#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # mshadow configuration script # # include dmlc.mk after the variables are set # # Add DMLC_CFLAGS to the compile flags # Add DMLC_LDFLAGS to the linker flags #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ifndef LIBJVM LIBJVM=$(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/amd64/server endif # Mac OS X does not support "-lrt" flag ifeq ($(OS), Windows_NT) UNAME=Windows MACHINE=Windows else UNAME=$(shell uname) MACHINE=$(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine) endif ifneq ($(USE_OPENMP), 0) ifneq ($(UNAME), Darwin) DMLC_CFLAGS += -fopenmp DMLC_LDFLAGS += -fopenmp endif endif ifeq (-android, $(findstring -android,$(MACHINE))) #$(info $$MACHINE is [${MACHINE}]) #$(info detected ANDROID) else ifeq (-linux, $(findstring -linux,$(MACHINE))) #$(info detected Linux) DMLC_LDFLAGS += -lrt endif endif # handle fpic options ifndef WITH_FPIC WITH_FPIC = 1 endif ifeq ($(WITH_FPIC), 1) DMLC_CFLAGS += -fPIC endif # Using default hadoop_home ifndef HADOOP_HDFS_HOME HADOOP_HDFS_HOME=$(HADOOP_HOME) endif ifeq ($(USE_HDFS),1) ifndef HDFS_INC_PATH HDFS_INC_PATH=$(HADOOP_HDFS_HOME)/include endif ifndef HDFS_LIB_PATH HDFS_LIB_PATH=$(HADOOP_HDFS_HOME)/lib/native endif DMLC_CFLAGS+= -DDMLC_USE_HDFS=1 -I$(HDFS_INC_PATH) -I$(JAVA_HOME)/include ifneq ("$(wildcard $(HDFS_LIB_PATH)/libhdfs.so)","") DMLC_LDFLAGS+= -L$(HDFS_LIB_PATH) -lhdfs else DMLC_LDFLAGS+= $(HDFS_LIB_PATH)/libhdfs.a endif DMLC_LDFLAGS += -L$(LIBJVM) -ljvm ifeq ($(UNAME), Darwin) DMLC_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath,$(LIBJVM) else DMLC_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath=$(LIBJVM) endif else DMLC_CFLAGS+= -DDMLC_USE_HDFS=0 endif # setup S3 ifeq ($(USE_S3),1) DMLC_CFLAGS+= -DDMLC_USE_S3=1 DMLC_LDFLAGS+= -lcurl -lssl -lcrypto else DMLC_CFLAGS+= -DDMLC_USE_S3=0 endif ifeq ($(USE_GLOG), 1) DMLC_CFLAGS += -DDMLC_USE_GLOG=1 DMLC_LDFLAGS += -lglog endif ifeq ($(USE_AZURE),1) DMLC_CFLAGS+= -DDMLC_USE_AZURE=1 DMLC_LDFLAGS+= -lazurestorage else DMLC_CFLAGS+= -DDMLC_USE_AZURE=0 endif