use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng, Rand}; use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ByteOrder}; use xoroshiro::rng::SplitMix64; #[allow(missing_copy_implementations)] #[derive(Clone)] /// 64-bit universal RNG by [Marsaglia and Tsang][1]. /// /// Generates floats directly; generating integers is inefficient. /// /// [1]: pub struct Urng64 { u: [f64; 98], c: f64, i: usize, j: usize, } impl Rng for Urng64 { #[inline] fn next_f64(&mut self) -> f64 { const R: f64 = 9007199254740881.0/9007199254740992.; const D: f64 = 362436069876.0/9007199254740992.0; let mut x = self.u[self.i] - self.u[self.j]; if x < 0. { x += 1.; } self.u[self.i] = x; self.i -= 1; if self.i == 0 { self.i = 97; } self.j -= 1; if self.j == 0 { self.j = 97; } self.c -= D; if self.c < 0. { self.c += R; } x -= self.c; if x < 0. { x + 1. } else { x } } #[inline] fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 { (self.next_f64() * 4294967296.) as u32 } #[inline] fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) { for mut chunk in dest.chunks_mut(8) { if chunk.len() == 8 { LittleEndian::write_u64(&mut chunk, self.next_u64()); } else { debug_assert!(chunk.len() < 8); let r = self.next_u64(); let mut i = 0; for v in chunk.iter_mut() { *v = (r >> 8*i) as u8; i += 1; } } } } } /* pub fn seed(&mut self, seed1: i32, seed2: i32) { let mut x = seed1; let mut y = seed2; for i in 1..98 { let mut s = 0.; let mut t = 0.5; for _ in 1..54 { x = 6969i32.wrapping_mul(x) % 65543; y = 8888i32.wrapping_mul(y) % 65579; if ((x ^ y) & 32) > 0 { s += t; } t *= 0.5; } self.u[i] = s; } } */ impl SeedableRng<[f64; 98]> for Urng64 { /// Reseed an `Urng64`. fn reseed(&mut self, seed: [f64; 98]) { let rng = Urng64::from_seed(seed); *self = rng; } /// Create a new `Urng64`. fn from_seed(seed: [f64; 98]) -> Urng64 { Urng64 { u: seed, c: 0., i: 97, j: 33, } } } fn gen_u(rng: &mut Rng) -> [f64; 98] { let mut u = [0.; 98]; for i in 1..98 { u[i] = rng.next_f64(); } u } impl SeedableRng for Urng64 { /// Reseed an `Urng64`. This will use `SplitMix64` to fill the seed. fn reseed(&mut self, seed: u64) { let mut rng = SplitMix64::from_seed(seed); self.reseed(gen_u(&mut rng)); } /// Create a new `Urng64`. This will use `SplitMix64` to fill the seed. fn from_seed(seed: u64) -> Urng64 { let mut rng = SplitMix64::from_seed(seed); Urng64::from_seed(gen_u(&mut rng)) } } impl Rand for Urng64 { fn rand(rng: &mut R) -> Urng64 { Urng64::from_seed(gen_u(rng)) } }