% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/xgb.cv.R \name{print.xgb.cv.synchronous} \alias{print.xgb.cv.synchronous} \title{Print xgb.cv result} \usage{ \method{print}{xgb.cv.synchronous}(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an \code{xgb.cv.synchronous} object} \item{verbose}{whether to print detailed data} \item{...}{passed to \code{data.table.print}} } \description{ Prints formatted results of \code{xgb.cv}. } \details{ When not verbose, it would only print the evaluation results, including the best iteration (when available). } \examples{ data(agaricus.train, package='xgboost') train <- agaricus.train cv <- xgb.cv(data = train$data, label = train$label, nfold = 5, max_depth = 2, eta = 1, nthread = 2, nrounds = 2, objective = "binary:logistic") print(cv) print(cv, verbose=TRUE) }