% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/callbacks.R \name{xgb.gblinear.history} \alias{xgb.gblinear.history} \title{Extract gblinear coefficients history.} \usage{ xgb.gblinear.history(model, class_index = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{model}{either an \code{xgb.Booster} or a result of \code{xgb.cv()}, trained using the \code{cb.gblinear.history()} callback.} \item{class_index}{zero-based class index to extract the coefficients for only that specific class in a multinomial multiclass model. When it is NULL, all the coefficients are returned. Has no effect in non-multiclass models.} } \value{ For an \code{xgb.train} result, a matrix (either dense or sparse) with the columns corresponding to iteration's coefficients (in the order as \code{xgb.dump()} would return) and the rows corresponding to boosting iterations. For an \code{xgb.cv} result, a list of such matrices is returned with the elements corresponding to CV folds. } \description{ A helper function to extract the matrix of linear coefficients' history from a gblinear model created while using the \code{cb.gblinear.history()} callback. }