/* BEGIN_LEGAL Copyright (c) 2023 Intel Corporation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. END_LEGAL */ #include "xed/xed-interface.h" #include "xed/xed-get-time.h" #include "xed-examples-util.h" #include //strlen, memcmp, memset #include //ptrdiff_t #if defined(XED_MAC) || defined(XED_LINUX) || defined(XED_BSD) # include # include # include # include # include #endif #include #include #include #include "xed-dot-prep.h" #include "xed/xed-ild.h" #if defined(PTI_XED_TEST) #include "pti-xed-test.h" #endif #define DCAST(x) XED_STATIC_CAST(double,(x)) #define XCAST(x) XED_STATIC_CAST(xed_int64_t,(x)) #define U64CAST(x) XED_STATIC_CAST(xed_uint64_t,(x)) #define ICAST(x) XED_STATIC_CAST(xed_int_t,(x)) #define UCAST(x) XED_STATIC_CAST(xed_uint_t,(x)) #define XED_TMP_BUF_LEN (1024*4) #define XED_HISTO_MAX_CYCLES 10000 // must be divisible by cycles/bin #define XED_HISTO_CYCLES_PER_BIN 50 #define XED_HISTO_BINS (XED_HISTO_MAX_CYCLES/XED_HISTO_CYCLES_PER_BIN) typedef struct { xed_uint64_t total_time ; xed_uint64_t total_insts ; xed_uint64_t total_ilen ; xed_uint64_t total_olen ; xed_uint64_t total_shorter ; xed_uint64_t total_longer ; xed_uint64_t bad_times ; xed_uint64_t reset_counter; xed_uint64_t total_insts_tail; xed_uint64_t total_time_tail; xed_uint64_t perf_tail; xed_uint64_t histo[XED_HISTO_BINS]; } xed_stats_t; #if defined(XED_DECODER) static void update_histogram(xed_stats_t* p, xed_uint64_t delta) { xed_uint32_t bin; if (delta < XED_HISTO_MAX_CYCLES) bin = XED_STATIC_CAST(xed_uint32_t, delta / XED_HISTO_CYCLES_PER_BIN); else bin = XED_HISTO_BINS-1; p->histo[bin]++; } static void init_histogram(xed_stats_t* p) { memset(p->histo, 0, sizeof(xed_uint64_t)*XED_HISTO_BINS); } static void xed_stats_update(xed_stats_t* p, xed_uint64_t t1, xed_uint64_t t2) { if (t2 > t1) { xed_uint64_t delta = t2-t1; p->total_time += delta; update_histogram(p,delta); } else p->bad_times++; p->total_insts++; p->reset_counter++; if (p->reset_counter == 50) { if (CLIENT_VERBOSE1) printf("\n\nRESETTING STATS\n\n"); // to ignore startup transients paging everything in. init_histogram(p); p->total_insts=0; p->total_time=0; } //these guys count average on tail instructions - //when all cpu caches and tables are full if (p->total_insts >= p->perf_tail) { p->total_insts_tail++; p->total_time_tail += (t2-t1); } } static void xed_stats_zero(xed_stats_t* p, xed_disas_info_t* di) { p->total_time = 0; p->total_insts = 0; p->total_ilen = 0; p->total_olen = 0; p->total_shorter = 0; p->total_longer = 0; p->bad_times = 0; p->reset_counter = 0; p->total_time_tail = 0; p->total_insts_tail = 0; p->perf_tail = di->perf_tail_start; init_histogram(p); } #endif static xed_stats_t xed_dec_stats; static xed_stats_t xed_enc_stats; void xed_disas_info_init(xed_disas_info_t* p) { memset(p,0,sizeof(xed_disas_info_t)); } xed_syntax_enum_t global_syntax = XED_SYNTAX_INTEL; int client_verbose=0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static char xed_toupper(char c) { if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { int t = c - 'a'; char u = (char)(t+'A'); return u; } return c; } char* xed_upcase_buf(char* s) { xed_uint_t len = XED_STATIC_CAST(xed_uint_t,strlen(s)); xed_uint_t i; for(i=0 ; i < len ; i++ ) s[i] = xed_toupper(s[i]); return s; } static xed_uint8_t letter_cvt(char a, char base) { return (xed_uint8_t)(a-base); } static xed_uint8_t convert_nibble(char x) { // convert ascii nibble to hex xed_uint8_t rv = 0; if (x >= '0' && x <= '9') rv = letter_cvt(x, '0'); else if (x >= 'A' && x <= 'F') rv = (xed_uint8_t)(letter_cvt(x,'A') + 10U); else if (x >= 'a' && x <= 'f') rv = (xed_uint8_t)(letter_cvt(x,'a') + 10U); else { printf("Error converting hex digit. Nibble value 0x%x\n", x); exit(1); } return rv; } xed_int64_t xed_atoi_hex(char* buf) { xed_int64_t o=0; xed_uint_t i; xed_uint_t len = XED_STATIC_CAST(xed_uint_t,strlen(buf)); for(i=0; i= (2*n+1)); /* including