# General Parameters, see comment for each definition # choose the booster, can be gbtree or gblinear booster = gbtree # choose logistic regression loss function for binary classification objective = binary:logistic # Tree Booster Parameters # step size shrinkage eta = 1.0 # minimum loss reduction required to make a further partition gamma = 1.0 # minimum sum of instance weight(hessian) needed in a child min_child_weight = 1 # maximum depth of a tree max_depth = 3 # Task Parameters # the number of round to do boosting num_round = 2 # 0 means do not save any model except the final round model save_period = 0 # The path of training data data = "agaricus.txt.train" # The path of validation data, used to monitor training process, here [test] sets name of the validation set eval[test] = "agaricus.txt.test" # evaluate on training data as well each round eval_train = 1 # The path of test data test:data = "agaricus.txt.test"