## All remote procedures as reported by [xo-cli](https://github.com/vatesfr/xen-orchestra/tree/master/packages/xo-cli) Note that only a small subset of those are currently implemented for this library ``` acl.add subject= object= action= add a new ACL entry acl.get get existing ACLs acl.getCurrentPermissions get (explicit) permissions by object for the current user acl.remove subject= object= action= remove an existing ACL entry audit.checkIntegrity [newest=] [oldest=] Check records integrity between oldest and newest audit.clean Clean audit database audit.deleteRange newest= [oldest=] Delete a range of records and rewrite the records chain audit.exportRecords audit.generateFingerprint [newest=] [oldest=] Generate a fingerprint of the chain oldest-newest audit.getRecords [id=] [ndjson=] Get records from a passed record ID backupNg.createJob [compression=] mode= [name=] [proxy=] [remotes=] [schedules=] settings= [srs=] vms= backupNg.deleteJob id= backupNg.deleteVmBackup id= backupNg.editJob [compression=] id= [mode=] [name=] [proxy=] [remotes=] [settings=] [srs=] [vms=] backupNg.fetchFiles disk= [partition=] paths= remote= backupNg.getAllJobs backupNg.getAllLogs [ndjson=] backupNg.getJob id= backupNg.getLogs [after=] [before=] [limit=] *= backupNg.getSuggestedExcludedTags backupNg.importVmBackup id= settings= sr= backupNg.listFiles disk= [partition=] path= remote= backupNg.listPartitions disk= remote= backupNg.listVmBackups [_forceRefresh=] remotes= backupNg.runJob id= schedule= [settings=] [vm=] [vms=] cloudConfig.create name= template= Creates a new cloud config template cloudConfig.delete id= Deletes an existing cloud config template cloudConfig.getAll Gets all existing cloud configs templates cloudConfig.update id= [name=] [template=] Modifies an existing cloud config template customField.add id= name= value= Add a new custom field to an object customField.remove id= name= Remove an existing custom field from an object customField.set id= name= value= Set a custom field disk.create name= size= sr= [vm=] [bootable=] [mode=] [position=] create a new disk on a SR disk.exportContent id= export the content of a VDI disk.import [description=] name= sr= type= [vmdkData=] disk.importContent id= import contents into a VDI docker.deregister vm= Deregister the VM for Docker management docker.pause vm= container= docker.register vm= Register the VM for Docker management docker.restart vm= container= docker.start vm= container= docker.stop vm= container= docker.unpause vm= container= group.addUser id= userId= adds a user to a group group.create name= creates a new group group.delete id= deletes an existing group group.getAll returns all the existing group group.removeUser id= userId= removes a user from a group group.set id= [name=] changes the properties of an existing group group.setUsers id= userIds= sets the users belonging to a group host.detach id= eject the host of a pool host.disable id= disable to create VM on the hsot host.emergencyShutdownHost host= suspend all VMs and shutdown host host.enable id= enable to create VM on the host host.forget id= remove the host record from XAPI database host.getSchedulerGranularity id= get the scheduler granularity of a host host.installCertificate id= certificate= [chain=] privateKey= Install a certificate on a host host.installSupplementalPack host= installs supplemental pack from ISO file host.isHostServerTimeConsistent host= host.isHyperThreadingEnabled id= get hyper-threading information host.restart id= [force=] restart the host host.restartAgent id= restart the Xen agent on the host host.restart_agent id= restart the Xen agent on the host host.scanPifs id= Refresh the list of physical interfaces for this host host.set id= [iscsiIqn=] [name_label=] [name_description=] [multipathing=] changes the properties of an host host.setControlDomainMemory id= memory= Set host's control domain memory and restart the host host.setMaintenanceMode id= maintenance= manage the maintenance mode host.setRemoteSyslogHost