syntax = "proto3"; package org.xrpl.rpc.v1; option java_package = "org.xrpl.rpc.v1"; option java_multiple_files = true; import "account.proto"; // Next field: 3 message CurrencyAmount { oneof amount { XRPDropsAmount xrp_amount = 1; IssuedCurrencyAmount issued_currency_amount = 2; } } // A representation of an amount of XRP. // Next field: 2 message XRPDropsAmount { uint64 drops = 1 [jstype=JS_STRING]; } // A representation of an amount of issued currency. // Next field: 4 message IssuedCurrencyAmount { // The currency used to value the amount. Currency currency = 1; // The value of the amount. 8 bytes string value = 2; // Unique account address of the entity issuing the currency. AccountAddress issuer = 3; } // Next field: 3 message Currency { // 3 character ASCII code string name = 1; // 160 bit currency code. 20 bytes bytes code = 2; }