(out, " /// The value is the number of buttons")?; } writeln!(out, " {}({}),",, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::List { rs_typ, .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { writeln!(out, " {}(Lat1String),",; } Field::List { r#enum: Some(r#enum), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (&r#enum.0, &r#enum.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, " {}(Vec<{}>),",, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::List { mask: Some(mask), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (&mask.0, &mask.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, " {}(Vec<{}>),",, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::List { module, rs_typ, struct_style, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let buf = if matches!(struct_style, Some(StructStyle::DynBuf)) { "Buf" } else { "" }; writeln!(out, " {}(Vec<{}{}>),",, q_rs_typ, buf)?; } _ => unreachable!(), }; } else { writeln!(out, " {}{{",; for f in &c.fields { match f { Field::Field { name, r#enum: Some(r#enum), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (&r#enum.0, &r#enum.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, " {}: {},", name, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::Field { name, mask: Some(mask), is_fieldref, .. } => { if !*is_fieldref || request_fieldref_emitted(name, &c.fields, false) { let q_rs_typ = (&mask.0, &mask.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, " {}: {},", name, q_rs_typ)?; } } Field::Field { module, name, rs_typ, struct_style, is_fieldref, .. } => { if !*is_fieldref || request_fieldref_emitted(name, &c.fields, false) { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let buf = if matches!(struct_style, Some(StructStyle::DynBuf)) { "Buf" } else { "" }; writeln!(out, " {}: {}{},", name, q_rs_typ, buf)?; } } Field::List { name, rs_typ, .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { writeln!(out, " {}: Lat1String,", name)?; } Field::List { name, r#enum: Some(r#enum), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (&r#enum.0, &r#enum.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, "{}{}: Vec<{}>,", cg::ind(2), name, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::List { name, mask: Some(mask), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (&mask.0, &mask.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, "{}{}: Vec<{}>,", cg::ind(2), name, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::List { module, name, rs_typ, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, " {}: Vec<{}>,", name, q_rs_typ)?; } Field::Switch { name, rs_typ, is_mask: true, .. } => { writeln!(out, " {}: Vec<{}>,", name, rs_typ)?; } Field::Pad { .. } => {} Field::AlignPad { .. } => {} _ => unreachable!("{:#?}", f), } } writeln!(out, " }},")?; } } writeln!(out, "}}")?; if is_mask { self.emit_mask_switch_impl(out, rs_typ, maskenum, cases)?; } else { self.emit_enum_switch_impl(out, rs_typ, maskenum, cases)?; } writeln!(out)?; if is_mask { writeln!(out, "impl base::WiredOut for &[{}] {{", rs_typ)?; } else { writeln!(out, "impl base::WiredOut for {} {{", rs_typ)?; } self.emit_switch_wire_len(out, rs_typ, cases, is_mask)?; writeln!(out)?; self.emit_switch_serialize(out, rs_typ, cases, is_mask)?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; if is_mask { writeln!(out, "impl base::WiredIn for Vec<{}> {{", rs_typ)?; } else { writeln!(out, "impl base::WiredIn for {} {{", rs_typ)?; } writeln!(out, " type Params = {};", params_struct.rs_typ)?; self.emit_switch_compute_wire_len(out, expr, rs_typ, cases, params_struct, is_mask)?; self.emit_switch_unserialize(out, expr, rs_typ, is_mask, cases, params_struct)?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; Ok(()) } fn emit_switch_unserialize( &self, out: &mut O, expr: &Expr, rs_typ: &str, is_mask: bool, cases: &[SwitchCase], params_struct: &ParamsStruct, ) -> io::Result<()> { let return_typ = if is_mask { format!("Vec<{}>", rs_typ) } else { rs_typ.to_string() }; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, " #[allow(unused_assignments)]")?; writeln!