use clap::Parser; use console::{Key, Term}; use rodio::Sink; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use xmrs::amiga::amiga_module::AmigaModule; use xmrs::prelude::*; use xmrs::s3m::s3m_module::S3mModule; use xmrs::xm::xmmodule::XmModule; mod bufferedsource; use bufferedsource::BufferedSource; use xmrsplayer::prelude::*; const SAMPLE_RATE: u32 = 48000; #[derive(Parser)] struct Cli { /// Choose XM or XmRs File #[arg(short = 'f', long, required = true, value_name = "filename")] filename: Option, /// Choose amplification #[arg(short = 'a', long, default_value = "1.0")] amplification: f32, /// Play only a specific channel (from 1 to n, 0 for all) #[arg(short = 'c', long, default_value = "0")] ch: u8, /// Turn debugging information on #[arg(short = 'd', long, default_value = "false")] debug: bool, /// How many loop (default: infinity) #[arg(short = 'l', long, default_value = "0")] loops: usize, /// Force historical fT2 replay (default: autodetect) #[arg(short = 't', long, default_value = "false")] historical: bool, /// Start at a specific pattern order table position #[arg(short = 'p', long, default_value = "0")] position: usize, /// Force speed #[arg(short = 's', long, default_value = "0")] speed: u16, } fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let cli = Cli::parse(); match cli.filename { Some(filename) => { // Term::stdout().clear_screen().unwrap(); println!("--===~ XmRs Player Example ~===--"); println!("(c) 2023-2024 Sébastien Béchet\n"); println!("Because demo scene can't die :)\n"); // let path = std::env::current_dir()?; // println!("The current directory is {}", path.display()); println!("opening {}", filename); let contents = std::fs::read(filename.trim())?; match filename.split('.').last() { Some(extension) if extension == "xm" || extension == "XM" => { match XmModule::load(&contents) { Ok(xm) => { drop(contents); // cleanup memory let module = xm.to_module(); drop(xm); println!("Playing {} !",; let module = Box::new(module); let module_ref: &'static Module = Box::leak(module); rodio_play( module_ref, cli.amplification, cli.position, cli.loops, cli.debug,, cli.speed, cli.historical, ); } Err(e) => { println!("{:?}", e); } } } Some(extension) if extension == "mod" || extension == "MOD" => { match AmigaModule::load(&contents) { Ok(amiga) => { drop(contents); // cleanup memory let module = amiga.to_module(); drop(amiga); println!("Playing {} !",; let module = Box::new(module); let module_ref: &'static Module = Box::leak(module); rodio_play( module_ref, cli.amplification, cli.position, cli.loops, cli.debug,, cli.speed, false, ); } Err(e) => { println!("{:?}", e); } } } Some(extension) if extension == "s3m" || extension == "S3M" => { match S3mModule::load(&contents) { Ok(s3m) => { drop(contents); // cleanup memory let module = s3m.to_module(); drop(s3m); println!("Playing {} !",; let module = Box::new(module); let module_ref: &'static Module = Box::leak(module); rodio_play( module_ref, cli.amplification, cli.position, cli.loops, cli.debug,, cli.speed, false, ); } Err(e) => { println!("{:?}", e); } } } Some(_) | None => { println!("File unknown?"); } } } _ => {} } Ok(()) } fn rodio_play( module: &'static Module, amplification: f32, position: usize, loops: usize, debug: bool, ch: u8, speed: u16, historical: bool, ) { let (_stream, stream_handle) = rodio::OutputStream::try_default().unwrap(); let sink: Sink = rodio::Sink::try_new(&stream_handle).unwrap(); // try to detect FT2 to play historical bugs let is_ft2 = historical || module.comment == "FastTracker v2.00 (1.02)" || module.comment == "FastTracker v2.00 (1.03)" || module.comment == "FastTracker v2.00 (1.04)"; let player = Arc::new(Mutex::new(XmrsPlayer::new( module, SAMPLE_RATE as f32, is_ft2, ))); { let mut player_lock = player.lock().unwrap(); player_lock.amplification = amplification; if debug { println!("Debug on"); if is_ft2 { println!("FT2 Historical XM detected.") } } player_lock.debug(debug); if ch != 0 { player_lock.mute_all(true); player_lock.set_mute_channel((ch - 1).into(), false); } player_lock.set_max_loop_count(loops); player_lock.goto(position, 0, speed); } let source = BufferedSource::new(Arc::clone(&player), SAMPLE_RATE); sink.append(source); // sink.append(player.buffered());; let stdout = Term::stdout(); println!( "Enter key for info, Space for pause, left or right arrow to move, escape key to exit..." ); let mut playing = true; loop { if let Ok(character) = stdout.read_key() { match character { Key::Enter => { let ti = player.lock().unwrap().get_current_table_index(); let p = player.lock().unwrap().get_current_pattern(); println!("current table index:{:02x}, current pattern:{:02x}", ti, p); } Key::Escape => { println!("Have a nice day!"); sink.stop(); return; } Key::ArrowLeft => { let i = player.lock().unwrap().get_current_table_index(); if i != 0 { player.lock().unwrap().goto(i - 1, 0, 0); } } Key::ArrowRight => { let len = module.pattern_order.len(); let i = player.lock().unwrap().get_current_table_index(); if i + 1 < len { player.lock().unwrap().goto(i + 1, 0, 0); } } Key::Char(' ') => { if playing { println!("Pause, press space to continue"); sink.pause(); playing = false; { let player_lock = player.lock().unwrap(); let ti = player_lock.get_current_table_index(); let p = player_lock.get_current_pattern(); let row = player_lock.get_current_row(); println!("Pattern [{:02X}]={:02X}, Row {:02X}", ti, p, row); } } else { println!("Playing");; playing = true; } } _ => {} } } } }