use std::{ collections::HashMap, env, fs, io::{self}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use anyhow::Context; use prost::Message; use prost_build::Module; use prost_types::FileDescriptorSet; use serde::Deserialize; use xshell::{cmd, Shell}; /// Generate sources and check that the generated changes have been committed. /// /// If you are working on this repo, you can set `XDS_API_SKIP_GEN_SRC` to skip /// generating sources on every `cargo test` and /// `XDS_API_SKIP_GEN_SRC_DIRTY_CHECK` to skip the dirty check. /// /// These flags are opt-out instead of opt-in so the checks run in CI and fail /// on pushes that get protos and generated sources out-of-sync. #[test] fn generate_sources() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let sh = Shell::new().unwrap(); if env::var("XDS_API_SKIP_GEN_SRC").is_err() { generate_xds_api(&sh)?; } if env::var("XDS_API_SKIP_GEN_SRC_DIRTY_CHECK").is_err() { check_dirty_repo(&sh)?; } Ok(()) } fn project_root() -> PathBuf { PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")) } /// Generate the xds-api definitions by downloading protobuf dependencies and running /// tonic-build. /// /// This depends on: /// /// - The dependencies declared in xds-api/proto-deps.toml /// /// - Prior knowledge of which XDS APIs we care about (they're hardcoded into /// the compile_xds_api function, go look there for details). /// /// - Having access to the internet to pull dependencies. /// /// - A local install of protoc, found either by using the executable named /// `protoc` in your path or defined with the PROTOC environment variable. /// See for /// all of the gory detail. /// /// - A local install of git. /// /// Generation defaults to using a cache directory under the project's `target/` /// dir. To make this cache survive cargo clean, or to force a fresh directory /// every time you build, set the `XDS_GIT_CACHE` env variable to a new path. fn generate_xds_api(sh: &Shell) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let project_root = project_root(); let proto_deps = envoy_deps(&project_root)?; eprintln!("### Checking protoc version..."); let protoc_version = check_protoc_version(sh)?; let expected_version = read_protoc_version(&project_root)?; if protoc_version != expected_version { anyhow::bail!( "protoc version ({protoc_version}) doesn't match pinned version ({expected_version})" ) } eprintln!("### Collecting protobuf dependencies..."); let git_dir = env::var("XDS_GIT_CACHE") .map(PathBuf::from) .unwrap_or_else(|_| project_root.join("target/generate-xds-api-dev")); match fs::create_dir(&git_dir) { Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => (), r => r?, }; sync_envoy_protos(sh, &git_dir, &proto_deps)?; eprintln!("### Generating code..."); compile_xds_api(sh, &project_root, &git_dir, &proto_deps)?; eprintln!("### Okay!"); Ok(()) } fn check_dirty_repo(sh: &Shell) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let git_status = cmd!(sh, "git status --porcelain").read()?; if !git_status.is_empty() { anyhow::bail!( "Uncomitted git changes found. Make sure you commit protobufs before pushing." ) } Ok(()) } fn sync_envoy_protos>( sh: &Shell, working_dir: P, protos: &ProtoDeps, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { for (name, info) in &protos.dependencies { let target_dir = working_dir.as_ref().join(name); let repo_url = &info.repo_url; if !target_dir.exists() { cmd!( sh, "git clone --depth 1 --filter=blob:none {repo_url} {target_dir}" ) .run()?; } let _dir = sh.push_dir(target_dir); let commit_or_branch = &info.git_ref; cmd!(sh, "git fetch --tags").run()?; cmd!(sh, "git checkout {commit_or_branch}").run()?; } Ok(()) } fn compile_xds_api, Q: AsRef>( sh: &Shell, project_root: P, build_root: Q, proto_deps: &ProtoDeps, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let build_root = build_root.as_ref(); let proto_paths = glob_protos( &build_root.join("envoy-data-plane"), &[ "envoy/type/**/v3/*.proto", "envoy/config/**/v3/*.proto", "envoy/service/**/v3/*.proto", "envoy/extensions/filters/network/http_connection_manager/v3/*.proto", "envoy/extensions/filters/http/router/v3/*.proto", "envoy/extensions/clusters/aggregate/v3/*.proto", ], ); let includes: Vec<_> = proto_deps .dependencies .iter() .map(|(name, dep_info)| { let include = build_root.join(name); match &dep_info.proto_root { Some(proto_root) => include.join(proto_root), None => include, } }) .collect(); let out_dir = &project_root.as_ref().join("src/generated"); cmd!