(out, " unsafe fn unserialize(wire_data: *const u8, params: {}, out_offset: &mut usize) -> {} {{", params_struct.rs_typ, return_typ)?; writeln!(out, "{}let {}{{", cg::ind(2), params_struct.rs_typ)?; for p in ¶ms_struct.params { writeln!(out, "{}{},", cg::ind(3), p)?; } writeln!(out, "{}}} = params;", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!( out, "{}let expr = {};", cg::ind(2), self.build_rs_expr(expr, "", "", &[]) )?; if is_mask { writeln!(out, "{}let mut result = Vec::new();", cg::ind(2))?; } for sc in cases { let exprs = sc.exprs.iter().map(|e| self.build_rs_expr(e, "", "", &[])); let expr: String = if is_mask { format!("expr & {} != 0", exprs.collect::>().join(" & ")) } else { exprs .map(|e| format!("expr == {}", e)) .collect::>() .join(" || ") }; writeln!(out, "{}if {} {{", cg::ind(2), expr)?; writeln!(out, "{}let mut offset = 0usize;", cg::ind(3))?; for f in &sc.fields { // TODO: remove fieldrefs match f { Field::Field { name, rs_typ, wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), r#enum: Some(r#enum), is_fieldref: false, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (&r#enum.0, &r#enum.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, "{}let {} = std::mem::transmute::<_, {}>(*(wire_data.add(offset) as *const {}) as u32);", cg::ind(3), name, q_rs_typ, rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, "{}offset += {};", cg::ind(3), sz)?; } Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, struct_style: Some(StructStyle::DynBuf), params_struct, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let params_expr = self.build_params_expr( params_struct.as_ref(), module.as_deref(), "", "", ); writeln!( out, "{}let {} = {}Buf::unserialize(wire_data.add(offset), {}, &mut offset);", cg::ind(3), name, q_rs_typ, params_expr )?; } Field::Field { name, rs_typ, wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), .. } if rs_typ == "bool" => { let wire_typ = format!("u{}", *sz * 8); writeln!( out, "{}let {} = *(wire_data.add(offset) as *const {}) != 0;", cg::ind(3), name, wire_typ )?; writeln!(out, "{}offset += {};", cg::ind(3), sz)?; } Field::Field { name, module, rs_typ, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!( out, "{}let {} = *(wire_data.add(offset) as *const {});", cg::ind(3), name, q_rs_typ )?; writeln!( out, "{}offset += std::mem::size_of::<{}>();", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ )?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, len_expr, wire_sz, .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { let len_expr = self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "", "", &sc.fields); assert_eq!(len_expr, self.build_rs_expr(wire_sz, "", "", &sc.fields)); writeln!( out, "{}let {}_ptr = wire_data.add(offset);", cg::ind(3), name )?; writeln!( out, "{}let {}_bytes = std::slice::from_raw_parts({}_ptr, {});", cg::ind(3), name, name, len_expr, )?; writeln!( out, "{}let {} = Lat1String::from_bytes({}_bytes);", cg::ind(3), name, name )?; writeln!(out, "{}offset += {}.len();", cg::ind(3), name)?; } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, struct_style: None | Some(StructStyle::WireLayout | StructStyle::FixBuf), is_union: false, len_expr, mask, r#enum, .. } if rs_typ == "u32" || (r#enum.is_none() || mask.is_none()) => { let q_rs_typ = enum_mask_qualified_rs_typ(module, rs_typ, r#enum, mask); writeln!(out, "{}let {} = {{", cg::ind(3), name)?; writeln!( out, "{} let ptr = wire_data.add(offset) as *const {};", cg::ind(3), q_rs_typ )?; writeln!( out, "{} let len = {};", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "", "", &[]) )?; writeln!( out, "{} let data = std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len);", cg::ind(3) )?; writeln!( out, "{}offset += len * std::mem::size_of::<{}>();", cg::ind(4), q_rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, "{} data.to_vec()", cg::ind(3))?; writeln!(out, "{}}};", cg::ind(3))?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, len_expr, mask: Some(mask), .