mod tidy; mod env; mod compile_failures; mod timeout; use std::{ffi::OsStr, path::Path}; use xshell::{cmd, Shell}; fn setup() -> Shell { static ONCE: std::sync::Once = std::sync::Once::new(); let mut sh = Shell::new().unwrap(); let xecho_src = sh.current_dir().join("./tests/data/"); let xsleep_src = sh.current_dir().join("./tests/data/"); let target_dir = sh.current_dir().join("./target/"); ONCE.call_once(|| { cmd!(sh, "rustc {xecho_src} --out-dir {target_dir}") .run() .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to install binaries from mock_bin: {}", err)); cmd!(sh, "rustc {xsleep_src} --out-dir {target_dir}") .run() .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to install binaries from mock_bin: {}", err)); }); sh.set_var("PATH", target_dir); sh } #[test] fn smoke() { let sh = setup(); let pwd = "lol"; let cmd = cmd!(sh, "xecho 'hello '{pwd}"); println!("{}", cmd); } #[test] fn into_command() { let sh = setup(); let cmd = cmd!(sh, "git branch"); let _ = cmd.to_command(); let _: std::process::Command = cmd.into(); } #[test] fn multiline() { let sh = setup(); let output = cmd!( sh, " xecho hello " ) .read() .unwrap(); assert_eq!(output, "hello"); } #[test] fn interpolation() { let sh = setup(); let hello = "hello"; let output = cmd!(sh, "xecho {hello}").read().unwrap(); assert_eq!(output, "hello"); } #[test] fn program_interpolation() { let sh = setup(); let echo = "xecho"; let output = cmd!(sh, "{echo} hello").read().unwrap(); assert_eq!(output, "hello"); } #[test] fn interpolation_concatenation() { let sh = setup(); let hello = "hello"; let world = "world"; let output = cmd!(sh, "xecho {hello}-{world}").read().unwrap(); assert_eq!(output, "hello-world"); } #[test] fn program_concatenation() { let sh = setup(); let ho = "ho"; let output = dbg!(cmd!(sh, "xec{ho} hello")).read().unwrap(); assert_eq!(output, "hello"); } #[test] fn interpolation_move() { let sh = setup(); let hello = "hello".to_string(); let output1 = cmd!(sh, "xecho {hello}").read().unwrap(); let output2 = cmd!(sh, "xecho {hello}").read().unwrap(); assert_eq!(output1, output2) } #[test] fn interpolation_spat() { let sh = setup(); let a = &["hello", "world"]; let b: &[&OsStr] = &[]; let c = &["!".to_string()]; let output = cmd!(sh, "xecho {a...} {b...} {c...}").read().unwrap(); assert_eq!(output, "hello world !") } #[test] fn splat_option() { let sh = setup(); let a: Option<&OsStr> = None; let b = Some("hello"); let output = cmd!(sh, "xecho {a...} {b...}").read().unwrap(); assert_eq!(output, "hello") } #[test] fn splat_idiom() { let sh = setup(); let check = if true { &["--", "--check"][..] } else { &[] }; let cmd = cmd!(sh, "cargo fmt {check...}"); assert_eq!(cmd.to_string(), "cargo fmt -- --check"); let dry_run = if true { Some("--dry-run") } else { None }; let cmd = cmd!(sh, "cargo publish {dry_run...}"); assert_eq!(cmd.to_string(), "cargo publish --dry-run"); } #[test] fn exit_status() { let sh = setup(); let err = cmd!(sh, "xecho -f").read().unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( err.to_string(), r#"command exited with non-zero code `xecho -f`: 1 stdout suffix: stderr suffix: other error "# ); } #[test] #[cfg_attr(not(unix), ignore)] fn exit_status_signal() { let sh = setup(); let err = cmd!(sh, "xecho -s").read().unwrap_err(); assert_eq!