id= syslogDestination= host.setSchedulerGranularity id= schedulerGranularity= set scheduler granularity of a host host.start id= start the host host.stats host= [granularity=] returns statistic of the host host.stop id= stop the host ipPool.create Creates a new ipPool ipPool.delete Delete an ipPool ipPool.getAll List all ipPools ipPool.set Allow to modify an existing ipPool job.cancel Cancel a current run job.create job= Creates a new job from description object job.delete id= Deletes an existing job job.get id= Gets an existing job job.getAll Gets all available jobs job.runSequence idSequence= Runs jobs sequentially, in the provided order job.set job= Modifies an existing job from a description object log.delete id= namespace= deletes one or several logs from a namespace log.get namespace= returns logs list for one namespace message.delete id= metadataBackup.createJob [name=] [pools=] [proxy=] remotes= schedules= settings= [xoMetadata=] metadataBackup.delete id= metadataBackup.deleteJob id= metadataBackup.editJob id= [name=] [pools=] [proxy=] [settings=] [remotes=] [xoMetadata=] metadataBackup.getAllJobs metadataBackup.getJob id= metadataBackup.list remotes= metadataBackup.restore id= metadataBackup.runJob id= schedule= network.create pool= name= [description=] [pif=] [mtu=] [vlan=] network.createBonded pool= name= [description=] pifs= [mtu=] bondMode= Create a bonded network. bondMode can be balance-slb, active-backup or lacp network.delete id= network.delete_ id= network.getBondModes network.set [automatic=] [defaultIsLocked=] id= [name_description=] [name_label=] pbd.connect id= pbd.delete id= pbd.disconnect id= pif.connect id= pif.delete id= pif.disconnect id= pif.editPif id= vlan= pif.getIpv4ConfigurationModes pif.getIpv6ConfigurationModes pif.reconfigureIp [id=] [mode=] [ip=] [netmask=] [gateway=] [dns=] plugin.configure id= configuration= sets the configuration of a plugin plugin.disableAutoload id= plugin.enableAutoload id= enables a plugin, allowing it to be loaded plugin.get returns a list of all installed plugins plugin.load id= loads a plugin plugin.purgeConfiguration id= removes a plugin configuration plugin.test id= [data=] Test a plugin with its current configuration plugin.unload id= unloads a plugin plugin.usageReport.send pool.getLicenseState pool= pool.getPatchesDifference source= target= pool.installPatches [pool=] [patches=] [hosts=] Install patches on hosts pool.installSupplementalPack pool= installs supplemental pack from ISO file on all hosts pool.listMissingPatches host= return an array of missing new patches in the host pool.listPoolsMatchingCriteria [minAvailableHostMemory=] [minAvailableSrSize=] [minHostCpus=] [minHostVersion=] [poolNameRegExp=] [srNameRegExp=] pool.mergeInto [force=] [source=] [sources=] target= pool.patch pool= pool.rollingUpdate pool= pool.set id= [name_label=] [name_description=] [migrationNetwork=] pool.setDefaultSr sr= pool.setPoolMaster host= pool.uploadPatch pool= proxy.checkHealth id= proxy.deploy [httpProxy=] license= sr= [network=] [networkConfiguration=] [proxy=] proxy.destroy id= proxy.get id= proxy.getAll proxy.getApplianceUpdaterState id= proxy.register [address=] [vm=] [name=] authenticationToken= proxy.unregister id= proxy.update id= [address=] [vm=] [name=] [authenticationToken=] proxy.updateApplianceSettings id= [httpProxy=] proxy.upgradeAppliance id= [ignoreRunningJobs=] remote.create name= [options=] [proxy=] url= Creates a new fs remote point remote.delete id= Deletes an existing fs remote point remote.get id= Gets an existing fs remote point remote.getAll Gets all existing fs remote points remote.getAllInfo Gets all info of remote remote.set [enabled=] id= [name=] [options=] [proxy=] [url=] Modifies an existing fs remote point remote.test id= Performs a read/write matching test on a remote point resourceSet.addLimit id= limitId= quantity= resourceSet.addObject id= object= resourceSet.addSubject id= subject= resourceSet.create name= [subjects=] [objects=] [limits=] resourceSet.delete id= resourceSet.get