import sys import pytest import logging sys.path.append("tests/python") import testing as tm # noqa def has_rmm(): try: import rmm return True except ImportError: return False @pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True) def setup_rmm_pool(request, pytestconfig): if pytestconfig.getoption('--use-rmm-pool'): if not has_rmm(): raise ImportError('The --use-rmm-pool option requires the RMM package') import rmm from dask_cuda.utils import get_n_gpus rmm.reinitialize(pool_allocator=True, initial_pool_size=1024*1024*1024, devices=list(range(get_n_gpus()))) @pytest.fixture(scope='function') def local_cuda_cluster(request, pytestconfig): kwargs = {} if hasattr(request, 'param'): kwargs.update(request.param) if pytestconfig.getoption('--use-rmm-pool'): if not has_rmm(): raise ImportError('The --use-rmm-pool option requires the RMM package') import rmm from dask_cuda.utils import get_n_gpus kwargs['rmm_pool_size'] = '2GB' if tm.no_dask_cuda()['condition']: raise ImportError('The local_cuda_cluster fixture requires dask_cuda package') from dask_cuda import LocalCUDACluster with LocalCUDACluster(**kwargs) as cluster: yield cluster def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption('--use-rmm-pool', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use RMM pool') def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items): if config.getoption('--use-rmm-pool'): blocklist = [ 'python-gpu/', 'python-gpu/', 'python-gpu/' ] skip_mark = pytest.mark.skip(reason='This test is not run when --use-rmm-pool flag is active') for item in items: if any(item.nodeid.startswith(x) for x in blocklist): item.add_marker(skip_mark) # mark dask tests as `mgpu`. mgpu_mark = pytest.mark.mgpu for item in items: if item.nodeid.startswith("python-gpu/"): item.add_marker(mgpu_mark)