( err.to_string(), r#"command was terminated by a signal `xecho -s`: 9 stdout suffix: "# ); } #[test] fn ignore_status() { let sh = setup(); let output = cmd!(sh, "xecho -f").ignore_status().read().unwrap(); assert_eq!(output, ""); } #[test] fn ignore_status_no_such_command() { let sh = setup(); let err = cmd!(sh, "xecho-f").ignore_status().read().unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "command not found: `xecho-f`"); } #[test] #[cfg_attr(not(unix), ignore)] fn ignore_status_signal() { let sh = setup(); let output = cmd!(sh, "xecho -s dead").ignore_status().read().unwrap(); assert_eq!(output, "dead"); } #[test] fn read_stderr() { let sh = setup(); let output = cmd!(sh, "xecho -f -e snafu").ignore_status().read_stderr().unwrap(); assert!(output.contains("snafu")); } #[test] fn unknown_command() { let sh = setup(); let err = cmd!(sh, "nope no way").read().unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "command not found: `nope`"); } #[test] fn args_with_spaces() { let sh = setup(); let hello_world = "hello world"; let cmd = cmd!(sh, "xecho {hello_world} 'hello world' hello world"); assert_eq!(cmd.to_string(), r#"xecho "hello world" "hello world" hello world"#) } #[test] fn escape() { let sh = setup(); let output = cmd!(sh, "xecho \\hello\\ '\\world\\'").read().unwrap(); assert_eq!(output, r#"\hello\ \world\"#) } #[test] fn stdin_redirection() { let sh = setup(); let lines = "\ foo baz bar "; let output = cmd!(sh, "xecho -i").stdin(lines).read().unwrap().replace("\r\n", "\n"); assert_eq!( output, "\ foo baz bar " ) } #[test] fn no_deadlock() { let sh = setup(); let mut data = "All the work and now paly made Jack a dull boy.\n".repeat(1 << 20); data.pop(); let res = cmd!(sh, "xecho -i").stdin(&data).read().unwrap(); assert_eq!(data, res); } #[test] fn test_push_dir() { let sh = setup(); let d1 = sh.current_dir(); { let sh = sh.with_current_dir("xshell-macros"); let d2 = sh.current_dir(); assert_eq!(d2, d1.join("xshell-macros")); { let sh = sh.with_current_dir("src"); let d3 = sh.current_dir(); assert_eq!(d3, d1.join("xshell-macros/src")); } let d4 = sh.current_dir(); assert_eq!(d4, d1.join("xshell-macros")); } let d5 = sh.current_dir(); assert_eq!(d5, d1); } #[test] fn test_push_and_change_dir() { let sh = setup(); let d1 = sh.current_dir(); { let mut sh = sh.with_current_dir("xshell-macros"); let d2 = sh.current_dir(); assert_eq!(d2, d1.join("xshell-macros")); sh.set_current_dir("src"); let d3 = sh.current_dir(); assert_eq!(d3, d1.join("xshell-macros/src")); } let d5 = sh.current_dir(); assert_eq!(d5, d1); } #[test] fn push_dir_parent_dir() { let sh = setup(); let current = sh.current_dir(); let dirname = current.file_name().unwrap(); let sh = sh.with_current_dir(".."); let sh = sh.with_current_dir(dirname); assert_eq!(sh.current_dir().canonicalize().unwrap(), current.canonicalize().unwrap()); } const VAR: &str = "SPICA"; #[test] fn test_subshells_env() { let sh = setup(); let e1 = sh.var_os(VAR); { let mut sh = sh.clone(); sh.set_var(VAR, "1"); let e2 = sh.var_os(VAR); assert_eq!(e2.as_deref(), Some("1".as_ref())); { let mut sh = sh.clone(); sh.set_var(VAR, "2"); let e3 = sh.var_os(VAR); assert_eq!(e3.as_deref(), Some("2".as_ref())); } let e4 = sh.var_os(VAR); assert_eq!(e4, e2); } let e5 = sh.var_os(VAR); assert_eq!