syntax = "proto3"; package org.xrpl.rpc.v1; option java_package = "org.xrpl.rpc.v1"; option java_multiple_files = true; import "meta.proto"; import "ledger.proto"; import "transaction.proto"; import "common.proto"; // Next field: 4 message GetTransactionRequest { // hash of the transaction. 32 bytes // ATTN: this is in binary, not hex. The JSON API accepts a hex string for // a transaction hash, but here we need that hex string converted into its // binary form. Each pair of hex characters should be converted into its // corresponding byte. For example, the 4 character hex string "00FF" // should be converted to a 2 byte array: [0, 255] bytes hash = 1; // if true, return data in binary format. defaults to false bool binary = 2; // search only specified range. optional LedgerRange ledger_range = 3; } // Next field: 9 message GetTransactionResponse { oneof serialized_transaction { Transaction transaction = 1; // Variable length bytes transaction_binary = 2; }; // Sequence number of ledger that contains this transaction uint32 ledger_index = 3; // 32 bytes bytes hash = 4; // whether the ledger has been validated bool validated = 5; // metadata about the transaction oneof serialized_meta { Meta meta = 6; // Variable length bytes meta_binary = 7; } Date date = 8; }