# xisf-rs
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An unaffiliated implementation of Pleiades Astrophoto's open-source Extensible Image Serialization Format (XISF) file format, the native image format for their flagship editing software PixInsight. Aims for 100% support for [spec version 1.0](https://pixinsight.com/doc/docs/XISF-1.0-spec/XISF-1.0-spec.html), as opposed to implementations such as [libXISF](https://gitea.nouspiro.space/nou/libXISF) or Pleiades Astrophoto's own [PixInsight Class Libraries](https://gitlab.com/pixinsight/PCL), which are written with 2D images in mind. Currently under rapid development, but all changes to the public API will be accompanied with a version update following [Cargo's SemVer guidelines](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/semver.html) before being pushed to [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/xisf-rs).
## Feature Comparison
| `xisf-rs` | `libXISF` | `PCL`
Language | Rust | C++ | C++
License | MIT | GPLv3 | BSD-4-Clause-like
Monolithic Files | Decode | Encode + Decode | Encode + Decode
Distributed Files | Decode (Partial)
`http`, `https`, `ftp`, see [road map](#road-map) | ❌ | ❌
N-D Images | ✅ | [❌](https://gitea.nouspiro.space/nou/libXISF/src/commit/8e05a586109a634e3a43aeecc4ca693d00c2104e/libxisf.cpp#L816) | [❌](https://gitlab.com/pixinsight/PCL/-/blob/7cd5ee14f6b209cf03f5b2d1903941ea1a4c8aec/src/pcl/XISFReader.cpp#L2001)
Pixel Sample Formats | Scalar, Complex | Agnostic (Raw Bytes Only) | Scalar1, Complex
Image Metadata | Attributes, XISF Properties2, FITS Keywords, ICC Profile, RGB Working Space, Display Function, CFA, Resolution, Thumbnail | Attributes3, XISF Properties4, FITS Keywords5, ICC Profile, CFA, Thumbnail | Attributes6, XISF Properties, FITS Keywords, ICC Profile, RGB Working Space, Display Function, CFA, Resolution, Thumbnail
Supported XISF Property Locations | ``, ``, `` | `` | ``, ``, ``
`` Element | ❌ | ❌ | ❌
`` Element | ✅ | ❌ | ❌
Data Block Compression | ✅7
`zlib`, `lz4`, `lz4hc`, `zstd` | ✅7, 8
`zlib`, `lz4`, `lz4hc`, `zstd` | ✅7
`zlib`, `lz4`, `lz4hc`, `zstd`
Checksum Verification | ✅ | ❌ | ✅
XML Digital Signature Verification | ❌ | ❌ | ❌
1. [Does not support 64-bit integers](https://gitlab.com/pixinsight/PCL/-/blob/7cd5ee14f6b209cf03f5b2d1903941ea1a4c8aec/src/pcl/XISFReader.cpp#L599)
2. Scalar, Complex, String, and TimePoint only; no 128-bit floating point values
3. [Only mandatory attributes and colorSpace](https://gitea.nouspiro.space/nou/libXISF/src/commit/8e05a586109a634e3a43aeecc4ca693d00c2104e/libxisf.cpp#L815)
4. [Int32, Float32, Float64, String, and TimePoint only](https://gitea.nouspiro.space/nou/libXISF/src/commit/8e05a586109a634e3a43aeecc4ca693d00c2104e/variant.cpp#L379)
5. Raw strings only; cannot parse values
6. [Missing imageType, offset, orientation, and uuid attributes](https://gitlab.com/pixinsight/PCL/-/blob/7cd5ee14f6b209cf03f5b2d1903941ea1a4c8aec/src/pcl/XISFReader.cpp#L674)
7. `zstd` support is nonstandard for spec version 1.0, but [has been confirmed for an upcoming version of the standard](https://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?threads/xisf-standard-revision-re-zstd.21230/)
8. Sub-blocks not yet supported (this limits supported images to 4GiB)
## Dependencies
- Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV): 1.64.0, verified for `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`
- libxml2 ([MIT](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2/-/blob/master/Copyright))
- lz4 ([BSD-2-Clause](https://github.com/lz4/lz4/blob/dev/LICENSE))
- zstd ([BSD-3-Clause](https://github.com/facebook/zstd/blob/dev/LICENSE))
- Can be configured to use zlib ([Zlib](https://github.com/madler/zlib/blob/develop/LICENSE)) or zlib-ng ([Zlib](https://github.com/zlib-ng/zlib-ng/blob/develop/LICENSE.md))
- Test suite requires a Docker installation when the `remote-ftp` feature is enabled
# Road Map
- [x] Read N-dimensional images
- [x] Data block compression
- [x] Checksum verification
- [x] Images of complex numbers
- [x] `` element
- [x] `` element
- [x] Image thumbnails
- [x] Remote resources
- [x] Ask user for trust before connecting
- [ ] Caching
- Files with a checksum are read through twice, and right now that means the file gets downloaded twice
- [ ] Authorization/Credentials Store
- Stateful schemes like FTP require keeping track of sessions
- [ ] XISB files
- [ ] SFTP/SCP
- [x] Non-`` image metadata
- [x] Scalar, Complex, String, and TimePoint `` elements
- [ ] Write monolithic files
- [ ] `` element
- [ ] Vector, Matrix `` elements
- [ ] Write distributed files
- [ ] Color space conversion?
- [ ] XML Digital Signature verification
- [ ] 128-bit floating point `` types
- [ ] async data block read functions
- [ ] C/C++11 interface with `cbindgen`