#BEGIN_LEGAL # #Copyright (c) 2023 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # #END_LEGAL ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 MOVLPD XMM1 MEM8:EBX,EAX,4,00 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 ADD EAX EAX ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 ADD EAX EBX ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 ADD EAX MEM4:EBX,EAX,4,00 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 POP/64 RSI ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 MOV/64 R9 RDX ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 AND/64 RSP SIMM:f0 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 JMP_FAR PTR:11223344 IMM:5566 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d EA112233445566 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 JLE BRDISP:11223344 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -v 4 -64 -de 488B05411D1100 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 90 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de f390 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de f391 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de f290 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 REPE_CMPSB DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de F3A6 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 8d00 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 LEA EAX AGEN:ECX ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 LEA EAX AGEN:EAX,-,-,00 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 LEA/64 RAX AGEN:RAX,-,-,00 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 LEA/64 RAX AGEN:RCX ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 LEA/64 RAX AGEN:ECX ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 LEA/32 EAX AGEN:RAX,-,-,00 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 LEA/32 EAX AGEN:EAX,-,-,00 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de A230 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de A211223344 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 36A011 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 36A011223344 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 PUSH IMM:11223344 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 7402 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 40ff4c5000 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 41ff4c5000 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 90 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 6690 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 87c0 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -I -64 -de 4b8d446d00 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -I -64 -de 4b8d447500 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 LEA/64 RAX AGEN:R13,R13,2,00 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 LEA/64 RAX AGEN:R13,R14,2,00 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 97 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 LEA EAX AGEN:EBP,ESI,2 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 LEA/64 RAX AGEN:R13,RSI,2 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 LEA/64 RAX AGEN:RBP,RDI,2 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 LEA/64 RAX AGEN:RBP ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 LEA/64 RAX AGEN:R13 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 0f ad c3 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de f30f7edf DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 660fd6fb DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 66450f7e07 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 66480f7ec0 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 ADD/64 RAX MEM8:RIP,-,-,11223344 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 48030544332211 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 6748030544332211 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 4f0f38f000 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 664f0f38f000 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 660f38f000 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 0f38f000 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 0f38f000 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 660f38f000 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 678b46ff DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 67648b46ff ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 mov eax MEM4:bp,di,1,ff ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 mov eax MEM4:bp,di,1 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 mov eax MEM4:bp,di,-,ffff ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 mov eax MEM4:bp ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 mov eax MEM4:di ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 mov eax MEM4:bx,-,-,ffff ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 mov eax MEM4:bx,-,-,ff ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 mov eax MEM4:bx ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 mov eax MEM4:fs:bx ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 mov/16 ax MEM2:fs:bx DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 663e0fc70e DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 663e0fc70e DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 3e0fc70e DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 483e0fc70e DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 480fc70e DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 3e480fc70e DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 66e480fc70e DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 0fc70e DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 660fc70e DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -16 -d 660fc70e DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -16 -d 0fc70e00 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -16 -d 0fc70e0000 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -16 -d 0fc70e1111 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 cmpxchg8b mem8:esi DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 0fc70e DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 0fc70e DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 480fc70e DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -16 -de 660fc70e111111 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -16 -de 0fc70e111111 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de f3c3 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 66 E8 11 22 33 44 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de E8 11 22 33 44 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 67 E8 11 22 33 44 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de E8 11 22 33 44 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 66 E8 11 22 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -16 -de 66 E8 11 22 33 44 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -16 -de E8 11 22 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 0f8411223344 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 660f8411223344 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 9a11223344aabb DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -16 -de 669a11223344aabb DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 669a1122aabb DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 679a11223344aabb DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -v 5 -de 0fa0 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -v 5 -de 0fa0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 9c DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 9d DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 0c e0 00 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 0c e0 f0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 0c e0 40 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 3e 66 d7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 3ed7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 658a0511223344 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 65A011223344 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 65A4 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 65a6 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 65d7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 65ff30 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d A4 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d a6 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d d7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d ff30 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 65 a6 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 65 d7 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 65A011223344 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 65A4 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 65a6 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 67d6 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 67d7 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 MOV AL MEM1:-,-,-,11223344 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 MOV AL MEM1:GS:-,-,-,11223344 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 SALC SEG:GS ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 XLAT SEG:GS ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 XLAT SEG0:GS ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 movsb ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 movsb SEG1:DS DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 65 a6 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d f000c0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d f00000 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 0fc708 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d f00fc708 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 0000 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 00 00 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 lea r8d AGEN:r8d ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 lea r8d AGEN:r8d,ebx,8 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 lea eax AGEN:r8d,ebx,8 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 lea eax AGEN:eax,ebx,8 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 f2 0f 12 c0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 0f 12 c0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 c9 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -64 c9 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de c9 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de c9 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 65c9 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 65c9 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 6741C745FF44332211 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 MOV MEM4:R13D,-,-,FF IMM:11223344 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d f3f267662e6465363e26c000ff DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 70ff DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 3e70ff DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 