id= resourceSet.getAll Get the list of all existing resource set resourceSet.recomputeAllLimits Recompute manually the current resource set usage resourceSet.removeLimit id= limitId= resourceSet.removeObject id= object= resourceSet.removeSubject id= subject= resourceSet.set id= [name=] [subjects=] [objects=] [ipPools=] [limits=] role.getAll Returns the list of all existing roles schedule.create cron= [enabled=] jobId= [name=] [timezone=] Creates a new schedule schedule.delete id= Deletes an existing schedule schedule.get id= Gets an existing schedule schedule.getAll Gets all existing schedules schedule.set [cron=] [enabled=] id= [jobId=] [name=] [timezone=] Modifies an existing schedule server.add [label=] host= username= password= [autoConnect=] [allowUnauthorized=] register a new Xen server server.disable id= disable a Xen server server.enable id= enable a Xen server server.getAll returns all the registered Xen server server.remove id= unregister a Xen server server.set id= [label=] [host=] [username=] [password=] [allowUnauthorized=] [readOnly=] changes the properties of a Xen server session.getUser return the currently connected user session.signIn sign in session.signInWithPassword email= password= sign in session.signInWithToken token= sign in session.signOut sign out the user from the current session sr.connectAllPbds id= sr.createExt host= nameLabel= nameDescription= device= sr.createHba host= nameLabel= nameDescription= scsiId= [srUuid=] sr.createIscsi host= nameLabel= nameDescription= target= [port=] targetIqn= scsiId= [chapUser=] [chapPassword=] [srUuid=] sr.createIso host= nameLabel= nameDescription= path= type= [user=] [password=] [srUuid=] sr.createLvm host= nameLabel= nameDescription= device= sr.createNfs host= nameLabel= nameDescription= server= serverPath= [nfsVersion=] [nfsOptions=] [srUuid=] sr.createZfs host= nameLabel= nameDescription= location= sr.destroy id= sr.disconnectAllPbds id= sr.forget id= sr.getUnhealthyVdiChainsLength id= sr.probeHba host= sr.probeHbaExists host= scsiId= sr.probeIscsiExists host= target= [port=] targetIqn= scsiId= [chapUser=] [chapPassword=] sr.probeIscsiIqns host= target= [port=] [chapUser=] [chapPassword=] sr.probeIscsiLuns host= target= [port=] targetIqn= [chapUser=] [chapPassword=] sr.probeNfs host= server= sr.probeNfsExists host= server= serverPath= sr.probeZfs host= sr.scan id= sr.set id= [name_label=] [name_description=] sr.stats id= [granularity=] returns statistic of the sr system.getMethodsInfo returns the signatures of all available API methods system.getServerTimezone return the timezone server system.getServerVersion return the version of xo-server system.getVersion API version (unstable) system.listMethods returns the name of all available API methods system.methodSignature returns the signature of an API method tag.add tag= id= add a new tag to an object tag.remove tag= id= remove an existing tag from an object task.cancel id= task.destroy id= test.changeConnectedXapiHostname hostname= newObject= oldObject= change the connected XAPI hostname and check if the pool and the local cache are updated test.copyVm vm= sr= export/import full/delta VM test.getPermissionsForUser userId= test.hasPermission userId= objectId= permission= test.wait duration= token.create [expiresIn=] create a new authentication token token.delete token= delete an existing authentication token token.deleteAll [except=] delete all tokens of the current user except the current one user.changePassword oldPassword= newPassword= change password after checking old password (user function) user.create email= password= [permission=] creates a new user user.delete id= deletes an existing user user.getAll returns all the existing users user.set id= [email=] [password=] [permission=] [preferences=] changes the properties of an existing user vbd.connect id= vbd.delete id= vbd.disconnect id= vbd.set id= [position=] vbd.setBootable vbd= bootable= vdi.delete id= vdi.delete_ id= vdi.migrate id= [resourceSet=] sr_id= vdi.set