use xrpl_rs::{transports::HTTP, types::account::AccountChannelsRequest, XRPL}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // // Generate testnet credentials. // let creds = testnet::get_testnet_credentials() // .await // .expect("error generating testnet credentials"); // // Print the account and balance // println!("Credentials: {:?}", creds,); // Create a new XRPL client with the HTTP transport pointed at ripple testnet. let xrpl = XRPL::new( HTTP::builder() .with_endpoint("") .unwrap() .build() .unwrap(), ); // // Create wallet from secret // let mut wallet = Wallet::from_secret(&creds.account.secret).unwrap(); // println!("{}", wallet.address()); // Create an account info request. let mut req = AccountChannelsRequest::default(); // Set the account to the testnet credentials. req.account = "rE2xnuTUYf3KyBTULuNM71wEFbn9yAaXYh".to_owned(); // Fetch the account info for an address. let account_channels = xrpl.account_channels(req).await.unwrap(); // Print the account and balance println!( "Channels: {:?}", account_channels ); }