% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/callbacks.R \name{cb.save.model} \alias{cb.save.model} \title{Callback closure for saving a model file.} \usage{ cb.save.model(save_period = 0, save_name = "xgboost.model") } \arguments{ \item{save_period}{save the model to disk after every \code{save_period} iterations; 0 means save the model at the end.} \item{save_name}{the name or path for the saved model file. It can contain a \code{\link[base]{sprintf}} formatting specifier to include the integer iteration number in the file name. E.g., with \code{save_name} = 'xgboost_%04d.model', the file saved at iteration 50 would be named "xgboost_0050.model".} } \description{ Callback closure for saving a model file. } \details{ This callback function allows to save an xgb-model file, either periodically after each \code{save_period}'s or at the end. Callback function expects the following values to be set in its calling frame: \code{bst}, \code{iteration}, \code{begin_iteration}, \code{end_iteration}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{callbacks}} }