(sh, "rm -r {out_dir}").run()?; cmd!(sh, "mkdir -p {out_dir}").run()?; let descriptor_path = project_root.as_ref().join("src/xds-descriptors.bin"); let mut prost_config = prost_build::Config::new(); prost_config.enable_type_names(); prost_config.type_name_domain([".envoy"], ""); eprintln!("+ tonic_build"); tonic_build::configure() .out_dir(out_dir) .file_descriptor_set_path(&descriptor_path) .emit_rerun_if_changed(false) .include_file("") .compile_well_known_types(true) .compile_with_config(prost_config, &proto_paths, &includes)?; eprintln!("+ pbjson_build"); let encoded_descriptor_set = std::fs::read(&descriptor_path).unwrap(); pbjson_build::Builder::new() .register_descriptors(&encoded_descriptor_set)? .preserve_proto_field_names() .exclude([".google.protobuf.Any"]) .out_dir(out_dir) .build(&["."])?; eprintln!("+ regenerate includes with serde impls"); let fds = FileDescriptorSet::decode(encoded_descriptor_set.as_slice()) .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?; generate_includes(project_root.as_ref().join("src/generated/"), fds)?; Ok(()) } fn envoy_deps>(project_root: P) -> anyhow::Result { let deps_file = project_root.as_ref().join("protobufs.toml"); let deps = toml::from_str( &fs::read_to_string(&deps_file) .with_context(|| format!("failed to load deps file: {}", deps_file.display()))?, )?; Ok(deps) } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct ProtoDeps { dependencies: HashMap, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct ProtoDep { repo_url: String, git_ref: String, proto_root: Option, } fn glob_protos>(root: &P, globs: &[&'static str]) -> Vec { let root = root.as_ref(); let mut paths = vec![]; for g in globs { let proto_glob = root.join(g).to_string_lossy().into_owned(); let globbed = glob::glob(&proto_glob) .expect("invalid glob pattern") .filter_map(Result::ok); paths.extend(globbed); } paths } fn generate_includes>(target_path: P, fds: FileDescriptorSet) -> io::Result<()> { let modules = { let mut modules: Vec<_> = fds .file .into_iter() .map(|descriptor| Module::from_protobuf_package_name(descriptor.package())) .collect(); modules.sort(); modules.dedup(); modules }; let file_names: HashMap<_, _> = modules .iter() .map(|module| (module.clone(), module.to_file_name_or("_"))) .collect(); let mut buf = Vec::new(); write_line( &mut buf, 0, "// This file is generated by xds-api/xtask. Do not edit!", )?; let mut stack = Vec::::new(); for module in modules { let module_parts: Vec<_> =; while !module_starts_with(&module_parts, &stack) { stack.pop(); write_line(&mut buf, stack.len(), "}")?; } while stack.len() < module.len() { write_line( &mut buf, stack.len(), &format!("pub mod {} {{", module_parts[stack.len()]), )?; stack.push(module_parts[stack.len()].to_owned()) } let file_name = file_names .get(&module) .expect("missing filename for module"); write_line( &mut buf, stack.len(), &format!("include!(\"{file_name}\");"), )?; if let Some(serde_filename) = module_serde_filename(&module) { write_line(&mut buf, stack.len(), "#[cfg(feature = \"pbjson\")]")?; write_line( &mut buf, stack.len(), &format!("include!(\"{serde_filename}\");"), )?; } } for depth in (0..stack.len()).rev() { write_line(&mut buf, depth, "}")?; } fs::write(target_path.as_ref(), &buf).unwrap(); Ok(()) } fn module_starts_with>(haystack: &[&str], needle: &[T]) -> bool { haystack .iter() .zip(needle.iter()) .all(|(a, b)| *a == b.as_ref()) } fn module_serde_filename(m: &Module) -> Option { let mut parts: Vec<_> =|s| s.to_string()).collect(); if parts.is_empty() { return None; } parts.push("serde".to_string()); parts.push("rs".to_string()); Some(parts.join(".")) } fn write_line(w: &mut W, depth: usize, line: &str) -> io::Result<()> { let line = format!( "{spacing}{line}\n", spacing = " ".to_owned().repeat(depth), line = line, ); w.write_all(line.as_bytes()) } fn check_protoc_version(sh: &Shell) -> anyhow::Result { let output = cmd!(sh, "protoc --version").read()?; let Some(version) = output.split_ascii_whitespace().last() else { anyhow::bail!("oops: couldn't parse protoc version"); }; Ok(version.to_string()) } fn read_protoc_version(root_dir: &Path) -> io::Result { let version = std::fs::read_to_string(root_dir.join(".protoc-version"))?; Ok(version.trim().to_string()) }