(e5, e1); } #[test] fn test_push_env_and_set_env_var() { let sh = setup(); let e1 = sh.var_os(VAR); { let mut sh = sh.clone(); sh.set_var(VAR, "1"); let e2 = sh.var_os(VAR); assert_eq!(e2.as_deref(), Some("1".as_ref())); sh.set_var(VAR, "2"); let e3 = sh.var_os(VAR); assert_eq!(e3.as_deref(), Some("2".as_ref())); } let e5 = sh.var_os(VAR); assert_eq!(e5, e1); } #[test] fn test_copy_file() { let sh = setup(); let path; { let tempdir = sh.create_temp_dir().unwrap(); path = tempdir.path().to_path_buf(); let foo = tempdir.path().join("foo.txt"); let bar = tempdir.path().join("bar.txt"); let dir = tempdir.path().join("dir"); sh.write_file(&foo, "hello world").unwrap(); sh.create_dir(&dir).unwrap(); sh.copy_file(&foo, &bar).unwrap(); assert_eq!(sh.read_file(&bar).unwrap(), "hello world"); sh.copy_file_to_dir(&foo, &dir).unwrap(); assert_eq!(sh.read_file(&dir.join("foo.txt")).unwrap(), "hello world"); assert!(path.exists()); } assert!(!path.exists()); } #[test] fn test_exists() { let mut sh = setup(); let tmp = sh.create_temp_dir().unwrap(); sh.set_current_dir(tmp.path()); assert!(!sh.path_exists("foo.txt")); sh.write_file("foo.txt", "foo").unwrap(); assert!(sh.path_exists("foo.txt")); assert!(!sh.path_exists("bar")); sh.create_dir("bar").unwrap(); assert!(sh.path_exists("bar")); sh.set_current_dir("bar"); assert!(!sh.path_exists("")); sh.write_file("", "fn main () {}").unwrap(); assert!(sh.path_exists("")); sh.remove_path("").unwrap(); assert!(!sh.path_exists("")); } #[test] fn write_makes_directory() { let sh = setup(); let tempdir = sh.create_temp_dir().unwrap(); let folder = tempdir.path().join("some/nested/folder/structure"); sh.write_file(folder.join(".gitinclude"), "").unwrap(); assert!(folder.exists()); } #[test] fn test_remove_path() { let mut sh = setup(); let tempdir = sh.create_temp_dir().unwrap(); sh.set_current_dir(tempdir.path()); sh.write_file(Path::new("a/b/"), "fn main() {}").unwrap(); assert!(tempdir.path().join("a/b/").exists()); sh.remove_path("./a").unwrap(); assert!(!tempdir.path().join("a/b/").exists()); sh.remove_path("./a").unwrap(); } #[test] fn recovers_from_panics() { let sh = setup(); let tempdir = sh.create_temp_dir().unwrap(); let tempdir = tempdir.path().canonicalize().unwrap(); let orig = sh.current_dir(); std::panic::catch_unwind(|| { let sh = sh.with_current_dir(&tempdir); assert_eq!(sh.current_dir(), tempdir); std::panic::resume_unwind(Box::new(())); }) .unwrap_err(); assert_eq!(sh.current_dir(), orig); { let sh = sh.with_current_dir(&tempdir); assert_eq!(sh.current_dir(), tempdir); } } #[test] fn string_escapes() { let sh = setup(); assert_eq!(cmd!(sh, "\"hello\"").to_string(), "\"hello\""); assert_eq!(cmd!(sh, "\"\"\"asdf\"\"\"").to_string(), r##""""asdf""""##); assert_eq!(cmd!(sh, "\\\\").to_string(), r#"\\"#); } #[test] fn nonexistent_current_directory() { let mut sh = setup(); sh.set_current_dir("nonexistent"); let err = cmd!(sh, "ls").run().unwrap_err(); let message = err.to_string(); if cfg!(unix) { assert!(message.contains("nonexistent"), "{message}"); assert!(message.starts_with("failed to get current directory")); assert!(message.ends_with("No such file or directory (os error 2)")); } else { assert_eq!( message, "io error when running command `ls`: The directory name is invalid. (os error 267)" ); } }