syntax = "proto3"; package org.xrpl.rpc.v1; option java_package = "org.xrpl.rpc.v1"; option java_multiple_files = true; import "meta.proto"; // A request to submit the signed transaction to the ledger. // Next field: 3 message SubmitTransactionRequest { // The signed transaction to submit. bytes signed_transaction = 1; bool fail_hard = 2; } // A response when a signed transaction is submitted to the ledger. // Next field: 5 message SubmitTransactionResponse { // Code indicating the preliminary result of the transaction. TransactionResult engine_result = 1; // Numeric code indicating the preliminary result of the transaction, // directly correlated to engine_result. int64 engine_result_code = 2; // Human-readable explanation of the transaction's preliminary result. string engine_result_message = 3; // 32 bytes bytes hash = 4; }