#----------------------------------------------------- # xgboost: the configuration compile script # # If you want to change the configuration, please use the following # steps. Assume you are on the root directory of xgboost. # First copy this file so that any local changes will be ignored by git # # $ cp make/config.mk . # # Next modify the according entries in the copied file and then compile by # # $ make # # or build in parallel with 8 threads # # $ make -j8 #---------------------------------------------------- # choice of compiler, by default use system preference. # export CC = gcc # export CXX = g++ # export MPICXX = mpicxx # the additional link flags you want to add ADD_LDFLAGS = # the additional compile flags you want to add ADD_CFLAGS = # Whether enable openmp support, needed for multi-threading. USE_OPENMP = 1 # whether use HDFS support during compile USE_HDFS = 0 # whether use AWS S3 support during compile USE_S3 = 0 # whether use Azure blob support during compile USE_AZURE = 0 #---------------------------- # Settings for power and arm arch #---------------------------- ARCH := $(shell uname -a) ifneq (,$(filter $(ARCH), armv6l armv7l powerpc64le ppc64le aarch64)) USE_SSE=0 else USE_SSE=1 endif # Rabit library version, # - librabit.a Normal distributed version. # - librabit_empty.a Non distributed mock version, LIB_RABIT = librabit.a # path to libjvm.so LIBJVM=$(JAVA_HOME)/jre/lib/amd64/server # whether to test with coverage measurement or not. (only used for `make cover`) # measured with gcov and html report generated with lcov if it is installed. # this disables optimization to ensure coverage information is correct TEST_COVER = 0 # path to gtest library (only used when $BUILD_TEST=1) # there should be an include path in $GTEST_PATH/include and library in $GTEST_PATH/lib GTEST_PATH ?= # path to cub library (only used when $CUDA_ENABLED=1) # this should point to the cub project root folder CUB_PATH ?= cub # List of additional plugins, checkout plugin folder. # uncomment the following lines to include these plugins # you can also add your own plugin like this # # XGB_PLUGINS += plugin/example/plugin.mk # plugin to build tree on GPUs using CUDA PLUGIN_UPDATER_GPU ?= OFF ifeq ($(PLUGIN_UPDATER_GPU),ON) XGB_PLUGINS += plugin/updater_gpu/plugin.mk endif