import xgboost as xgb import numpy as np import time from sklearn import datasets from joblib import Memory import pandas as pd import argparse memory = Memory('./cachedir', verbose=0) # Contains a dataset in numpy format as well as the relevant objective and metric class TestDataset: def __init__(self, name, Xy, objective ): = name self.objective = objective self.X, self.y = Xy def set_params(self, params_in): params_in['objective'] = self.objective if self.objective == "multi:softmax": params_in["num_class"] = int(np.max(self.y) + 1) return params_in def get_dmat(self): return xgb.DMatrix(self.X, self.y) def get_test_dmat(self, num_rows): rs = np.random.RandomState(432) return xgb.DMatrix(self.X[rs.randint(0, self.X.shape[0], size=num_rows), :]) @memory.cache def train_model(dataset, max_depth, num_rounds): dmat = dataset.get_dmat() params = {'tree_method': 'gpu_hist', 'max_depth': max_depth, 'eta': 0.01} params = dataset.set_params(params) model = xgb.train(params, dmat, num_rounds, [(dmat, 'train')]) return model @memory.cache def fetch_adult(): X, y = datasets.fetch_openml("adult", return_X_y=True) y_binary = np.array([y_i != '<=50K' for y_i in y]) return X, y_binary @memory.cache def fetch_fashion_mnist(): X, y = datasets.fetch_openml("Fashion-MNIST", return_X_y=True) return X, y.astype(np.int64) @memory.cache def get_model_stats(model): depths = [] for t in model.get_dump(): for line in t.splitlines(): if "leaf" in line: depths.append(line.count('\t')) return len(model.get_dump()), len(depths), np.mean(depths) class Model: def __init__(self, name, dataset, num_rounds, max_depth): = name self.dataset = dataset self.num_rounds = num_rounds self.max_depth = max_depth print("Training " + name) self.xgb_model = train_model(dataset, max_depth, num_rounds) self.num_trees, self.num_leaves, self.average_depth = get_model_stats(self.xgb_model) def check_accuracy(shap, margin): if len(shap.shape) == 2: sum = np.sum(shap, axis=len(shap.shape) - 1) else: sum = np.sum(shap, axis=(len(shap.shape) - 1, len(shap.shape) - 2)) if not np.allclose(sum, margin, 1e-1, 1e-1): print("Warning: Failed 1e-1 accuracy") def get_models(model): test_datasets = [ TestDataset("covtype", datasets.fetch_covtype(return_X_y=True), "multi:softmax"), TestDataset("cal_housing", datasets.fetch_california_housing(return_X_y=True), "reg:squarederror"), TestDataset("fashion_mnist", fetch_fashion_mnist(), "multi:softmax"), TestDataset("adult", fetch_adult(), "binary:logistic"), ] models = [] for d in test_datasets: small_name = + "-small" if small_name in model or model == "all" or model == "small": models.append(Model(small_name, d, 10, 3)) med_name = + "-med" if med_name in model or model == "all" or model == "med": models.append(Model(med_name, d, 100, 8)) large_name = + "-large" if large_name in model or model == "all" or model == "large": models.append(Model(large_name, d, 1000, 16)) return models def print_model_stats(models, args): # get model statistics models_df = pd.DataFrame( columns=["model", "num_rounds", "num_trees", "num_leaves", "max_depth", "average_depth"]) for m in models: models_df = models_df.append( {"model":, "num_rounds": m.num_rounds, "num_trees": m.num_trees, "num_leaves": m.num_leaves, "max_depth": m.max_depth, "average_depth": m.average_depth}, ignore_index=True) print(models_df) print("Writing model statistics to: " + args.out_models) models_df.to_csv(args.out_models, index=False) def run_benchmark(args): models = get_models(args) print_model_stats(models, args) predictors = ["cpu_predictor", "gpu_predictor"] # predictors = ["gpu_predictor"] test_rows = args.nrows df = pd.DataFrame( columns=["model", "test_rows", "cpu_time(s)", "cpu_std", "gpu_time(s)", "gpu_std", "speedup"]) for m in models: dtest = m.dataset.get_test_dmat(test_rows) result_row = {"model":, "test_rows": test_rows, "cpu_time(s)": 0.0} for p in predictors: m.xgb_model.set_param({"predictor": p}) samples = [] for i in range(args.niter): start = time.perf_counter() if args.interactions: xgb_shap = m.xgb_model.predict(dtest, pred_interactions=True) else: xgb_shap = m.xgb_model.predict(dtest, pred_contribs=True) samples.append(time.perf_counter() - start) if p is "gpu_predictor": result_row["gpu_time(s)"] = np.mean(samples) result_row["gpu_std"] = np.std(samples) else: result_row["cpu_time(s)"] = np.mean(samples) result_row["cpu_std"] = np.std(samples) # Check result margin = m.xgb_model.predict(dtest, output_margin=True) check_accuracy(xgb_shap, margin) result_row["speedup"] = result_row["cpu_time(s)"] / result_row["gpu_time(s)"] df = df.append(result_row, ignore_index=True) print(df) print("Writing results to: " + args.out) df.to_csv(args.out, index=False) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GPUTreeShap benchmark') parser.add_argument("-model", default="all", type=str, help="The model to be used for benchmarking. 'all' for all datasets.") parser.add_argument("-nrows", default=10000, type=int, help=( "Number of test rows.")) parser.add_argument("-niter", default=5, type=int, help=( "Number of times to repeat the experiment.")) parser.add_argument("-format", default="text", type=str, help="Format of output tables. E.g. text,latex,csv") parser.add_argument("-out", default="results.csv", type=str) parser.add_argument("-interactions", default=False, type=bool) parser.add_argument("-out_models", default="models.csv", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() run_benchmark(args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()