import os import sys import errno import subprocess import glob import shutil from contextlib import contextmanager def normpath(path): """Normalize UNIX path to a native path.""" normalized = os.path.join(*path.split("/")) if os.path.isabs(path): return os.path.abspath("/") + normalized else: return normalized def cp(source, target): source = normpath(source) target = normpath(target) print("cp {0} {1}".format(source, target)) shutil.copy(source, target) def maybe_makedirs(path): path = normpath(path) print("mkdir -p " + path) try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise @contextmanager def cd(path): path = normpath(path) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) print("cd " + path) try: yield path finally: os.chdir(cwd) def run(command, **kwargs): print(command) subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True, **kwargs) def main(): with cd("jvm-packages/"): print("====copying pure-Python tracker====") for use_cuda in [True, False]: xgboost4j = "xgboost4j-gpu" if use_cuda else "xgboost4j" cp("../python-package/xgboost/", f"{xgboost4j}/src/main/resources") print("====copying resources for testing====") with cd("../demo/CLI/regression"): run(f"{sys.executable}") run(f"{sys.executable} machine.txt 1") for use_cuda in [True, False]: xgboost4j = "xgboost4j-gpu" if use_cuda else "xgboost4j" xgboost4j_spark = "xgboost4j-spark-gpu" if use_cuda else "xgboost4j-spark" maybe_makedirs(f"{xgboost4j}/src/test/resources") maybe_makedirs(f"{xgboost4j_spark}/src/test/resources") for file in glob.glob("../demo/data/agaricus.*"): cp(file, f"{xgboost4j}/src/test/resources") cp(file, f"{xgboost4j_spark}/src/test/resources") for file in glob.glob("../demo/CLI/regression/machine.txt.t*"): cp(file, f"{xgboost4j_spark}/src/test/resources") print("====Creating directories to hold native binaries====") for os, arch in [("linux", "x86_64"), ("windows", "x86_64"), ("macos", "x86_64")]: output_dir = f"xgboost4j/src/main/resources/lib/{os}/{arch}" maybe_makedirs(output_dir) for os, arch in [("linux", "x86_64")]: output_dir = f"xgboost4j-gpu/src/main/resources/lib/{os}/{arch}" maybe_makedirs(output_dir) print("====Next Steps====") print("1. Gain upload right to Maven Central repo.") print("1-1. Sign up for a JIRA account at Sonatype: ") print("1-2. File a JIRA ticket: " " Example: " "") print("2. Store the Sonatype credentials in .m2/settings.xml. See insturctions in " "") print("3. Obtain Linux and Windows binaries from the CI server") print("3-1. Get xgboost4j_[commit].dll from " " Rename it to" "xgboost4j.dll.") print("3-2. For Linux binaries, go to " " and navigate to the " "release/ directory. Find and download two JAR files: xgboost4j_2.12-[version].jar and " "xgboost4j-gpu_2.12-[version].jar. Use unzip command to extract (one " "version compiled with GPU support and another compiled without).") print("4. Put the binaries in xgboost4j(-gpu)/src/main/resources/lib/[os]/[arch]") print("5. Now on a Mac machine, run:") print(" GPG_TTY=$(tty) mvn deploy -Prelease -DskipTests") print("6. Log into On the left menu panel, click Staging " "Repositories. Visit the URL " "to inspect the staged JAR files. Finally, press Release button to publish the " "artifacts to the Maven Central repository.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()