null */ for( i=0 ; i< n; i++) { buf[2*i+0] = nibble_to_ascii_hex(array[i]>>4); buf[2*i+1] = nibble_to_ascii_hex(array[i]&0xF); } buf[2*i]=0; } void XED_NORETURN xedex_derror(const char* s) { printf("[XED CLIENT ERROR] %s\n",s); exit(1); } void xedex_dwarn(const char* s) { printf("[XED CLIENT WARNING] %s\n",s); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(XED_DECODER) //#define BINARY_DUMP #if defined (BINARY_DUMP) int fd = 0; void open_binary_output_file(void); void open_binary_output_file(void) { fd = open("output", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, S_IRWXU); if (fd == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not open binary output file\n"); exit(1); } } #endif static XED_INLINE xed_error_enum_t decode_internal(xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd, const xed_uint8_t* itext, xed_uint_t max_bytes) { xed_error_enum_t err = xed_decode(xedd,itext,max_bytes); #if defined (BINARY_DUMP) if (err == XED_ERROR_NONE) write(fd, itext, xed_decoded_inst_get_length(xedd)); #endif return err; } #endif void init_xedd(xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd, xed_disas_info_t* di) { unsigned int i; #if defined(XED_DECODER) xed_decoded_inst_zero_set_mode(xedd, &(di->dstate)); #endif xed_decoded_inst_set_input_chip(xedd, di->chip); #if defined(XED_MPX) xed3_operand_set_mpxmode(xedd, di->mpx_mode); #endif #if defined(XED_CET) xed3_operand_set_cet(xedd, di->cet_mode); #endif for(i = 0; i < XED_MAX_INPUT_OPERNADS; i++) { if (di->operands[i] != XED_OPERAND_INVALID) xed3_set_generic_operand(xedd, di->operands[i], di->operands_value[i]); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void dump_histo(xed_uint64_t* histo, xed_uint32_t bins, xed_uint32_t cycles_per_bin) { xed_uint32_t i=0; xed_uint64_t total=0; double cdf = 0; for(i=0;itotal_time); printf("#Total instructions %s: " XED_FMT_LU "\n", dec_enc, p->total_insts); printf("#Total tail %s cycles: " XED_FMT_LU "\n", dec_enc, p->total_time_tail); printf("#Total tail instructions %s: " XED_FMT_LU "\n", dec_enc, p->total_insts_tail); cpi = 1.0 * DCAST(p->total_time) / DCAST(p->total_insts); printf("#Total cycles/instruction %s: %.2f\n" , dec_enc, cpi); cpi_tail = 1.0 * DCAST(p->total_time_tail) / DCAST(p->total_insts_tail); printf("#Total tail cycles/instruction %s: %.2f\n" , dec_enc, cpi_tail); if (p->bad_times) printf("#Bad times: " XED_FMT_LU "\n", p->bad_times); if (di->histo) dump_histo(p->histo, XED_HISTO_BINS, XED_HISTO_CYCLES_PER_BIN); } void xed_print_decode_stats(xed_disas_info_t* di) { print_decode_stats_internal(di, &xed_dec_stats, "XED3", "DECODE"); } void xed_print_encode_stats(xed_disas_info_t* di) { print_decode_stats_internal(di, &xed_enc_stats, "XED3", "ENCODE"); } void xed_map_region(const char* path, void** start, unsigned int* length) { #if defined(_WIN32) FILE* f; size_t t,ilen; xed_uint8_t* p; #if defined(XED_MSVC8_OR_LATER) && !defined(PIN_CRT) errno_t err; fprintf(stderr,"#Opening %s\n", path); err = fopen_s(&f,path,"rb"); #else int err=0; fprintf(stderr,"#Opening %s\n", path); f = fopen(path,"rb"); err = (f==0); #endif if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Could not open %s\n", path); exit(1); } err = fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Could not fseek %s\n", path); exit(1); } ilen = ftell(f); fprintf(stderr,"#Trying to read " XED_FMT_SIZET "\n", ilen); p = (xed_uint8_t*)malloc(ilen); assert(p!=0); t=0; err = fseek(f,0, SEEK_SET); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Could not fseek to start of file %s\n", path); exit(1); } while(t < ilen) { size_t n; if (feof(f)) { fprintf(stderr, "#Read EOF. Stopping.\n"); break; } n = fread(p+t, 1, ilen-t,f); t = t+n; fprintf(stderr,"#Read " XED_FMT_SIZET " of " XED_FMT_SIZET " bytes\n", t, ilen); if (ferror(f)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in file read. Stopping.