//! Clones a git repository and publishes it to crates.io. use xshell::{cmd, Shell}; fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mut sh = Shell::new()?; let user = "matklad"; let repo = "xshell"; cmd!(sh, "git clone https://github.com/{user}/{repo}.git").run()?; sh.set_current_dir(repo); let test_args = ["-Zunstable-options", "--report-time"]; cmd!(sh, "cargo test -- {test_args...}").run()?; let manifest = sh.read_file("Cargo.toml")?; let version = manifest .split_once("version = \"") .and_then(|it| it.1.split_once('\"')) .map(|it| it.0) .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::format_err!("can't find version field in the manifest"))?; cmd!(sh, "git tag {version}").run()?; let dry_run = if sh.var("CI").is_ok() { None } else { Some("--dry-run") }; cmd!(sh, "cargo publish {dry_run...}").run()?; Ok(()) }