import sys import pytest import numpy as np import xgboost as xgb from xgboost.compat import PANDAS_INSTALLED from hypothesis import given, strategies, assume, settings if PANDAS_INSTALLED: from hypothesis.extra.pandas import column, data_frames, range_indexes else: def noop(*args, **kwargs): pass column, data_frames, range_indexes = noop, noop, noop sys.path.append("tests/python") import testing as tm from test_predict import run_threaded_predict # noqa from test_predict import run_predict_leaf # noqa rng = np.random.RandomState(1994) shap_parameter_strategy = strategies.fixed_dictionaries({ 'max_depth': strategies.integers(1, 11), 'max_leaves': strategies.integers(0, 256), 'num_parallel_tree': strategies.sampled_from([1, 10]), }).filter(lambda x: x['max_depth'] > 0 or x['max_leaves'] > 0) predict_parameter_strategy = strategies.fixed_dictionaries({ 'max_depth': strategies.integers(1, 8), 'num_parallel_tree': strategies.sampled_from([1, 4]), }) class TestGPUPredict: def test_predict(self): iterations = 10 np.random.seed(1) test_num_rows = [10, 1000, 5000] test_num_cols = [10, 50, 500] # This test passes for tree_method=gpu_hist and tree_method=exact. but # for `hist` and `approx` the floating point error accumulates faster # and fails even tol is set to 1e-4. For `hist`, the mismatching rate # with 5000 rows is 0.04. for num_rows in test_num_rows: for num_cols in test_num_cols: dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(np.random.randn(num_rows, num_cols), label=[0, 1] * int(num_rows / 2)) dval = xgb.DMatrix(np.random.randn(num_rows, num_cols), label=[0, 1] * int(num_rows / 2)) dtest = xgb.DMatrix(np.random.randn(num_rows, num_cols), label=[0, 1] * int(num_rows / 2)) watchlist = [(dtrain, 'train'), (dval, 'validation')] res = {} param = { "objective": "binary:logistic", "predictor": "gpu_predictor", 'eval_metric': 'logloss', 'tree_method': 'gpu_hist', 'max_depth': 1 } bst = xgb.train(param, dtrain, iterations, evals=watchlist, evals_result=res) assert self.non_increasing(res["train"]["logloss"]) gpu_pred_train = bst.predict(dtrain, output_margin=True) gpu_pred_test = bst.predict(dtest, output_margin=True) gpu_pred_val = bst.predict(dval, output_margin=True) param["predictor"] = "cpu_predictor" bst_cpu = xgb.train(param, dtrain, iterations, evals=watchlist) cpu_pred_train = bst_cpu.predict(dtrain, output_margin=True) cpu_pred_test = bst_cpu.predict(dtest, output_margin=True) cpu_pred_val = bst_cpu.predict(dval, output_margin=True) np.testing.assert_allclose(cpu_pred_train, gpu_pred_train, rtol=1e-6) np.testing.assert_allclose(cpu_pred_val, gpu_pred_val, rtol=1e-6) np.testing.assert_allclose(cpu_pred_test, gpu_pred_test, rtol=1e-6) def non_increasing(self, L): return all((y - x) < 0.001 for x, y in zip(L, L[1:])) # Test case for a bug where multiple batch predictions made on a # test set produce incorrect results @pytest.mark.skipif(**tm.no_sklearn()) def test_multi_predict(self): from sklearn.datasets import make_regression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split n = 1000 X, y = make_regression(n, random_state=rng) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=123) dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X_train, label=y_train) dtest = xgb.DMatrix(X_test) params = {} params["tree_method"] = "gpu_hist" params['predictor'] = "gpu_predictor" bst_gpu_predict = xgb.train(params, dtrain) params['predictor'] = "cpu_predictor" bst_cpu_predict = xgb.train(params, dtrain) predict0 = bst_gpu_predict.predict(dtest) predict1 = bst_gpu_predict.predict(dtest) cpu_predict = bst_cpu_predict.predict(dtest) assert np.allclose(predict0, predict1) assert np.allclose(predict0, cpu_predict) @pytest.mark.skipif(**tm.no_sklearn()) def test_sklearn(self): m, n = 15000, 14 tr_size = 2500 X = np.random.rand(m, n) y = 200 * np.matmul(X, np.arange(-3, -3 + n)) X_train, y_train = X[:tr_size, :], y[:tr_size] X_test, y_test = X[tr_size:, :], y[tr_size:] # First with cpu_predictor params = {'tree_method': 'gpu_hist', 'predictor': 'cpu_predictor', 'n_jobs': -1, 'seed': 123} m = xgb.XGBRegressor(**params).fit(X_train, y_train) cpu_train_score = m.score(X_train, y_train) cpu_test_score = m.score(X_test, y_test) # Now with gpu_predictor params['predictor'] = 'gpu_predictor' m = xgb.XGBRegressor(**params).fit(X_train, y_train) gpu_train_score = m.score(X_train, y_train) gpu_test_score = m.score(X_test, y_test) assert np.allclose(cpu_train_score, gpu_train_score) assert np.allclose(cpu_test_score, gpu_test_score) def run_inplace_base_margin(self, booster, dtrain, X, base_margin): import cupy as cp dtrain.set_info(base_margin=base_margin) from_inplace = booster.inplace_predict(data=X, base_margin=base_margin) from_dmatrix = booster.predict(dtrain) cp.testing.assert_allclose(from_inplace, from_dmatrix) @pytest.mark.skipif(**tm.no_cupy()) def test_inplace_predict_cupy(self): import cupy as cp cp.cuda.runtime.setDevice(0) rows = 1000 cols = 10 missing = 11 # set to integer for testing cp_rng = cp.random.RandomState(1994) cp.random.set_random_state(cp_rng) X = cp.random.randn(rows, cols) missing_idx = [i for i in range(0, cols, 4)] X[:, missing_idx] = missing # set to be missing y = cp.random.randn(rows) dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X, y) booster = xgb.train({'tree_method': 'gpu_hist'}, dtrain, num_boost_round=10) test = xgb.DMatrix(X[:10, ...], missing=missing) predt_from_array = booster.inplace_predict(X[:10, ...], missing=missing) predt_from_dmatrix = booster.predict(test) cp.testing.assert_allclose(predt_from_array, predt_from_dmatrix) def predict_dense(x): inplace_predt = booster.inplace_predict(x) d = xgb.DMatrix(x) copied_predt = cp.array(booster.predict(d)) return cp.all(copied_predt == inplace_predt) # Don't do this on Windows, see issue #5793 if sys.platform.startswith("win"): pytest.skip( 'Multi-threaded in-place prediction with cuPy is not working on Windows') for i in range(10): run_threaded_predict(X, rows, predict_dense) base_margin = cp_rng.randn(rows) self.run_inplace_base_margin(booster, dtrain, X, base_margin) # Create a wide dataset X = cp_rng.randn(100, 10000) y = cp_rng.randn(100) missing_idx = [i for i in range(0, X.shape[1], 16)] X[:, missing_idx] = missing reg = xgb.XGBRegressor(tree_method="gpu_hist", n_estimators=8, missing=missing), y) gpu_predt = reg.predict(X) reg.set_params(predictor="cpu_predictor") cpu_predt = reg.predict(X) np.testing.assert_allclose(gpu_predt, cpu_predt, atol=1e-6) @pytest.mark.skipif(**tm.no_cupy()) @pytest.mark.skipif(**tm.no_cudf()) def test_inplace_predict_cudf(self): import cupy as cp import cudf import pandas as pd rows = 1000 cols = 10 rng = np.random.RandomState(1994) cp.cuda.runtime.setDevice(0) X = rng.randn(rows, cols) X = pd.DataFrame(X) y = rng.randn(rows) X = cudf.from_pandas(X) dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X, y) booster = xgb.train({'tree_method': 'gpu_hist'}, dtrain, num_boost_round=10) test = xgb.DMatrix(X) predt_from_array = booster.inplace_predict(X) predt_from_dmatrix = booster.predict(test) cp.testing.assert_allclose(predt_from_array, predt_from_dmatrix) def predict_df(x): # column