library(xgboost) library(data.table) set.seed(1024) # Function to obtain a list of interactions fitted in trees, requires input of maximum depth treeInteractions <- function(input_tree, input_max_depth) { ID_merge <- <- i.feature <- NULL # Suppress warning "no visible binding for global variable" trees <- data.table::copy(input_tree) # copy tree input to prevent overwriting if (input_max_depth < 2) return(list()) # no interactions if max depth < 2 if (nrow(input_tree) == 1) return(list()) # Attach parent nodes for (i in 2:input_max_depth) { if (i == 2) trees[, ID_merge := ID] else trees[, ID_merge := get(paste0('parent_', i - 2))] parents_left <- trees[!, list( = ID, i.feature = Feature, ID_merge = Yes)] parents_right <- trees[!, list( = ID, i.feature = Feature, ID_merge = No)] data.table::setorderv(trees, 'ID_merge') data.table::setorderv(parents_left, 'ID_merge') data.table::setorderv(parents_right, 'ID_merge') trees <- merge(trees, parents_left, by = 'ID_merge', all.x = TRUE) trees[!, c(paste0('parent_', i - 1), paste0('parent_feat_', i - 1)) := list(, i.feature)] trees[, c('', 'i.feature') := NULL] trees <- merge(trees, parents_right, by = 'ID_merge', all.x = TRUE) trees[!, c(paste0('parent_', i - 1), paste0('parent_feat_', i - 1)) := list(, i.feature)] trees[, c('', 'i.feature') := NULL] } # Extract nodes with interactions interaction_trees <- trees[! & !, c('Feature', paste0('parent_feat_', 1:(input_max_depth - 1))), with = FALSE] interaction_trees_split <- split(interaction_trees, seq_len(nrow(interaction_trees))) interaction_list <- lapply(interaction_trees_split, as.character) # Remove NAs (no parent interaction) interaction_list <- lapply(interaction_list, function(x) x[!]) # Remove non-interactions (same variable) interaction_list <- lapply(interaction_list, unique) # remove same variables interaction_length <- sapply(interaction_list, length) interaction_list <- interaction_list[interaction_length > 1] interaction_list <- unique(lapply(interaction_list, sort)) return(interaction_list) } # Generate sample data x <- list() for (i in 1:10) { x[[i]] <- i * rnorm(1000, 10) } x <- y <- -1 * x[, rowSums(.SD)] + x[['V1']] * x[['V2']] + x[['V3']] * x[['V4']] * x[['V5']] + rnorm(1000, 0.001) + 3 * sin(x[['V7']]) train <- as.matrix(x) # Interaction constraint list (column names form) interaction_list <- list(c('V1', 'V2'), c('V3', 'V4', 'V5')) # Convert interaction constraint list into feature index form cols2ids <- function(object, col_names) { LUT <- seq_along(col_names) - 1 names(LUT) <- col_names rapply(object, function(x) LUT[x], classes = "character", how = "replace") } interaction_list_fid <- cols2ids(interaction_list, colnames(train)) # Fit model with interaction constraints bst <- xgboost(data = train, label = y, max_depth = 4, eta = 0.1, nthread = 2, nrounds = 1000, interaction_constraints = interaction_list_fid) bst_tree <- xgb.model.dt.tree(colnames(train), bst) bst_interactions <- treeInteractions(bst_tree, 4) # interactions constrained to combinations of V1*V2 and V3*V4*V5 # Fit model without interaction constraints bst2 <- xgboost(data = train, label = y, max_depth = 4, eta = 0.1, nthread = 2, nrounds = 1000) bst2_tree <- xgb.model.dt.tree(colnames(train), bst2) bst2_interactions <- treeInteractions(bst2_tree, 4) # much more interactions # Fit model with both interaction and monotonicity constraints bst3 <- xgboost(data = train, label = y, max_depth = 4, eta = 0.1, nthread = 2, nrounds = 1000, interaction_constraints = interaction_list_fid, monotone_constraints = c(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) bst3_tree <- xgb.model.dt.tree(colnames(train), bst3) bst3_interactions <- treeInteractions(bst3_tree, 4) # interactions still constrained to combinations of V1*V2 and V3*V4*V5 # Show monotonic constraints still apply by checking scores after incrementing V1 x1 <- sort(unique(x[['V1']])) for (i in seq_along(x1)){ testdata <- copy(x[, - ('V1')]) testdata[['V1']] <- x1[i] testdata <- testdata[, paste0('V', 1:10), with = FALSE] pred <- predict(bst3, as.matrix(testdata)) # Should not print out anything due to monotonic constraints if (i > 1) if (any(pred > prev_pred)) print(i) prev_pred <- pred }