#!/bin/bash if [ -f YearPredictionMSD.txt ] then echo "use existing data to run experiment" else echo "getting data from uci, make sure you are connected to internet" wget https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00203/YearPredictionMSD.txt.zip unzip YearPredictionMSD.txt.zip fi echo "start making data.." # map feature using indicator encoding, also produce featmap.txt python csv2libsvm.py YearPredictionMSD.txt yearpredMSD.libsvm head -n 463715 yearpredMSD.libsvm > yearpredMSD.libsvm.train tail -n 51630 yearpredMSD.libsvm > yearpredMSD.libsvm.test echo "finish making the data" ../../xgboost yearpredMSD.conf