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (&mask.0, &mask.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, "{}let mut {} = Vec::new();", cg::ind(3), name)?; writeln!( out, "{}for i in 0..{} {{", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "", "", &[]) )?; writeln!(out, "{}{}.push({}::from_bits(*(wire_data.add(offset) as *const {}) as u32).unwrap());", cg::ind(4), name, q_rs_typ, rs_typ)?; writeln!( out, "{}offset += std::mem::size_of::<{}>();", cg::ind(4), rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(3))?; } Field::List { name, module, rs_typ, len_expr, struct_style, params_struct, is_union, union_typefield, .. } if matches!(struct_style, Some(StructStyle::DynBuf)) || *is_union => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out, "{}let mut {} = Vec::new();", cg::ind(3), name)?; writeln!( out, "{}let {}_params = {};", cg::ind(3), name, self.build_params_expr( params_struct.as_ref(), module.as_deref(), "", "" ) )?; writeln!( out, "{}for i in 0..{} {{", cg::ind(3), self.build_rs_expr(len_expr, "", "", &[]) )?; let rs_typ_suff = if *is_union { assert!( union_typefield.is_some(), "cannot build a union here without type field" ); "" } else { "Buf" }; writeln!( out, "{}let el = {}{}::unserialize(wire_data.add(offset), {}_params, &mut offset);", cg::ind(4), q_rs_typ, rs_typ_suff,name, )?; writeln!(out, "{}{}.push(el);", cg::ind(4), name,)?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(3))?; } Field::Switch { name, module, rs_typ, params_struct, is_mask, .. } => { let q_rs_typ = (module, rs_typ).qualified_rs_typ(); let params_expr = self.build_params_expr(Some(params_struct), module.as_deref(), "", ""); // do not supply fields because the masks are defined as integer here let impl_type = if *is_mask { format!(">", q_rs_typ) } else { q_rs_typ.clone() }; writeln!(out, "{}let {}_params = {};", cg::ind(3), name, params_expr)?; writeln!(out, "{}let {} = {}::unserialize(wire_data.add(offset), {}_params, &mut offset);", cg::ind(3), name, impl_type, name)?; } Field::Pad { wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}offset += {}; // pad", cg::ind(3), sz)?; } Field::AlignPad { wire_sz: Expr::AlignPad(sz, _), .. } => { writeln!( out, "{}offset += base::align_pad(offset, {});", cg::ind(3), sz )?; } f => unreachable!("{:#?}", f), } } writeln!(out, "{}*out_offset += offset;", cg::ind(3))?; let (open, close) = if visible_fields_len(&sc.fields) == 1 { ("(", ")") } else { ("{", "}") }; let stmt = if is_mask { "result.push(" } else { "return " }; writeln!(out, "{}{}{}::{}{}", cg::ind(3), stmt, rs_typ,, open)?; for f in &sc.fields { match f { Field::Field { name, mask, is_fieldref, .. } => { if !*is_fieldref || request_fieldref_emitted(name, &sc.fields, false) { if let Some((module, mask)) = mask { let pref_name = if visible_fields_len(&sc.fields) != 1 { format!("{}: ", name) } else { "".to_string() }; let q_rs_typ = (module, mask).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!( out, "{}{}{}::from_bits({} as u32).unwrap(),", cg::ind(4), pref_name, q_rs_typ, name )?; } else { writeln!(out, "{}{},", cg::ind(4), name)?; } } } Field::List { name, .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}{},", cg::ind(4), name)?; } Field::Switch { name, .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}{},", cg::ind(4), name)?; } Field::Pad { .. } => {} Field::AlignPad { .. } => {} f => unreachable!("{:#?}", f), } } writeln!( out, "{}{}{};", cg::ind(3), close, if is_mask { ")" } else { "" } )?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; } if is_mask { writeln!(out, "{}result", cg::ind(2))?; } else { writeln!( out, "{}unreachable!(\"Could not match any expression for {}\");", cg::ind(2), rs_typ )?; } writeln!(out, " }}")?; Ok(()) } pub(super) fn emit_switch_compute_wire_len( &self, out: &mut O, expr: &Expr, rs_typ: &str, cases: &[SwitchCase], params_struct: &ParamsStruct, is_mask: bool, ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, " unsafe fn compute_wire_len(ptr: *const u8, params: Self::Params) -> usize {{" )?; writeln!