% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/xgb.plot.shap.R \name{xgb.shap.data} \alias{xgb.shap.data} \title{Prepare data for SHAP plots. To be used in xgb.plot.shap, xgb.plot.shap.summary, etc. Internal utility function.} \usage{ xgb.shap.data( data, shap_contrib = NULL, features = NULL, top_n = 1, model = NULL, trees = NULL, target_class = NULL, approxcontrib = FALSE, subsample = NULL, max_observations = 1e+05 ) } \arguments{ \item{data}{data as a \code{matrix} or \code{dgCMatrix}.} \item{shap_contrib}{a matrix of SHAP contributions that was computed earlier for the above \code{data}. When it is NULL, it is computed internally using \code{model} and \code{data}.} \item{features}{a vector of either column indices or of feature names to plot. When it is NULL, feature importance is calculated, and \code{top_n} high ranked features are taken.} \item{top_n}{when \code{features} is NULL, top_n [1, 100] most important features in a model are taken.} \item{model}{an \code{xgb.Booster} model. It has to be provided when either \code{shap_contrib} or \code{features} is missing.} \item{trees}{passed to \code{\link{xgb.importance}} when \code{features = NULL}.} \item{target_class}{is only relevant for multiclass models. When it is set to a 0-based class index, only SHAP contributions for that specific class are used. If it is not set, SHAP importances are averaged over all classes.} \item{approxcontrib}{passed to \code{\link{predict.xgb.Booster}} when \code{shap_contrib = NULL}.} \item{subsample}{a random fraction of data points to use for plotting. When it is NULL, it is set so that up to 100K data points are used.} } \value{ A list containing: 'data', a matrix containing sample observations and their feature values; 'shap_contrib', a matrix containing the SHAP contribution values for these observations. } \description{ Prepare data for SHAP plots. To be used in xgb.plot.shap, xgb.plot.shap.summary, etc. Internal utility function. } \keyword{internal}