import xgboost as xgb import numpy as np import pytest import testing as tm pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(**tm.no_pandas()) dpath = 'demo/data/' rng = np.random.RandomState(1994) class TestTreesToDataFrame: def build_model(self, max_depth, num_round): dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(dpath + 'agaricus.txt.train') param = {'max_depth': max_depth, 'objective': 'binary:logistic', 'verbosity': 1} num_round = num_round bst = xgb.train(param, dtrain, num_round) return bst def parse_dumped_model(self, booster, item_to_get, splitter): item_to_get += '=' txt_dump = booster.get_dump(with_stats=True) tree_list = [tree.split('/n') for tree in txt_dump] split_trees = [tree[0].split(item_to_get)[1:] for tree in tree_list] res = sum([float(line.split(splitter)[0]) for tree in split_trees for line in tree]) return res def test_trees_to_dataframe(self): bst = self.build_model(max_depth=5, num_round=10) gain_from_dump = self.parse_dumped_model(booster=bst, item_to_get='gain', splitter=',') cover_from_dump = self.parse_dumped_model(booster=bst, item_to_get='cover', splitter='\n') # method being tested df = bst.trees_to_dataframe() # test for equality of gains gain_from_df = df[df.Feature != 'Leaf'][['Gain']].sum() assert np.allclose(gain_from_dump, gain_from_df) # test for equality of covers cover_from_df = df.Cover.sum() assert np.allclose(cover_from_dump, cover_from_df) def run_tree_to_df_categorical(self, tree_method: str) -> None: X, y = tm.make_categorical(100, 10, 31, False) Xy = xgb.DMatrix(X, y, enable_categorical=True) booster = xgb.train({"tree_method": tree_method}, Xy, num_boost_round=10) df = booster.trees_to_dataframe() for _, x in df.iterrows(): if x["Feature"] != "Leaf": assert len(x["Category"]) >= 1 def test_tree_to_df_categorical(self) -> None: self.run_tree_to_df_categorical("approx") def run_split_value_histograms(self, tree_method) -> None: X, y = tm.make_categorical(1000, 10, 13, False) reg = xgb.XGBRegressor(tree_method=tree_method, enable_categorical=True), y) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="doesn't"): reg.get_booster().get_split_value_histogram("3", bins=5) def test_split_value_histograms(self): self.run_split_value_histograms("approx")