% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/xgb.ggplot.R \name{prepare.ggplot.shap.data} \alias{prepare.ggplot.shap.data} \title{Combine and melt feature values and SHAP contributions for sample observations.} \usage{ prepare.ggplot.shap.data(data_list, normalize = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{data_list}{List containing 'data' and 'shap_contrib' returned by \code{xgb.shap.data()}.} \item{normalize}{Whether to standardize feature values to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1 (useful for comparing multiple features on the same plot). Default \code{FALSE}.} } \value{ A data.table containing the observation ID, the feature name, the feature value (normalized if specified), and the SHAP contribution value. } \description{ Conforms to data format required for ggplot functions. } \details{ Internal utility function. }