# xkcd-bin Just a CLI to show [Xkcd.com][] comics in [Kitty Terminal][]. ## Installation ```sh cargo +nightly install xkcd-bin ``` ## Usage Get the latest comic: ```sh xkcd latest ``` Or simply: ```sh xkcd ``` Get a random comic: ```sh xkcd random ``` Get the comic number 162: ```sh xkcd 162 ``` Open the comic number 162 in the default web browser: ```sh xkcd --browser 162 ``` Get help: ```sh xkcd --help ``` ## Note If you’re looking for a library to build Xkcd into your project, please head to [Rusty Xkcd][] or [xkcd-rs][]. ## License - [The 3-Clause BSD License][] - [Copyright 2024 Rodrigo Cacilhας <montegasppa@cacilhas.info>][] [Copyright 2024 Rodrigo Cacilhας <montegasppa@cacilhas.info>]: https://github.com/cacilhas/xkcd-bin/blob/master/COPYING [Kitty Terminal]: https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/ [Rusty Xkcd]: https://crates.io/crates/rusty_xkcd [Xkcd.com]: https://xkcd.com/ [xkcd-rs]: https://crates.io/crates/xkcd [The 3-Clause BSD License]: https://opensource.org/license/BSD-3-Clause