% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/xgb.unserialize.R \name{xgb.unserialize} \alias{xgb.unserialize} \title{Load the instance back from \code{\link{xgb.serialize}}} \usage{ xgb.unserialize(buffer, handle = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{buffer}{the buffer containing booster instance saved by \code{\link{xgb.serialize}}} \item{handle}{An \code{xgb.Booster.handle} object which will be overwritten with the new deserialized object. Must be a null handle (e.g. when loading the model through `readRDS`). If not provided, a new handle will be created.} } \value{ An \code{xgb.Booster.handle} object. } \description{ Load the instance back from \code{\link{xgb.serialize}} }