\n"); break; } } fclose(f); *start = p; *length = (unsigned int)ilen; #else off_t ilen; int fd; fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { printf("Could not open file: %s\n" , path); exit(1); } ilen = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); // find the size. if (ilen == -1) xedex_derror("lseek failed"); else *length = (unsigned int) ilen; lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); // go to the beginning *start = mmap(0, *length, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); if (*start == MAP_FAILED) xedex_derror("could not map region"); close(fd); #endif if (CLIENT_VERBOSE1) printf("Mapped " XED_FMT_U " bytes!\n", *length); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(XED_DECODER) static xed_disassembly_callback_fn_t registered_disasm_callback=0; void xed_register_disassembly_callback(xed_disassembly_callback_fn_t f) { registered_disasm_callback = f; } void disassemble(xed_disas_info_t* di, char* buf, int buflen, xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd, xed_uint64_t runtime_instruction_address, void* caller_data) { xed_bool_t ok; xed_print_info_t pi; xed_init_print_info(&pi); pi.p = xedd; pi.blen = buflen; pi.buf = buf; // passed back to symbolic disassembly function pi.context = caller_data; // 0=use the default symbolic disassembly function registered via // xed_register_disassembly_callback(). If nonzero, it would be a // function pointer to a disassembly callback routine. See xed-disas.h pi.disassembly_callback = registered_disasm_callback; pi.runtime_address = runtime_instruction_address; pi.syntax = global_syntax; pi.format_options_valid = 1; pi.format_options = di->format_options; pi.buf[0]=0; //allow use of strcat ok = xed_format_generic(&pi); if (!ok) { pi.blen = xed_strncpy(pi.buf,"Error disassembling ",pi.blen); pi.blen = xed_strncat(pi.buf, xed_syntax_enum_t2str(pi.syntax), pi.blen); pi.blen = xed_strncat(pi.buf," syntax.",pi.blen); } } void xed_decode_error( xed_uint64_t runtime_instruction_address, xed_uint64_t offset, const xed_uint8_t* ptr, xed_error_enum_t xed_error, xed_uint_t length) { char buf[XED_HEX_BUFLEN]; printf("ERROR: %s Could not decode at offset: 0x" XED_FMT_LX " len: %d PC: 0x" XED_FMT_LX ": [", xed_error_enum_t2str(xed_error), offset, length, runtime_instruction_address); xed_print_hex_line(buf, ptr, length, XED_HEX_BUFLEN); printf("%s]\n",buf); } static void print_hex_line(const xed_uint8_t* p, unsigned int length) { char buf[XED_HEX_BUFLEN]; unsigned int lim = XED_HEX_BUFLEN/2; if (length < lim) lim = length; xed_print_hex_line(buf,p, lim, XED_HEX_BUFLEN); printf("%s\n", buf); } static void print_attributes(xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd) { /* Walk the attributes. Generally, you'll know the one you want to * query and just access that one directly. */ const xed_inst_t* xi = xed_decoded_inst_inst(xedd); unsigned int i, nattributes = xed_attribute_max(); printf("ATTRIBUTES: "); for(i=0;iencode_force); // encode it again... et1 = xed_get_time(); encode_okay = xed_encode(enc_req, array, ilen, &enc_olen); et2 = xed_get_time(); xed_stats_update(&xed_enc_stats, et1, et2); if (encode_okay != XED_ERROR_NONE) { if (CLIENT_VERBOSE) { char buf[XED_TMP_BUF_LEN]; char buf2[XED_TMP_BUF_LEN]; int blen=XED_TMP_BUF_LEN; xed_encode_request_print(enc_req, buf, XED_TMP_BUF_LEN); blen = xed_strncpy(buf2,"Could not re-encode: ", blen); blen = xed_strncat(buf2, buf, blen); blen = xed_strncat(buf2,"\nError code was: ",blen); blen = xed_strncat(buf2, xed_error_enum_t2str(encode_okay),blen); blen = xed_strncat(buf2, "\n",blen); xedex_dwarn(buf2); } } else { retval_olen = enc_olen; // See if it matched the original... if (CLIENT_VERBOSE) { char buf[XED_HEX_BUFLEN]; xed_uint_t dec_length; xed_print_hex_line(buf,array, enc_olen, XED_HEX_BUFLEN); printf("Encodable! %s\n",buf); dec_length = xed_decoded_inst_get_length(xedd); if ((enc_olen != dec_length || memcmp(decode_text_binary, array, enc_olen) )) { char buf2[XED_TMP_BUF_LEN]; char buf3[XED_TMP_BUF_LEN]; printf("Discrepenacy after re-encoding. dec_len= " XED_FMT_U " ", dec_length); xed_print_hex_line(buf, decode_text_binary, dec_length,XED_HEX_BUFLEN); printf("[%s] ", buf); printf("enc_olen= " XED_FMT_U "", enc_olen); xed_print_hex_line(buf, array, enc_olen, XED_HEX_BUFLEN); printf(" [%s] ", buf); printf("for instruction: "); xed_decoded_inst_dump(xedd, buf3,XED_TMP_BUF_LEN); printf("%s\n", buf3); printf("vs Encode request: "); xed_encode_request_print(enc_req, buf2, XED_TMP_BUF_LEN); printf("%s\n", buf2); } else printf("Identical re-encoding\n"); } } } return retval_olen; } #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(XED_DECODER) && defined(XED_AVX) typedef enum { XED_AST_INPUT_NOTHING, XED_AST_INPUT_SSE, XED_AST_INPUT_AVX_SCALAR, XED_AST_INPUT_AVX128, XED_AST_INPUT_AVX256, XED_AST_INPUT_VZEROALL, XED_AST_INPUT_VZEROUPPER, XED_AST_INPUT_XRSTOR, XED_AST_INPUT_EVEX_SCALAR, XED_AST_INPUT_EVEX128, XED_AST_INPUT_EVEX256, XED_AST_INPUT_EVEX512, XED_AST_INPUT_LAST } xed_ast_input_enum_t; static char const* const xed_ast_input_enum_t_strings[] = { "n/a", "sse", "avx.scalar", "avx.128", "avx.256", "vzeroall", "vzeroupper", "xrstor", "evex.scalar", "evex.128", "evex.256", "evex.512" }; static xed_uint8_t avx_extensions[XED_EXTENSION_LAST]; static void init_interesting_avx(void) { memset(avx_extensions,0,sizeof(xed_uint8_t)*XED_EXTENSION_LAST); avx_extensions[XED_EXTENSION_AVX]=1; avx_extensions[XED_EXTENSION_FMA]=1; avx_extensions[XED_EXTENSION_F16C]=1; avx_extensions[XED_EXTENSION_AVX2]=1; avx_extensions[XED_EXTENSION_AVX2GATHER]=1; #if defined(XED_SUPPORTS_AVX512) avx_extensions[XED_EXTENSION_AVX512EVEX]=1; #endif } static XED_INLINE int is_interesting_avx(xed_extension_enum_t extension) { return avx_extensions[extension]; } static XED_INLINE xed_ast_input_enum_t avx_type(xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd) { xed_uint32_t vl; #if defined(XED_SUPPORTS_AVX512) xed_uint32_t avx512 = (xed_decoded_inst_get_extension(xedd) == XED_EXTENSION_AVX512EVEX); #else xed_uint32_t avx512 = 0; #endif // scalar ops are implicitly 128b if (xed_decoded_inst_get_attribute(xedd, XED_ATTRIBUTE_SIMD_SCALAR)) return avx512 ? XED_AST_INPUT_EVEX_SCALAR : XED_AST_INPUT_AVX_SCALAR; // look at the VEX.VL field vl = xed3_operand_get_vl(xedd); switch(vl) { case 0: return avx512 ? XED_AST_INPUT_EVEX128 : XED_AST_INPUT_AVX128; case 1: return avx512 ? XED_AST_INPUT_EVEX256 : XED_AST_INPUT_AVX256; case 2: return XED_AST_INPUT_EVEX512; default: return XED_AST_INPUT_NOTHING; } } static int is_sse(xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd) { const xed_extension_enum_t extension = xed_decoded_inst_get_extension(xedd); const xed_category_enum_t category = xed_decoded_inst_get_category(xedd); if (extension == XED_EXTENSION_SSE) { if (category != XED_CATEGORY_MMX && category != XED_CATEGORY_PREFETCH) /* exclude PREFETCH* insts */ return 1; } else if (extension == XED_EXTENSION_SSE2 || extension == XED_EXTENSION_SSSE3 || extension == XED_EXTENSION_SSE4) { if (category != XED_CATEGORY_MMX) return 1; } else if (extension == XED_EXTENSION_AES || extension == XED_EXTENSION_PCLMULQDQ #if defined(XED_SUPPORTS_SHA) || extension == XED_EXTENSION_SHA #endif ) { return 1; } return 0; } static char const* xed_ast_input_enum_t2str(xed_ast_input_enum_t e) { assert(e < XED_AST_INPUT_LAST); return xed_ast_input_enum_t_strings[e]; } static xed_ast_input_enum_t classify_avx_sse(xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd) { xed_extension_enum_t ext = xed_decoded_inst_get_extension(xedd); xed_iclass_enum_t iclass = xed_decoded_inst_get_iclass(xedd); if (iclass == XED_ICLASS_VZEROALL) { return XED_AST_INPUT_VZEROALL; } else if (iclass == XED_ICLASS_VZEROUPPER) { return XED_AST_INPUT_VZEROUPPER; } else if (is_interesting_avx(ext)) { return