# xdpsock A Rust interface for the Linux AF_XDP address family. [API documentation](https://docs.rs/xdpsock). For more information please see the [networking docs](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/networking/af_xdp.html) or a more [detailed overview](http://vger.kernel.org/lpc_net2018_talks/lpc18_paper_af_xdp_perf-v2.pdf). This crate builds on the great work of [xsk-rs](https://github.com/DouglasGray/xsk-rs). ### Basic Usage ``` use xdpsock::{ socket::{BindFlags, SocketConfig, SocketConfigBuilder, XdpFlags}, umem::{UmemConfig, UmemConfigBuilder}, xsk::Xsk2, }; // Configuration let umem_config = UmemConfigBuilder::new() .frame_count(8192) .comp_queue_size(4096) .fill_queue_size(4096) .build() .unwrap(); let socket_config = SocketConfigBuilder::new() .tx_queue_size(4096) .rx_queue_size(4096) .bind_flags(BindFlags::XDP_COPY) // Check your driver to see if you can use ZERO_COPY .xdp_flags(XdpFlags::XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE) // Check your driver to see if you can use DRV_MODE .build() .unwrap(); let n_tx_frames = umem_config.frame_count() / 2; let mut xsk = Xsk2::new(&ifname, 0, umem_config, socket_config, n_tx_frames as usize); // Sending a packet let pkt: Vec = vec![]; xsk.send(&pkt); // Receiving a packet let (recvd_pkt, len) = xsk.recv().expect("failed to recv"); ``` ### Examples A couple can be found in the `examples` directory. The example `dev2_to_dev1.rs` sends/receives udp packets using the specified interface. To run this example: ``` # Compile cargo build --release --examples # Add the veth pair sudo ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1 # Get the MAC addresses of the veth pair ip link show 11: veth1@veth0: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 82:ff:40:35:17:a2 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 12: veth0@veth1: mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 9e:4f:30:9e:e1:31 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff # Start the receiver sudo ./target/release/examples/dev2_to_dev1 --n-pkts=1000000 --src-ip "" --src-port 1234 --dest-ip "" --dest-port 4321 --dev veth1 --dest-mac "82:ff:40:35:17:a2" --src-mac "9e:4f:30:9e:e1:31" rx # In another terminal, start the sender sudo ./target/release/examples/dev2_to_dev1 --n-pkts=1000000 --src-ip "" --src-port 1234 --dest-ip "" --dest-port 4321 --dev veth0 --dest-mac "82:ff:40:35:17:a2" --src-mac "9e:4f:30:9e:e1:31" tx ``` The example `synacker.rs` listens on the specified interface and responds to TCP syn packets matching a given filter with a SYNACK. ``` sudo ./target/release/examples/synacker --src-ip "" --dev "veth1" ``` ### Running tests The integration tests run using [veth-util-rs](https://github.com/seeyarh/veth-util-rs), which creates a pair of virtual ethernet interfaces. By default, root permissions are required to create virtual ethernet interfaces. To avoid running cargo under `root` it's best to first build the tests/examples and run the binaries directly. ``` # tests cargo build --tests sudo run_all_tests.sh ``` ### Compatibility Linux kernel version 5.11.0. [Check your driver for XDP compatibility](https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/blob/master/docs/kernel-versions.md#xdp)