ARG CUDA_VERSION_ARG FROM nvidia/cuda:$CUDA_VERSION_ARG-runtime-ubuntu18.04 ARG CUDA_VERSION_ARG # Environment ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] # Use Bash as shell # Install all basic requirements RUN \ apt-key adv --fetch-keys && \ apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y wget unzip bzip2 libgomp1 build-essential openjdk-8-jdk-headless && \ # Python wget -O && \ bash -b -p /opt/python ENV PATH=/opt/python/bin:$PATH # Create new Conda environment with cuDF, Dask, and cuPy RUN \ conda install -c conda-forge mamba && \ mamba create -n gpu_test -c rapidsai-nightly -c rapidsai -c nvidia -c conda-forge -c defaults \ python=3.8 cudf=22.04* rmm=22.04* cudatoolkit=$CUDA_VERSION_ARG dask dask-cuda=22.04* dask-cudf=22.04* cupy \ numpy pytest scipy scikit-learn pandas matplotlib wheel python-kubernetes urllib3 graphviz hypothesis \ pyspark cloudpickle cuda-python=11.7.0 ENV GOSU_VERSION 1.10 ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/ # Install lightweight sudo (not bound to TTY) RUN set -ex; \ wget -O /usr/local/bin/gosu "$GOSU_VERSION/gosu-amd64" && \ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/gosu && \ gosu nobody true # Default entry-point to use if running locally # It will preserve attributes of created files COPY /scripts/ WORKDIR /workspace ENTRYPOINT ["/scripts/"]