# Set appropriate compiler and linker flags for sanitizers. # # Usage of this module: # enable_sanitizers("address;leak") # Add flags macro(enable_sanitizer santizer) if(${santizer} MATCHES "address") find_package(ASan REQUIRED) set(SAN_COMPILE_FLAGS "${SAN_COMPILE_FLAGS} -fsanitize=address") link_libraries(${ASan_LIBRARY}) elseif(${santizer} MATCHES "thread") find_package(TSan REQUIRED) set(SAN_COMPILE_FLAGS "${SAN_COMPILE_FLAGS} -fsanitize=thread") link_libraries(${TSan_LIBRARY}) elseif(${santizer} MATCHES "leak") find_package(LSan REQUIRED) set(SAN_COMPILE_FLAGS "${SAN_COMPILE_FLAGS} -fsanitize=leak") link_libraries(${LSan_LIBRARY}) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Santizer ${santizer} not supported.") endif() endmacro() macro(enable_sanitizers SANITIZERS) # Check sanitizers compatibility. # Idealy, we should use if(san IN_LIST SANITIZERS) ... endif() # But I haven't figure out how to make it work. foreach ( _san ${SANITIZERS} ) string(TOLOWER ${_san} _san) if (_san MATCHES "thread") if (${_use_other_sanitizers}) message(FATAL_ERROR "thread sanitizer is not compatible with ${_san} sanitizer.") endif() set(_use_thread_sanitizer 1) else () if (${_use_thread_sanitizer}) message(FATAL_ERROR "${_san} sanitizer is not compatible with thread sanitizer.") endif() set(_use_other_sanitizers 1) endif() endforeach() message("Sanitizers: ${SANITIZERS}") foreach( _san ${SANITIZERS} ) string(TOLOWER ${_san} _san) enable_sanitizer(${_san}) endforeach() message("Sanitizers compile flags: ${SAN_COMPILE_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${SAN_COMPILE_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${SAN_COMPILE_FLAGS}") endmacro()