(out, "{}let {} {{", cg::ind(2), params_struct.rs_typ)?; for p in ¶ms_struct.params { writeln!(out, "{}{},", cg::ind(3), p)?; } writeln!(out, "{}}} = params;", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!( out, "{}let expr = {};", cg::ind(2), self.build_rs_expr(expr, "", "", &[]) )?; if is_mask { writeln!(out, "{}let mut sz = 0usize;", cg::ind(2))?; } for c in cases { let exprs: Vec = c .exprs .iter() .map(|e| self.build_rs_expr(e, "", "", &[])) .collect(); let exprs = exprs.join(if is_mask { " | " } else { " || " }); if is_mask { writeln!(out, " if expr & {} != 0 {{", exprs)?; } else { writeln!(out, " if expr == {} {{", exprs)?; writeln!(out, " let mut sz = 0usize;")?; } for cf in &c.fields { let mut stmts = Vec::new(); self.field_compute_len_stmts(cf, &mut stmts, &Expr::Value(0)); for s in stmts { writeln!(out, " {}", s)?; } } if !is_mask { writeln!(out, " return sz;")?; } writeln!(out, " }}")?; } if is_mask { writeln!(out, "{}sz", cg::ind(2))?; } else { writeln!( out, " unreachable!(\"could not match switch expression in {}::{}::compute_wire_len\")", self.xcb_mod, rs_typ )?; } writeln!(out, " }}")?; Ok(()) } fn emit_switch_wire_len( &self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, cases: &[SwitchCase], is_mask: bool, ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, " fn wire_len(&self) -> usize {{")?; writeln!(out, "{}let mut sz = 0usize;", cg::ind(2))?; let ind = if is_mask { writeln!(out, "{}for el in self.iter() {{", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}match el {{", cg::ind(3))?; 3 } else { writeln!(out, "{}match self {{", cg::ind(2))?; 2 }; for sc in cases { let (open, close) = if visible_fields_len(&sc.fields) == 1 { ("(", ")") } else { ("{", "}") }; writeln!(out, "{}{}::{}{}", cg::ind(ind + 1), rs_typ,, open)?; for f in &sc.fields { match f { Field::Field { name, is_fieldref: true, .. } => { if request_fieldref_emitted(name, &sc.fields, false) { writeln!(out, "{}{},", cg::ind(ind + 2), name)?; } } Field::Field { wire_sz: Expr::Value(_), .. } | Field::List { wire_sz: Expr::Value(_), .. } | Field::Pad { wire_sz: Expr::Value(_), .. } => {} Field::Field { name, .. } | Field::List { name, .. } | Field::Switch { name, .. } => writeln!(out, "{}{},", cg::ind(ind + 2), name)?, Field::Expr { .. } => unreachable!(), Field::Pad { .. } => {} Field::AlignPad { .. } => {} } } writeln!(out, "{}..", cg::ind(ind + 2))?; writeln!(out, "{}{} => {{", cg::ind(ind + 1), close)?; for f in &sc.fields { match f { Field::Field { wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), .. } | Field::List { wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), .. } | Field::Pad { wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}sz += {};", cg::ind(ind + 2), sz)?; } Field::Field { mask, r#enum, rs_typ, .. } if mask.is_some() || r#enum.is_some() => { writeln!( out, "{}sz += std::mem::size_of::<{}>();", cg::ind(ind + 2), rs_typ )?; } Field::Field { name, .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}sz += {}.wire_len();", cg::ind(ind + 2), name)?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { writeln!(out, "{}sz += {}.len();", cg::ind(ind + 2), name)?; } Field::List { name, mask, r#enum, rs_typ, .. } if mask.is_some() || r#enum.is_some() => { writeln!( out, "{}sz += {}.len() * std::mem::size_of::<{}>();", cg::ind(ind + 2), name, rs_typ )?; } Field::List { name, .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}for el in {} {{", cg::ind(ind + 2), name)?; writeln!(out, "{}sz += el.wire_len();", cg::ind(ind + 3))?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(ind + 2))?; } Field::Switch { name, is_mask, .. } => { let acc = if *is_mask { ".as_slice()" } else { "" }; writeln!(out, "{}sz += {}{}.wire_len();", cg::ind(ind + 2), name, acc)?; } Field::AlignPad { wire_sz: Expr::AlignPad(sz, _), .. } => { writeln!( out, "{}sz += base::align_pad(sz, {});", cg::ind(ind + 2), sz )?; } _ => unreachable!("{:#?