2e70ff DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 70ff DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 3e70ff DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 2e70ff DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 66 0f 3a 15 c8 00 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -16 -de 0f 20 c0 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -32 -de 0f 20 c0 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 0f 20 c0 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -16 -de 66 0f 20 c0 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -32 -de 66 0f 20 c0 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 66 0f 20 c0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -16 0f 20 c0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 0f 20 c0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -64 0f 20 c0 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -16 mov_cr eax cr0 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -32 mov_cr eax cr0 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 mov_cr rax cr0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -64 f2 f3 64 67 3e 66 2e 36 65 26 f3 0f 2c 0f DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -64 f3 f2 67 66 2e 64 65 36 3e 26 d0 00 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip I286 da c0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO da c0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip SALTWELL da c0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex4 -xml f0 00 00 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex4 8B 44 18 00 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex4 -no-unit-scale 8B 44 18 00 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM a7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f3 a7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f2 a7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f2 f3 a7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f3 f2 a7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO a7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f3 a7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f2 a7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f2 f3 a7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f3 f2 a7 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM e0 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f2 e0 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f3 e0 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f3 f2 e0 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f2 f3 e0 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM e1 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f2 e1 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f3 e1 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f3 f2 e1 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUM f2 f3 e1 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO e0 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f2 e0 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f3 e0 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f3 f2 e0 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f2 f3 e0 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO e1 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f2 e1 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f3 e1 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f3 f2 e1 aa DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENTIUMPRO f2 f3 e1 aa ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 lea r13d agen:r13d,-,-,00000000 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 lea r13d agen:r13d DEC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -d c5 1d 0000 0000 DEC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 66 c5 1d 0000 0000 DEC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -d c4 1d 0000 0000 DEC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -d 66 c4 1d 0000 0000 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -b 0xfffffff0 -16 -d e9 0d00 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 xor ah bh ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 xor ah al ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 xor al bl ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 xor sil al ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 xor al sil ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 xor sil bpl ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 xor sil ah ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 xor ah sil ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 pop rdx ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 pop/64 rdx ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 pop edx ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 pop/16 dx ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 pop dx ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -16 pop dx ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -16 pop/32 edx ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -32 pop/16 dx ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -32 pop edx ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -32 pop rdx DEC AMD ; BUILDDIR/xed -32 -d 0f05 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 0f05 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 sysret ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 sysret/64 ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -32 sysret ENC AMD ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -32 sysret_amd DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 66 36 64 2e f0 67 f2 26 3e f3 65 0f 16 8d 4b DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 66 36 64 2e f0 67 f2 26 3e f3 65 0f 16 8d DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -64 0fb20000 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -64 ff18 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -64 48ff18 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 0f01c8 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 0f01c9 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 66 0f 38 10 ff DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 66 0f 38 14 ff DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de ff 10 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de ff 10 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de ff e0 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -de 66 ff e0 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de ff e0 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de 66 ff e0 DEC ENC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex6 -64 64 67 f0 48 81 24 e5 1c 68 48 43 5f a6 b7 cd DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip SALTWELL 0f 0d 08 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip PENRYN_E 0f 01 d0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex1 -chip NEHALEM 0f 01 d0 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -A -d a1 00 70 70 c1 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -A -d 00 80 00 70 70 c1 DEC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -d c4 e2 f1 92 64 40 11 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -de c4 e2 f1 92 64 40 11 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VGATHERDPS xmm0 MEM4:rax,xmm1,1 xmm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VGATHERDPS ymm0 MEM4:rax,ymm1,1 ymm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VPGATHERDD xmm0 MEM4:rax,xmm1,1 xmm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VPGATHERDD ymm0 MEM4:rax,xmm1,1 ymm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VPGATHERDQ xmm0 MEM8:rax,xmm1,1 xmm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VPGATHERDQ ymm0 MEM8:rax,xmm1,1 ymm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VGATHERDPD xmm0 MEM8:rax,xmm1,1 xmm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VGATHERDPD ymm0 MEM8:rax,xmm1,1 ymm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VGATHERQPS xmm0 MEM4:rax,xmm1,1 xmm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VGATHERQPS xmm0 MEM4:rax,ymm1,1 xmm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VGATHERQPD xmm0 MEM8:rax,xmm1,1 xmm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VGATHERQPD ymm0 MEM8:rax,ymm1,1 ymm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VPGATHERQD xmm0 MEM4:rax,xmm1,1 xmm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VPGATHERQD xmm0 MEM4:rax,ymm1,1 xmm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VPGATHERQQ xmm0 MEM8:rax,xmm1,1 xmm2 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 VPGATHERQQ ymm0 MEM8:rax,ymm1,1 ymm2 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E269920408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E26D920408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E269900408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E26D900408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E2E9900408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E2ED900408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E2E9920408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E2ED920408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E269930408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E26D930408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E2E9930408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E2ED930408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E26D910408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E269910408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E2E9910408 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de C4E2ED910408 DEC XOP ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex-ild2 -64 8f e9 78 81 ca DEC XOP ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex-ild2 -64 -chip WESTMERE 8f e9 78 81 ca DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 0f1aff DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 0f1bff DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d f30f1bff DEC AVX AMD ; BUILDDIR/xed -32 -d c4 c3 bd 79 f2 45 DEC AVX AMD ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d c4 c3 bd 79 f2 45 DEC AVX AMD ; BUILDDIR/xed -32 -d c4 c3 b9 79 f2 45 DEC ENC AVX AMD ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de c4 c3 39 79 f2 45 DEC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -d c5 fd 57 c0 DEC ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -de c5 fd 57 c0 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 -64 vxorpd ymm0 ymm0 ymm0 ENC AVX ; BUILDDIR/xed-ex3 vxorpd ymm0 ymm0 ymm0 DEC AVX AMD ; BUILDDIR/xed -32 -d c4 e3 fd 79 42 45 93 DEC AVX AMD ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d c4 e3 fd 79 42 45 93 DEC ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d 8F 43 24 DEC AVX XOP ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d c4 03 f1 49 fe 0f DEC AVX XOP ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d c4 03 71 49 fe 0f DEC AVX XOP ; BUILDDIR/xed -64 -d c4 83 f1 48 fe 0f DEC AVX XOP ; 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