id= [name_label=] [name_description=] [size=] vif.connect id= vif.delete id= vif.disconnect id= vif.getLockingModeValues vif.set id= [network=] [mac=] [allowedIpv4Addresses=] [allowedIpv6Addresses=] [attached=] [lockingMode=] [rateLimit=] [resourceSet=] [txChecksumming=] vm.attachDisk [bootable=] [mode=] [position=] vdi= vm= vm.attachPci vm= pciId= vm.backup id= remoteId= file= [compress=] Exports a VM to the file system vm.clone id= name= full_copy= vm.convert id= vm.convertToTemplate id= vm.copy [compress=] [name=] vm= sr= vm.copyToTemplate id= vm.create [affinityHost=] [bootAfterCreate=] [cloudConfig=] [networkConfig=] [coreOs=] [clone=] [coresPerSocket=] [resourceSet=] [installation=] [vgpuType=] [gpuGroup=] name_label= [name_description=] [pv_args=] [share=] template= [VIFs=] [VDIs=] [existingDisks=] [hvmBootFirmware=] [copyHostBiosStrings=] *= vm.createCloudInitConfigDrive vm= sr= config= [networkConfig=] vm.createInterface vm= network= [position=] [mac=] [allowedIpv4Addresses=] [allowedIpv6Addresses=] vm.createVgpu vm= gpuGroup= vgpuType= vm.delete id= [deleteDisks=] [force=] [forceDeleteDefaultTemplate=] vm.deleteVgpu vgpu= vm.deltaCopy [force=] id= [retention=] sr= vm.detachPci vm= vm.ejectCd id= vm.export vm= [compress=] vm.getCloudInitConfig template= vm.getHaValues vm.import [data=] [type=] sr= vm.importBackup remote= file= sr= Imports a VM into host, from a file found in the chosen remote vm.importDeltaBackup sr= remote= filePath= [mapVdisSrs=] vm.insertCd id= cd_id= [force=] vm.migrate vm= [force=] targetHost= [sr=] [mapVdisSrs=] [mapVifsNetworks=] [migrationNetwork=] vm.pause id= vm.recoveryStart id= vm.restart id= [force=] vm.resume id= vm.revert snapshot= vm.rollingBackup id= remoteId= tag= [retention=] [depth=] [compress=] Exports a VM to the file system with a tagged name, and removes the oldest backup with the same tag according to retention vm.rollingDeltaBackup id= remote= tag= [retention=] [depth=] vm.rollingDrCopy [retention=] [depth=] id= [pool=] [sr=] tag= [deleteOldBackupsFirst=] Copies a VM to a different pool, with a tagged name, and removes the oldest VM with the same tag from this pool, according to retention vm.rollingSnapshot id= tag= [retention=] [depth=] Snapshots a VM with a tagged name, and removes the oldest snapshot with the same tag according to retention vm.set id= [auto_poweron=] [name_label=] [name_description=] [high_availability=] [CPUs=] [cpusMax=] [memory=] [memoryMin=] [memoryMax=] [memoryStaticMax=] [PV_args=] [cpuMask=] [cpuWeight=] [cpuCap=] [affinityHost=] [vga=] [videoram=] [coresPerSocket=] [hasVendorDevice=] [expNestedHvm=] [resourceSet=] [share=] [startDelay=] [secureBoot=] [nicType=] [hvmBootFirmware=] [virtualizationMode=] [blockedOperations=] vm.setBootOrder vm= order= vm.snapshot [description=] id= [name=] [saveMemory=] vm.start [bypassMacAddressesCheck=] [force=] [host=] id= vm.stats id= [granularity=] returns statistics about the VM vm.stop id= [force=] vm.suspend id= xo.clean xo.exportConfig [entries=] [passphrase=] xo.getAllObjects [filter=] [limit=] [ndjson=] Returns all XO objects xo.importConfig [passphrase=] xosan.addBricks xosansr= lvmsrs= brickSize= add brick to XOSAN SR xosan.checkSrCurrentState poolId= checks if there is an operation currently running on the SR xosan.computeXosanPossibleOptions lvmSrs= [brickSize=] xosan.createSR [brickSize=] srs= template= pif= vlan= glusterType= redundancy= [memorySize=] [ipRange=] create gluster VM xosan.downloadAndInstallXosanPack id= version= pool= Register a resource via cloud plugin xosan.fixHostNotInNetwork xosanSr= host= put host in xosan network xosan.getVolumeInfo sr= infoType= info on gluster volume xosan.profileStatus sr= [changeStatus=] activate, deactivate, or interrogate profile data xosan.removeBricks xosansr= bricks= remove brick from XOSAN SR xosan.replaceBrick xosansr= previousBrick= newLvmSr= brickSize= replaceBrick brick in gluster volume xosan.unlock licenseId= sr= Unlock XOSAN SR functionalities by binding it to a paid license ```