}", f), } } writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(ind + 1))?; } writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(ind))?; if is_mask { writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; } writeln!(out, "{}sz", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; Ok(()) } fn emit_switch_serialize( &self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, cases: &[SwitchCase], is_mask: bool, ) -> io::Result<()> { writeln!( out, " fn serialize(&self, wire_buf: &mut [u8]) -> usize {{" )?; writeln!(out, "{}let mut offset = 0usize;", cg::ind(2))?; let ind = if is_mask { writeln!(out, "{}for el in self.iter() {{", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, "{}match el {{", cg::ind(3))?; 3 } else { writeln!(out, "{}match self {{", cg::ind(2))?; 2 }; for sc in cases { let (open, close) = if visible_fields_len(&sc.fields) == 1 { ("(", ")") } else { ("{", "}") }; writeln!(out, "{}{}::{}{}", cg::ind(ind + 1), rs_typ,, open)?; for f in &sc.fields { match f { Field::Field { name, is_fieldref: true, .. } => { if request_fieldref_emitted(name, &sc.fields, false) { writeln!(out, "{}{},", cg::ind(ind + 2), name)?; } } Field::Field { name, .. } | Field::List { name, .. } | Field::Switch { name, .. } => writeln!(out, "{}{},", cg::ind(ind + 2), name)?, Field::Expr { .. } => unreachable!(), Field::Pad { .. } => {} Field::AlignPad { .. } => {} } } writeln!(out, "{}..", cg::ind(ind + 2))?; writeln!(out, "{}{} => {{", cg::ind(ind + 1), close)?; for f in &sc.fields { match f { Field::Field { name, rs_typ, wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), .. } if rs_typ == "bool" => { // have to take into account "BOOL32" let typ = if *sz == 4 { "u32" } else if *sz == 1 { "u8" } else { unreachable!("unknown sized bool") }; writeln!( out, "{}let {}: {} = if *{} {{ 1 }} else {{ 0 }};", cg::ind(ind + 2), name, typ, name )?; writeln!( out, "{}offset += {}.serialize(&mut wire_buf[offset..]);", cg::ind(ind + 2), name )?; } Field::Field { name, r#enum: Some(_), rs_typ, .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}offset += (unsafe {{ std::mem::transmute::<_, u32>(*{}) }} as {}).serialize(&mut wire_buf[offset..]);", cg::ind(ind+2), name, rs_typ)?; } Field::Field { name, mask: Some(_), is_fieldref, rs_typ, .. } => { let fieldref_value = if *is_fieldref { fieldref_get_value(name, &sc.fields, false, "") } else { None }; let expr = if let Some(fieldref_value) = fieldref_value { fieldref_value } else { name.clone() + ".bits()" }; writeln!( out, "{}offset += ({} as {}).serialize(&mut wire_buf[offset..]);", cg::ind(ind + 2), expr, rs_typ )?; } Field::Field { name, rs_typ, is_fieldref, .. } => { let fieldref_value = if *is_fieldref { fieldref_get_value(name, &sc.fields, false, "") } else { None }; if let Some(fieldref_value) = fieldref_value { writeln!( out, "{}offset += ({} as {}).serialize(&mut wire_buf[offset..]);", cg::ind(ind + 2), fieldref_value, rs_typ )?; } else { writeln!( out, "{}offset += {}.serialize(&mut wire_buf[offset..]);", cg::ind(ind + 2), name )?; } } Field::List { name, rs_typ, .. } if rs_typ == "char" => { writeln!( out, "{}wire_buf[offset..offset+{}.len()].copy_from_slice({}.as_bytes());", cg::ind(ind + 2), name, name )?; writeln!(out, "{}offset += {}.len();", cg::ind(ind + 2), name)?; } Field::List { name, rs_typ, mask: Some(_), .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}for el in {} {{", cg::ind(ind + 2), name)?; writeln!( out, "{}offset += (el.bits() as {}).serialize(&mut wire_buf[offset..]);", cg::ind(ind + 3), rs_typ, )?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(ind + 2))?; } Field::List { name, .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}for el in {} {{", cg::ind(ind + 2), name)?; writeln!( out, "{}offset += el.serialize(&mut wire_buf[offset..]);", cg::ind(ind + 3) )?; writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(ind + 2))?; } Field::Switch { name, is_mask, .. } => { let acc = if *is_mask { ".as_slice()" } else { "" }; writeln!