major array inplace_predt = booster.inplace_predict(x.values) d = xgb.DMatrix(x) copied_predt = cp.array(booster.predict(d)) assert cp.all(copied_predt == inplace_predt) inplace_predt = booster.inplace_predict(x) return cp.all(copied_predt == inplace_predt) for i in range(10): run_threaded_predict(X, rows, predict_df) base_margin = cudf.Series(rng.randn(rows)) self.run_inplace_base_margin(booster, dtrain, X, base_margin) @given(strategies.integers(1, 10), tm.dataset_strategy, shap_parameter_strategy) @settings(deadline=None, print_blob=True) def test_shap(self, num_rounds, dataset, param): param.update({"predictor": "gpu_predictor", "gpu_id": 0}) param = dataset.set_params(param) dmat = dataset.get_dmat() bst = xgb.train(param, dmat, num_rounds) test_dmat = xgb.DMatrix(dataset.X, dataset.y, dataset.w, dataset.margin) shap = bst.predict(test_dmat, pred_contribs=True) margin = bst.predict(test_dmat, output_margin=True) assume(len(dataset.y) > 0) assert np.allclose(np.sum(shap, axis=len(shap.shape) - 1), margin, 1e-3, 1e-3) @given(strategies.integers(1, 10), tm.dataset_strategy, shap_parameter_strategy) @settings(deadline=None, max_examples=20, print_blob=True) def test_shap_interactions(self, num_rounds, dataset, param): param.update({"predictor": "gpu_predictor", "gpu_id": 0}) param = dataset.set_params(param) dmat = dataset.get_dmat() bst = xgb.train(param, dmat, num_rounds) test_dmat = xgb.DMatrix(dataset.X, dataset.y, dataset.w, dataset.margin) shap = bst.predict(test_dmat, pred_interactions=True) margin = bst.predict(test_dmat, output_margin=True) assume(len(dataset.y) > 0) assert np.allclose(np.sum(shap, axis=(len(shap.shape) - 1, len(shap.shape) - 2)), margin, 1e-3, 1e-3) def test_shap_categorical(self): X, y = tm.make_categorical(100, 20, 7, False) Xy = xgb.DMatrix(X, y, enable_categorical=True) booster = xgb.train({"tree_method": "gpu_hist"}, Xy, num_boost_round=10) booster.set_param({"predictor": "gpu_predictor"}) shap = booster.predict(Xy, pred_contribs=True) margin = booster.predict(Xy, output_margin=True) np.testing.assert_allclose( np.sum(shap, axis=len(shap.shape) - 1), margin, rtol=1e-3 ) booster.set_param({"predictor": "cpu_predictor"}) shap = booster.predict(Xy, pred_contribs=True) margin = booster.predict(Xy, output_margin=True) np.testing.assert_allclose( np.sum(shap, axis=len(shap.shape) - 1), margin, rtol=1e-3 ) def test_predict_leaf_basic(self): gpu_leaf = run_predict_leaf('gpu_predictor') cpu_leaf = run_predict_leaf('cpu_predictor') np.testing.assert_equal(gpu_leaf, cpu_leaf) def run_predict_leaf_booster(self, param, num_rounds, dataset): param = dataset.set_params(param) m = dataset.get_dmat() booster = xgb.train(param, dtrain=dataset.get_dmat(), num_boost_round=num_rounds) booster.set_param({'predictor': 'cpu_predictor'}) cpu_leaf = booster.predict(m, pred_leaf=True) booster.set_param({'predictor': 'gpu_predictor'}) gpu_leaf = booster.predict(m, pred_leaf=True) np.testing.assert_equal(cpu_leaf, gpu_leaf) @given(predict_parameter_strategy, tm.dataset_strategy) @settings(deadline=None, print_blob=True) def test_predict_leaf_gbtree(self, param, dataset): param['booster'] = 'gbtree' param['tree_method'] = 'gpu_hist' self.run_predict_leaf_booster(param, 10, dataset) @given(predict_parameter_strategy, tm.dataset_strategy) @settings(deadline=None, print_blob=True) def test_predict_leaf_dart(self, param, dataset): param['booster'] = 'dart' param['tree_method'] = 'gpu_hist' self.run_predict_leaf_booster(param, 