avx_type(xedd); } else if (is_sse(xedd)) { return XED_AST_INPUT_SSE; } else if (iclass == XED_ICLASS_XRSTOR) { return XED_AST_INPUT_XRSTOR; } return XED_AST_INPUT_NOTHING; } #endif // XED_AVX /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(XED_DECODER) static int all_zeros(xed_uint8_t* p, unsigned int len) { unsigned int i; for( i=0;isymfn) { char* name = (*di->symfn)(runtime_instruction_address, di->caller_symbol_data); if (name) { if (di->xml_format) printf("\n%s\n", name); else printf("\nSYM %s:\n", name); } } } static void emit_hex(xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd, unsigned char* z) { unsigned int dec_len; char buffer[XED_HEX_BUFLEN]; dec_len = xed_decoded_inst_get_length(xedd); xed_print_hex_line(buffer, (xed_uint8_t*) z, dec_len, XED_HEX_BUFLEN); printf("%s",buffer); emit_pad(dec_len); } static void emit_cat_ext(xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd, xed_disas_info_t* di) { printf("%-9s ", xed_category_enum_t2str( xed_decoded_inst_get_category(xedd))); printf("%-10s ", xed_extension_enum_t2str( xed_decoded_inst_get_extension(xedd))); if (di->emit_isa_set) printf("%-10s ", xed_isa_set_enum_t2str( xed_decoded_inst_get_isa_set(xedd))); } static void emit_resync_msg(unsigned char* z, unsigned int x) { char buf[XED_HEX_BUFLEN]; printf("ERROR: found symbol in the middle of" " an instruction. Resynchronizing...\n"); printf("ERROR: Rejecting: ["); xed_print_hex_line(buf, z, x, XED_HEX_BUFLEN); printf("%s]\n",buf); } static void emit_dec_sep_msg(unsigned int i) { printf("\n==============================================\n"); printf("Decoding instruction " XED_FMT_U "\n", i); printf("==============================================\n"); } static void emit_addr_hex(xed_uint64_t runtime_instruction_address, unsigned char* z, xed_uint_t ilim) { char tbuf[XED_HEX_BUFLEN]; printf("Runtime Address " XED_FMT_LX , runtime_instruction_address); xed_print_hex_line(tbuf, (xed_uint8_t*) z, ilim, XED_HEX_BUFLEN); printf(" [%s]\n", tbuf); } static void emit_cat_ext_ast(xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd, xed_disas_info_t* di) { #if defined(XED_AVX) if (di->ast) { printf("%-11s ", xed_ast_input_enum_t2str( classify_avx_sse(xedd))); } else #endif { emit_cat_ext(xedd,di); } (void)di; //pacify compiler } static void emit_line_num(xed_disas_info_t* di, xed_error_enum_t xed_error, xed_uint64_t runtime_instruction_address) { if (di->line_numbers || xed_error == XED_ERROR_INVALID_FOR_CHIP) { if (di->line_number_info_fn) (*di->line_number_info_fn)( runtime_instruction_address); } } static void emit_xml(xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd, xed_uint64_t runtime_instruction_address, unsigned char* z, xed_disas_info_t* di) { char buffer[XED_TMP_BUF_LEN]; unsigned int dec_len; printf("\n"); printf(" " XED_FMT_LX "\n", runtime_instruction_address); printf(" %s\n", xed_category_enum_t2str( xed_decoded_inst_get_category(xedd))); printf(" %s\n", xed_extension_enum_t2str(xed_decoded_inst_get_extension(xedd))); printf(" "); dec_len = xed_decoded_inst_get_length(xedd); xed_print_hex_line(buffer, (xed_uint8_t*) z, dec_len, XED_TMP_BUF_LEN); printf("%s\n",buffer); disassemble(di, buffer,XED_TMP_BUF_LEN, xedd, runtime_instruction_address, di->caller_symbol_data); printf( " %s\n",buffer); printf("\n"); } static void emit_disasm(xed_disas_info_t* di, xed_decoded_inst_t* xedd, xed_uint64_t runtime_instruction_address, unsigned char* z, xed_dot_graph_supp_t* gs, xed_error_enum_t xed_error) { if (CLIENT_VERBOSE1) { char tbuf[XED_TMP_BUF_LEN]; xed_decoded_inst_dump(xedd,tbuf, XED_TMP_BUF_LEN); printf("%s\n",tbuf); } if (CLIENT_VERBOSE) { emit_sym(di, runtime_instruction_address); if (di->xml_format) emit_xml(xedd, runtime_instruction_address, z, di); else { char buffer[XED_TMP_BUF_LEN]; char const* fmt = "XDIS " XED_FMT_LX ": "; if (di->format_options.lowercase_hex==0) fmt = "XDIS " XED_FMT_LX_UPPER ": "; printf(fmt, runtime_instruction_address); emit_cat_ext_ast(xedd,di); emit_hex(xedd, z); disassemble(di, buffer,XED_TMP_BUF_LEN, xedd, runtime_instruction_address, di->caller_symbol_data); printf( "%s",buffer); if (gs) { xed_dot_graph_add_instruction( gs, xedd, runtime_instruction_address, di->caller_symbol_data, registered_disasm_callback); } if (xed_error == XED_ERROR_INVALID_FOR_CHIP) { di->errors_chip_check++; printf(" # INVALID-FOR-CHIP"); } emit_line_num(di, xed_error, runtime_instruction_address); printf( "\n"); } } } static unsigned int check_resync(xed_disas_info_t* di, xed_uint64_t runtime_instruction_address, unsigned int length, unsigned char* z) { if (di->resync && di->symfn) { unsigned int x; for ( x=1 ; xsymfn)(runtime_instruction_address+x, di->caller_symbol_data); if (name) { /* bad news. We found a symbol in the middle of an * instruction. That probably means decoding is messed up. * This usually happens because of data-in the code/text * section. We should reject the current instruction and * pick up at the symbol address. */ emit_resync_msg(z,x); return x; } } } return 0; } static void XED_NORETURN die_zero_len( xed_uint64_t runtime_instruction_address, unsigned char* z, xed_disas_info_t* di, xed_error_enum_t xed_error) { printf("Zero length on decoded instruction!\n"); xed_decode_error( runtime_instruction_address, U64CAST(z-di->a), z, xed_error, 15); xedex_derror("Dying"); } void xed_disas_test(xed_disas_info_t* di) { // this decodes are region defined by the input structure. static int first = 1; xed_uint64_t errors = 0; unsigned int m; unsigned char* z; // our sliding pointer for decoding unsigned char* zlimit; unsigned int length; int skipping; int last_all_zeros; unsigned int i; int okay; xed_decoded_inst_t xedd; xed_uint64_t runtime_instruction_address; xed_dot_graph_supp_t* gs = 0; xed_bool_t graph_empty = 1; unsigned int resync; if (di->dot_graph_output) { xed_syntax_enum_t local_syntax = XED_SYNTAX_INTEL; gs = xed_dot_graph_supp_create(local_syntax); } if (first) { xed_stats_zero(&xed_dec_stats, di); first = 0; } m = di->ninst; // number of things to decode z = di->a; // set to start of region if (di->runtime_vaddr_disas_start) if (di->runtime_vaddr_disas_start > di->runtime_vaddr) z = (di->runtime_vaddr_disas_start - di->runtime_vaddr) + di->a; zlimit = 0; if (di->runtime_vaddr_disas_end) { if (di->runtime_vaddr_disas_end > di->runtime_vaddr) zlimit = (di->runtime_vaddr_disas_end - di->runtime_vaddr) + di->a; else /* end address is before start of this region -- skip it */ goto finish; } if (z >= di->q) /* start pointer is after end of section */ goto finish; // for skipping long strings of zeros skipping = 0; last_all_zeros = 0; for( i=0; i= zlimit) { if (di->xml_format == 0) printf("# end of range.\n"); break; } if (z >= di->q) { if (di->xml_format == 0) printf("# end of text section.\n"); break; } /* if we get near the end of the section, clip the itext length */ ilim = 15; // we know z < di->q due to above if() statement. if (z + ilim > di->q) { // pointer diff is signed, but in this case guaranteed positive and <= ilim. ilim = UCAST(di->q - z); } if (CLIENT_VERBOSE3) emit_dec_sep_msg(i); // if we get two full things of 0's in a row, start skipping. if (all_zeros((xed_uint8_t*) z, ilim)) { if (skipping) { z = z + ilim; continue; } else if (last_all_zeros) { printf("...