( out, "{}offset += {}{}.serialize(&mut wire_buf[offset..]);", cg::ind(ind + 2), name, acc )?; } Field::Pad { wire_sz: Expr::Value(sz), .. } => { writeln!(out, "{}offset += {};", cg::ind(ind + 2), sz)?; } Field::AlignPad { wire_sz: Expr::AlignPad(sz, _), .. } => { writeln!( out, "{}offset += base::align_pad(offset, {});", cg::ind(ind + 2), sz )?; } _ => unreachable!("{:#?}", f), } } writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(ind + 1))?; } writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(ind))?; if is_mask { writeln!(out, "{}}}", cg::ind(2))?; } writeln!(out, "{}offset", cg::ind(2))?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; Ok(()) } fn emit_mask_switch_impl( &self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, mask: &(Option, String), cases: &[SwitchCase], ) -> io::Result<()> { let mask = (&mask.0, &mask.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!( out, " pub(crate) fn get_mask(slice: &[{}]) -> {} {{", rs_typ, mask )?; writeln!(out, " let mut res = {}::empty();", mask)?; writeln!(out, " for el in slice {{")?; writeln!(out, " match el {{")?; for c in cases { let indent = " "; writeln!(out, "{}{}::{}{{..}} => {{", indent, rs_typ,; for expr in &c.exprs { if let Expr::MaskRef { item, .. } = expr { writeln!(out, "{} res |= {}::{};", indent, mask, item)?; } else { unreachable!(); } } writeln!(out, "{}}}", indent)?; } writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " res")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!( out, " pub(crate) fn is_sorted_distinct(slice: &[{}]) -> bool {{", rs_typ )?; writeln!(out, " if slice.len() <= 1 {{")?; writeln!(out, " true")?; writeln!(out, " }} else {{")?; writeln!(out, " let mut last = slice[0].get_ord();")?; writeln!( out, " slice[1..].iter().map(|el| el.get_ord()).all(|o| {{" )?; writeln!(out, " let lasto = last;")?; writeln!(out, " last = o;")?; writeln!(out, " lasto < o")?; writeln!(out, " }})")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, " fn get_ord(&self) -> u32 {{")?; writeln!(out, " match self {{")?; for (i, c) in cases.iter().enumerate() { writeln!(out, " {}::{}{{..}} => {},", rs_typ,, i)?; } writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; // implementing Ord only for xproto switches which are simple enough if self.xcb_mod == "xproto" { writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl Ord for {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {{")?; writeln!(out, " let o = self.get_ord().cmp(&other.get_ord());")?; writeln!(out, " match o {{")?; writeln!(out, " Ordering::Less | Ordering::Greater => o,")?; writeln!(out, " Ordering::Equal => {{")?; writeln!(out, " match (self, other) {{")?; for c in cases.iter() { writeln!( out, "{}({}::{}(val), {}::{}(oval)) => val.cmp(oval),", cg::ind(5), rs_typ,, rs_typ, )?; } writeln!( out, " _ => unreachable!(\"Bug: o should not be Ordering::Equal\")," )?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl PartialOrd for {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!( out, " fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option {{" )?; writeln!(out, " Some(self.cmp(other))")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; } Ok(()) } fn emit_enum_switch_impl( &self, out: &mut O, rs_typ: &str, r#enum: &(Option, String), cases: &[SwitchCase], ) -> io::Result<()> { let r#enum = (&r#enum.0, &r#enum.1).qualified_rs_typ(); writeln!(out)?; writeln!(out, "impl {} {{", rs_typ)?; writeln!(out, " pub(crate) fn get_enum(&self) -> {} {{", r#enum)?; writeln!(out, " match self {{")?; for c in cases { let indent = " "; writeln!(out, "{}{}::{}{{..}} => {{", indent, rs_typ,; for expr in &c.exprs { if let Expr::EnumRef { item, .. } = expr { writeln!(out, "{} {}::{}", indent, r#enum, item)?; } else { unreachable!(); } } writeln!(out, "{}}}", indent)?; } writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, " }}")?; writeln!(out, "}}")?; Ok(()) } } fn visible_fields_len(fields: &[Field]) -> usize { let mut len = 0; for f in fields { match f { Field::Pad { .. } => {} Field::AlignPad { .. } => {} _ => { len += 1; } } } len }