10, dataset) @pytest.mark.skipif(**tm.no_sklearn()) @pytest.mark.skipif(**tm.no_pandas()) @given(df=data_frames([column('x0', elements=strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=3)), column('x1', elements=strategies.integers(min_value=0, max_value=5))], index=range_indexes(min_size=20, max_size=50))) @settings(deadline=None, print_blob=True) def test_predict_categorical_split(self, df): from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error df = df.astype('category') x0, x1 = df['x0'].to_numpy(), df['x1'].to_numpy() y = (x0 * 10 - 20) + (x1 - 2) dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(df, label=y, enable_categorical=True) params = { 'tree_method': 'gpu_hist', 'predictor': 'gpu_predictor', 'max_depth': 3, 'learning_rate': 1.0, 'base_score': 0.0, 'eval_metric': 'rmse' } eval_history = {} bst = xgb.train(params, dtrain, num_boost_round=5, evals=[(dtrain, 'train')], verbose_eval=False, evals_result=eval_history) pred = bst.predict(dtrain) rmse = mean_squared_error(y_true=y, y_pred=pred, squared=False) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(rmse, eval_history['train']['rmse'][-1], decimal=5) @pytest.mark.skipif(**tm.no_cupy()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("n_classes", [2, 3]) def test_predict_dart(self, n_classes): from sklearn.datasets import make_classification import cupy as cp n_samples = 1000 X_, y_ = make_classification( n_samples=n_samples, n_informative=5, n_classes=n_classes ) X, y = cp.array(X_), cp.array(y_) Xy = xgb.DMatrix(X, y) if n_classes == 2: params = { "tree_method": "gpu_hist", "booster": "dart", "rate_drop": 0.5, "objective": "binary:logistic" } else: params = { "tree_method": "gpu_hist", "booster": "dart", "rate_drop": 0.5, "objective": "multi:softprob", "num_class": n_classes } booster = xgb.train(params, Xy, num_boost_round=32) # predictor=auto inplace = booster.inplace_predict(X) copied = booster.predict(Xy) cpu_inplace = booster.inplace_predict(X_) booster.set_param({"predictor": "cpu_predictor"}) cpu_copied = booster.predict(Xy) copied = cp.array(copied) cp.testing.assert_allclose(cpu_inplace, copied, atol=1e-6) cp.testing.assert_allclose(cpu_copied, copied, atol=1e-6) cp.testing.assert_allclose(inplace, copied, atol=1e-6) booster.set_param({"predictor": "gpu_predictor"}) inplace = booster.inplace_predict(X) copied = booster.predict(Xy) copied = cp.array(copied) cp.testing.assert_allclose(inplace, copied, atol=1e-6) @pytest.mark.skipif(**tm.no_cupy()) def test_dtypes(self): import cupy as cp rows = 1000 cols = 10 rng = cp.random.RandomState(1994) orig = rng.randint(low=0, high=127, size=rows * cols).reshape( rows, cols ) y = rng.randint(low=0, high=127, size=rows) dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(orig, label=y) booster = xgb.train({"tree_method": "gpu_hist"}, dtrain) predt_orig = booster.inplace_predict(orig) # all primitive types in numpy for dtype in [ cp.signedinteger, cp.byte, cp.short, cp.intc, cp.int_, cp.longlong, cp.unsignedinteger, cp.ubyte, cp.ushort, cp.uintc, cp.uint, cp.ulonglong, cp.floating, cp.half, cp.single, cp.double, ]: X = cp.array(orig, dtype=dtype) predt = booster.inplace_predict(X) cp.testing.assert_allclose(predt, predt_orig) # boolean orig = cp.random.binomial(1, 0.5, size=rows * cols).reshape( rows, cols ) predt_orig = booster.inplace_predict(orig) for dtype in [cp.bool8, cp.bool_]: X = cp.array(orig, dtype=dtype) predt = booster.inplace_predict(X) cp.testing.assert_allclose(predt, predt_orig) # unsupported types for dtype in [ cp.complex64, cp.complex128, ]: X = cp.array(orig, dtype=dtype) with pytest.raises(ValueError): booster.inplace_predict(X)