\n"); z = z + ilim; skipping = 1; continue; } else last_all_zeros = 1; } else { skipping = 0; last_all_zeros = 0; } runtime_instruction_address = U64CAST(z-di->a) + di->runtime_vaddr; if (CLIENT_VERBOSE3) emit_addr_hex(runtime_instruction_address, z, ilim); okay = 0; length = 0; init_xedd(&xedd, di); if ( di->decode_only ) { xed_uint64_t t1,t2; xed_error_enum_t xed_error = XED_ERROR_NONE; t1 = xed_get_time(); //do the decode xed_error = decode_internal( &xedd, XED_REINTERPRET_CAST(const xed_uint8_t*,z), ilim); t2 = xed_get_time(); okay = (xed_error == XED_ERROR_NONE); #if defined(PTI_XED_TEST) if (okay) pti_xed_test(&xedd, XED_REINTERPRET_CAST(const xed_uint8_t*,z), ilim, runtime_instruction_address); #endif xed_stats_update(&xed_dec_stats, t1, t2); length = xed_decoded_inst_get_length(&xedd); if (okay && length == 0) die_zero_len(runtime_instruction_address, z, di, xed_error); resync = check_resync(di, runtime_instruction_address, length, z); if (resync) { z += resync; continue; } xed_dec_stats.total_ilen += length; //we don't want to print out disassembly with ILD perf #if !defined(XED_ILD_ONLY) && !defined(XED2_PERF_MEASURE) if (okay || xed_error == XED_ERROR_INVALID_FOR_CHIP) { // we still print it out if it is invalid for the chip. // so that people can see the problematic instruction emit_disasm(di, &xedd, runtime_instruction_address, z, gs, xed_error); if (CLIENT_VERBOSE && gs) graph_empty = 0; } if (okay == 0) { errors++; length = xed_decoded_inst_get_length(&xedd); if (length == 0) length = 1; xed_decode_error( runtime_instruction_address, U64CAST(z-di->a), z, xed_error, length); } // okay == 0 } // decode_only # if defined(XED_ENCODER) && defined(XED_DECODER) else // decode->encode { unsigned int olen = 0; olen = disas_decode_encode_binary(di, XED_REINTERPRET_CAST(const xed_uint8_t*,z), ilim, &xedd, runtime_instruction_address); okay = (olen != 0); if (!okay) { errors++; printf("-- Could not decode/encode at offset: " XED_FMT_LU "\n" , U64CAST(z-di->a)); // just give a length of 1B to see if we can restart decode... length = 1; } else { length = xed_decoded_inst_get_length(&xedd); xed_dec_stats.total_ilen += length; xed_dec_stats.total_olen += olen; if (length > olen) xed_dec_stats.total_shorter += (length - olen); else xed_dec_stats.total_longer += (olen - length); } } # endif // XED_ENCODER & XED_DECODER #endif //!defined(XED_ILD_ONLY) z = z + length; } //for i if (di->xml_format == 0) { printf( "# Errors: " XED_FMT_LU "\n", errors); } finish: if (gs) { if (graph_empty ==0 ) xed_dot_graph_dump(di->dot_graph_output, gs); xed_dot_graph_supp_deallocate(gs); free(gs); } di->errors += errors; } #endif xed_uint8_t convert_ascii_nibble(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return letter_cvt(c,'0'); } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return (xed_uint8_t)(letter_cvt(c,'a') + 10U); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { return (xed_uint8_t)(letter_cvt(c,'A') + 10U); } else { char buffer[XED_HEX_BUFLEN]; char* x; xed_strncpy(buffer,"Invalid character in hex string: ", XED_HEX_BUFLEN); x= buffer+strlen(buffer); *x++ = c; *x++ = 0; xedex_derror(buffer); return 0; } } xed_uint64_t convert_ascii_hex_to_int(const char* s) { xed_uint64_t retval = 0; const char* p = s; while (*p) { retval = (retval << 4) + convert_ascii_nibble(*p); p++; } return retval; } xed_uint8_t convert_ascii_nibbles(char c1, char c2) { xed_uint8_t a = (xed_uint8_t)(convert_ascii_nibble(c1) * 16 + convert_ascii_nibble(c2)); return a; } unsigned int xed_convert_ascii_to_hex(const char* src, xed_uint8_t* dst, unsigned int max_bytes) { unsigned int j; unsigned int p = 0; unsigned int i = 0; const unsigned int len = XED_STATIC_CAST(unsigned int,strlen(src)); if ((len & 1) != 0) xedex_derror("test string was not an even number of nibbles"); if (len > (max_bytes * 2) ) xedex_derror("test string was too long"); for( j=0;j= '0' && c <= '9') { unsigned int digit = letter_cvt(c,'0'); v = v*10 + digit; } else if (c == '_') /* skip underscores */ continue; else { break; } } return v*sign; } static xed_int64_t convert_base16(const char* buf) { xed_int64_t v = 0; int len = XED_STATIC_CAST(int,strlen(buf)); int start =0 ; int i; if (len > 2 && buf[0] == '0' && (buf[1] == 'x' || buf[1] == 'X')) { start = 2; } for(i=start;i= '0' && c <= '9') { unsigned int digit = letter_cvt(c, '0'); v = v*16 + digit; } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { unsigned int digit = letter_cvt(c,'A') + 10U; v = v*16 + digit; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { unsigned int digit = letter_cvt(c,'a') + 10U; v = v*16 + digit; } else if (c == '_') /* skip underscores */ continue; else { break; } } return v; } static xed_int64_t xed_internal_strtoll(const char* buf, int base) { switch(base) { case 0: if (strlen(buf) > 2 && buf[0] == '0' && (buf[1] == 'x' || buf[1] == 'X')) { return convert_base16(buf); } return convert_base10(buf); case 10: return convert_base10(buf); case 16: return convert_base16(buf); default: assert(0); } return 0; } xed_int64_t xed_strtoll(const char* buf, int base) { xed_int64_t t; // strtoll is missing on some compilers and buggy on some platforms t = xed_internal_strtoll(buf,base); return t; } char* xed_strdup(char const* const src) { unsigned int n = (unsigned int)strlen(src)+1; /* plus one for null */ char* dst = (char*)malloc(n*sizeof(char)); assert(dst != 0); dst[0]=0; /* start w/ a null */ xed_strncat(dst, src, ICAST(n)); return dst; } void xed_example_utils_init(void) { #if defined(XED_DECODER) && defined (BINARY_DUMP) open_binary_output_file(); #endif #if defined(XED_DECODER) && defined(XED_AVX) init_interesting_avx(); #endif } char const* xedex_append_string(char const* p, // p is free()'d char const* x) { char* m = 0; //returned pointer char* n = 0; //temp ptr for copying char const* t = 0; //temp ptr for copying size_t tl = (p?strlen(p):0) + strlen(x) + 1; m = n = (char*) malloc(tl); assert(m!=0); if (p) { t = p; while(*t) *n++ = *t++; } t = x; while(*t) *n++ = *t++; *n++ = 0; // null terminate if (p) free((void*)p); return m; } //// static xed_str_list_t* alloc_str_node(void) { xed_str_list_t* p = (xed_str_list_t*)malloc(sizeof(xed_str_list_t)); assert(p!=0); return p; } // MS does not have strsep() static char* portable_strsep(char** input_string, char const* const sep) { char* p = *input_string; if (p) { // find token in input string char* t = strpbrk(*input_string, sep); if (t) { *t = 0; // write a null at sep *input_string = t+1; // advance pointer return p; } // no token, just return input string *input_string=0; // clear pointer return p; } *input_string = 0; return 0; } xed_str_list_t* xed_tokenize(char const* const p, char const* const sep) { // return a list of strings with their own storage for the tokens. if // one were to free the list, one would have to just free the first // token. The strsep() puts nulls in to a copy of the input string p // replacing the delimiters. xed_str_list_t* head=0; xed_str_list_t* last=0; xed_str_list_t* cur=0; char* token=0; char* tmp_string=0; tmp_string = xed_strdup(p); // puts a null in string at token and returns pointer to first token, // updates tmp_string to point after null. while(1) { token = portable_strsep(&tmp_string, sep); if (!token) break; if (token[0]) // we know token is non-null { cur = alloc_str_node(); if (!head) head = cur; cur->next = 0; cur->s = token; if (last) last->next = cur; last = cur; } } return head; } void xed_free_token_list(xed_str_list_t* token_list) { // frees a list of tokens where all tokens share one dynamically allocated string // First of all, free the common string s (look at xed_tokenize for further info) // Then, iterate over the list and free the nodes xed_str_list_t* temp = 0; if (token_list && token_list->s) free(token_list->s); while (token_list) { temp = token_list->next; free(token_list); token_list = temp; } } xed_uint_t xed_str_list_size(xed_str_list_t* p) { //count chunks unsigned int c = 0; while(p) { c++; p = p->next; } return c; } void xed_print_bytes_pseudo_op(const xed_uint8_t* array, unsigned int olen) { unsigned int i; printf(".byte "); for(i=0;i0) printf(","); printf("0x%02x",(xed_uint32_t)(array[i])); } printf("\n"); } void xed_print_intel_asm_emit(const xed_uint8_t* array, unsigned int olen) { unsigned int i; for(i=0;i